The S-Classes That I Raised

357 Baby Su Dragon (1)

The birthday of Han Yoo-hyun, the guild leader, was the same every time. I celebrated in the guild with a Christmas Eve party on the previous day and spent it alone on the 25th of the day. You don't meet anyone, you don't call, you don't text.

There was nothing but silence in your living room that didn't turn on the TV. We've lost all contact with the outside world. In that disconnected child, Han Yoohyun remembered. When I lived with his brother.

All that was left of him was his intangible memories. That's why Yoohyun acted more decisively after leaving Han Yoo-jin. The remnants of my brother could not bear to be overwhelmed by other people.

Birthdays and everything else.

I always wore my own tie. It was unacceptable for anyone other than my brother to touch me. Cutting and trimming my hair had been in the salon before, so I was able to endure it. However, the stroke doesn't cool when the user cuts the target's wrist.

It was the same with holding hands. Even the stonemason was reluctant to shake his hand. I didn't even want to sleep where others were. Even during the dungeon raid, he refused to close his eyes even when he was drunk. No one, not a step into his realm.

Nevertheless, the memory gradually faded and faded. Whenever I did that, I felt that Han Yoohyun's own existence was being reduced. In the end, when everything is gone, he too will be gone. I had that feeling.

It was midnight. Han Yoohyun turned on the recorded file. Several years ago, a brother split up and recorded his voice on the first Christmas day.

[Happy birthday, Happy birthday.]

A slight slow voice comes from the sound of the song.

[Happy birthday dear sister…]

After a brief silence, the voice resumes again.

[Happy birthday, Yoohyun.]

And it was quiet again. No one was there to put out the candles and answer.

“Thank you, brother. ”

Han Yoohyun said badly. The stopped recording file resumes playing.

[Happy birthday, Happy birthday.]

White ice was a young window. A corner of an iron handrail with a large window faintly rusts. Han Yoohyun looked at the other side quietly. Black dress from head to toe is hard to see without using hidden items. Around him, an invisible whirlpool spreads like snow.

Light leaks out through the gaps in the curtain. The TV sounds faint as well. Han Yoo-jin hasn't left the house all day. I turned my cell phone off. I just drank a little water and sat there gawking. Like you don't want to think useless.

Han Yoohyun tried to catch the movement that was shining in a small gap. I tried not to get as close to my brother as I could. But it was hard to bear for just one day a year. Even if I go to him, I just stare at him. Even though I couldn't even pick a flower branch like when I was a child, I went through it every year.

You hear a faint footstep. The cup was taken out and the water poured out. It was almost midnight, but still nothing but water touched my mouth. I hear the footsteps stop again. Slowly approaches the window.

Han Yoohyun stopped breathing and waited. The curtain snaps, the curtain snaps. The endless gaze turned out of the window.

‘… brother. ’

Han Yoohyun felt cold. I shouldn't be cold. It was the weather that fell below freezing, but it had no effect on him. I couldn't catch a cold because of the energy I had before I was a Class S Hunter.

Nevertheless, it was cold. I'd like to tap the spear and beg you to let me in.

Han Yoo-jin stared silently outside the dark window. I put my hand on the window without a face. A handprint will be drawn on the castle in the window. Your hands twist slowly and wipe off the white energy.

“It's cold.”

Han Yoo-jin muttered a little. Han Yoohyun came closer to the window. You bring your forehead to the palm of your hand beyond the glass. It's cold. Then I can breathe.

‘Happy birthday, brother. ’

* * *

I had a dream. Some of the memories I received from Yoohyun appeared as a dream. After opening my eyes, I closed my eyes again and turned to the side. Your legs do not move properly, as if you were returning before regression.

The memories my brother gave me were only a small part compared to eight years and 25 long years. But all of the memories, not less, contained me. Until the end. Han Yoohyun always thought of only me and lived missing only me.

I wish I could lean on someone else a little more if I were that lonely. I was stubborn to the end. To the end, smiling without saying it was hard, keeping myself in sight. Suddenly, I remembered what the chaos said.

Everyday nonsense.

At that time, I guessed and looked for it later without understanding it. A Plum can last a lifetime, but it doesn't sell its scent. The young chaos was what I said to Yoohyun, but I had to think of another brother.

It's not like there were no others around. There are a lot of people who revere the guild leader even in Hae Yeon Guild. Nevertheless, I stayed alone.

... I breathed out loud and long.

‘Maybe it's the bridge. I didn't have a good dream. ’

I wonder if the body looks like it's before regression. I pushed the unpleasant memories out of my mind. It's different now. I wasn't the only one who wanted to fix my leg. Yoohyun will try to put it back in one piece.

Not only that.

‘I don't have to spend my birthday alone anymore. ’

We should have a bigger birthday party on Christmas Day, not Eve. Get a cake, get a present. Hyunah said that Yoohyun will advertise just like during Seong-hyeon's birthday, but if he doesn't, I have to do it myself. I can't lose. Secretly revealing my name... Would Yoohyun prefer to be teased that I gave it to him?

You still have that recording file. This file is no longer necessary. Maybe we should shoot a birthday party instead. Together.

And so will I, for my birthday. You won't be alone this time. Even if I wanted to be alone, I'm not the only one who'd be scared and take care of her. Yoohyun and Yerim, as well as others. Even the Stone Commandments would want to make great money and benefit from two birds.

