The S-Classes That I Raised

In South Korea at 356 (2)

“Slavish. A group of Awakened against the military. ”

Park Ye-rim looked at the photos on the file. A woman in her mid-30s dressed in blue Changpao sat in the middle and stood with swords on her sides. It was in color, but the atmosphere seems to be decades old.

“I feel like I'm filming a drama or a movie. ”

“Muslim blindness represents Muslims who appear in non-threatening films and novels. The details were barely communicated outside China. ”

Song Tae-won slightly corrected the position of holding the lamb. The lamb whips its tail and starts chewing his cuff. Song Tae-won gave up after making a bit of a difficult face.

“Is this how you normally dress? ”

“I see. It's easy to disguise yourself as a blind man once you're dressed up." The woman in the middle is sworn to secrecy. He's been wandering around the Chinese military looking for trouble. ”

“I remember Japan. I didn't know there were other hunters holding concepts. ”

Doyamin interrupted Park Ye-rim's words.

“America is no joke. An American Class S Hunter once asked Myung Wu if he could build a mid-star circular shield. ”

“Oh, really? He didn't order a hammer or a metal suit? ”

Park Ye-rim opened his mouth and burst his smile.

“I think I can make a castle out of that ice! If I have to go to America, I might get a blue dress. Copyright?”

Han Yoohyun, who didn't understand even a word Park Ye-rim said, looked at the two of them strangely.

“Last but not least, a group of Awakened. Most of them are fugitives and have Chinese nationalities instead of disguises. I can't get help because I'm not affiliated. ”

“Are the mafia and the Muslim blind helping us? ”

“Obviously. They don't want Han Yoo-jin to help the military. ”

Riders will covet blind hunters, but only if they detain someone they don't like. It was also difficult to create a new enemy called the Korean Hunter. It was much better to work with Korean hunters to hit the military and send Han Eugene back.

“The mafia, on the other hand, doesn't want to conflict with the military. So if they find out who he is, they'll just turn around. ”

“So you're going to join the Musketeers? ”

“Don't put an egg in one basket," I said. ”

“We're sharing! With the mafia and the mobsters. ”

Park Ye-rim looked troubled.

“If I was a mafia... I'd be too conspicuous. ”

A junior high girl mafia, no matter how Awakened she is, will be suspicious to anyone without completely changing her appearance.

“I also have to go blind. What about you, Yoohyun? ”

“It doesn't matter. If only I could get my brother back sooner. ”

“Blind are the ones who can move easily. Even if they commit violent acts against the military, there is little suspicion because they are the same organization. ”

“Then I'm a blind man! Let's watch a non-threatening movie before we go. What's famous about it?”

“Eastern Fire, Soo Kangho. Watch the drama when you have time. Cao Cao's War, the Dragon Age of Medicine. He's over 15 years old. ”

DoHamin, who was lingering on the couch, whispered quickly.

“There's a book. I'll lend it to you. Let's see if the Mafia cares. ”

“Yes, Han Yoohyun, come with me. ”

“Why should I? ”

“They say it's good to be blind. Maybe I'll see you sooner. So Seung and Director Song are going to disguise themselves as the mafia? ”

Park Ye-rim said, looking at Song Tae-won. The Holy Father and Dohamin also turned their gaze toward him. Although he was a public official, Song Tae-won opened his mouth to the eyes.

“I'll do it if I have to. ”

“... I want to follow and watch. ”

DoHamin muttered excitedly. Song Tae-won politely refused when he asked if I could recommend Cody.

Another brief explanation of China's internal situation followed by Song Tae-won.

“I'm sorry, but there are time limits to this. ”

“Director Song, are you on vacation? ”

“No, it's graduation day. ”

Park Ye-rim tilted his head, saying, "What does it matter?" Song Tae-won explained to her.