‘Partners don't just stand there.... You're messing with me. ’

I'm a little worried already. I'm sure he'll reward you for your birthday... on that Human's birthday... Hot pink fur is fine, but you can't break the barn. Actually, I didn't break it. Maybe I should send you an invitation. If I feel like it, I don't want to send it, but I'm afraid of how I'll repay it at night.

I felt better when I imagined that Sunghyun would work. I'd rather... borrow a cruise, too. It would be better to buy it if you had to compensate anyway, but it would be expensive. How much for that? Building a building on an uninhabited island would be cheaper. Or go abroad.

“My arms and legs and shoulders and back are killing me!”

I sat up with my upper body growling. I'm not kidding. My whole body really hurt. My face was fine, but I didn't want any bruising under my clothes. Even the young chaos told us not to use potions or healing skills as much as possible, so we should refuse to treat them.

“If you're going to treat people like this, why did you bring them here? You guys are like the ones who make a medicine medicine medicine cabin while changing a flower thorn. ”

How much do I owe you? I can't even use my precious body properly. However, the room was not a prison, but a regular bedroom. You stare at the soldier standing by the door, trying to get out of bed, and then settle back down. The insult popped out of my mouth.

“Son of a bitch. Hey, your boss, that colossal bastard with a head ornament. You brought me here to raise a rider. But what if I make the bridge look like this? He doesn't seem to care about his face. Or was I just too concerned about cracking skulls and putting on wrinkle cream? I wonder where it is. It's so effective, I don't think there's any wrinkles left in my brain. ”

At that time, the door opened and a man who wanted to be smooth and handsome even to his brain appeared. You must have heard it's Class S at this hour. The injured leg rests on top of the injured leg as if it were a healthy one.

“What are we going to do, this? This is why I can't work. I can't if I want to. ”

“In the video. ”

The portrait approaches the bed. I turn my head and look up at him.

“There were laser pointers and throwing balls. I'll break the other one. ”

“... Did you steal the Wanyong Sea Piece training footage? That's too much.”

Like the son of a bitch said, I was able to train with only my arms. How the fuck am I supposed to fuck this up? I don't know about anything else, but I'd like to fold my legs in front of me just as much as the asshole in front of me.

“Then give me a crutch. It took me over ten minutes just to go to the bathroom yesterday. It's less than ten steps. ”

Do you want to see me fall and hit my head on the sink while washing?

“It's covered in dirt, and I slept without washing it properly. Give me some clothes to change into. Look at the knees. They're fractured. Please feel free to eat. Do you ever get cold feet? ”

“I'm not usually in charge of you. ”

“Well, replace it now. I think the real dog will speak better than you. ”

Ten years I am confident that I will be close as a couple. Instead of answering, he grabbed my back. I was choking and coughing.

“But I've washed my dogs, too. I've never seen a wild dog before.”

“You're the son of a bitch. ”

“You were the one crawling around. ”

“Humans are usually instruments. You don't know four in the morning, two at lunch, three at night, and that famous quiz. It's morning, but I think I'm gonna have to go on three legs. Aah! ”

You are thrown into the bathtub. You appear to have two more bruises. If there are any spots left. Then the water was swollen. Son of a bitch, really.

Luckily, the water torture pretending to be a bath was not that long. The portrait was called out, and other soldiers pulled me out, who was trembling with cold water. I hear you have a short life expectancy, but if you stay here long enough, you won't be able to live with yourself.

“Brother, how did you get caught by a mad dog? ”

I was struggling to get out of my wet clothes, but I saw a depression rate. He lowered his voice, worrying. You don't understand Korean anyway.

“That mad-”

“The portrait director. Don't say it out loud, you can hear it. ”

“She said that? ”

“Famous. I've been in the army since before the Awakening, and they're treating me like an elite, low-born insect. It's only after I've been revived to Class S that I don't have to explain. ”

You always were such a spoiled brat. I thought so.

“Still, keep your head down and do as you're told. How did you do that? ”

“Well, I caught a guy in front of him, killed him, said some shit, said there was nothing in his head, and it was fine. ”

The persecution rate opened its mouth and looked at me. His face was filled with awe.

“We took a nice walk together. You asked me to give you a bath, and now you look like this. And kind.”

“… You know what I'm saying? Take care of yourself. ”

“That's not really what you're saying. You know, just... ”

Interpreter item temporarily stopped.

“Just give me permission to run. Then you can go home on your own. ”

“No, not yet. ”

“What's the point? ”

“Keep your voice down, you'll be bugged here. I might be able to tell you an interpreter for the recording. ”

I see. The soldiers who were keeping our voices down and guarding us carefully.

“So what? ”

“I don't really know. ”

... What the hell is this guy?

“I can't tell you what I know here. First you hand him over to China, then, um, ”

A soldier approaches us. I said something and used the translator item again.

“Hurry up and change. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

After changing clothes, I was given crutches. The persecution rate was just surprising.

“Did you hurt your leg? ”

“Yeah, the son of a bitch bit me. ”

“There's the potion. ”

“You can't have potions. ”

I got up on crutches. Before the regression, I did the feasts, but I walked and ran all by myself. But it was better than yesterday. Well, I should have been on crutches for a while when I just got hurt. Will this be able to walk in time?

Soldiers broke the persecution rate and took me underground. Stairs, damn it.

“Just hold me back. ”

“Excuse me?”

“Get on your feet. I'll be up all night walking down the stairs. ”

Finally, a soldier carried me on his back. After a long time down, there was a large pool. A puddle of something rises out of the pool.

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