“On the day of the College Math proficiency test, Class S Hunters will also be borrowed. In order to avoid damages to the test ground during dungeon braking, we need to disperse and standby throughout the country for rapid response. ”

“Oh, I think I've seen it on TV. ”

“A significant decrease in the likelihood of dungeon braking could lead to criticism if it is known that many Class S Hunters have left on the day of the inauguration. The impact of the last monsters appeared has not yet been completely eliminated. ”

“It won't take that long. We need to get the warden back to his post as soon as possible. ”

Song Tae-won nodded briefly and opened his mouth again.

“How do you plan to build your alibi? ”

“I decided to go to Japan. The leader of the Japanese guild said he would help. ”

Sio was very cooperative when he heard about Han Eugene's abduction. He also told me that he would help create fake trails in Park Ye-rim, and that he would go directly to China.

“I'm about to enter a Class S dungeon that requires an assault. ”

Han Yoohyun said that there is a Class S dungeon that needs to be targeted in the year. I planned to give a short interview about keeping my brother in a position to come back and pretend to enter the attack. Of course, the actual strike team was a class A hunter team of Yeon-yeon. Originally, the Class S sub-dungeon was a targeted team, and two unicorns were to be accompanied this time.

“I am.”

The paladin was speaking out of the front of the table.

“It's been a long time since I've had a home pension. ”

Song Tae-won consciously took a step back with the lamb in his arms.

“Song Tae-won should be treated as a long-term hospitalization to prevent a class S hunter who is disappointed in the loose handling of the government and the Hunter Association. I just had a hospital. I'll put you in a special room for a relaxing vacation. ”

The offer itself was not bad. However, Song Tae-won narrowed his eyes.

“There are a lot of other moderate ways. ”

“It's a little annoying, a little annoying. ”

Dohamin, who was looking carefully, quickly got up and avoided behind Park Ye-rim. Han Yoohyun also threw a word.

“My brother told me not to destroy his building. ”

I don't care if you fight or not, I told you to get out there. Park Ye-rim, on the other hand, lit up his eyes. I was ready to follow them when they left.

“Enough with the anger. ”


Sunghyun raised his lip.

“Do you think you'll be this angry? It's a need-to-know move. The person I promised to protect has been kidnapped, but officially they don't respond very well, so how funny would it be if I ended up with that? ”

You should at least pretend to be mad at the government and the association. As I said so, the developer twisted his toes a little. They will attack. Song Tae-won quickly identified the situation.

If he doesn't respond, he may lose his temper and retreat. But now there are anaesthetics and low-grade baby monsters in this place. The choice of doing nothing was hard for Song Tae-won. Is there any room to put the lamb down? The moment I thought about it, Seonghyun stepped off.

The gap between the two of them was quickly narrowed. Song Tae-won turned and raised one leg. The weight-lifting kick was taken to my forearm without the sexual agent intentionally avoiding it.

Phew! With a heavy bang, the Holy Father's body is pushed back. He kicks as hard as he can to change the place of battle and make room for it. Beyond scratching the floor, the back of the Holy Father hit the wall. A special wall of layers is crushed to silence a Class S Hunter.


The holy agent, who was pushed to the dirt and sunny trails at noon, straightened his posture and lightly plucked his collar.

“Stay put. ”

Song Tae-won lowered his lamb. Then you walk through the debris and over the hole in the wall.

“I'll make it up to you. ”

Pretend to fight properly and then fall down. As the Holy See says, the Seung-gil who has to protect the pasture and the vivarium will feel suspicious when they pass by like this. The influence itself was still different from the lack of smoke and breakers. However, the more difficult it would be to protest and take part in the guild, the better it would be to end up with an individual deviation from the guild leader.

Even Song Tae-won is on vacation now, so if he finishes in his line, nothing would be a big problem.

“Song Tae-won, Yin, you can be more emotional now. ”

“… What are you talking about? ”

“About Han Yoo-jin's work. ”

“Though kidnapped, there's no problem with the statue. So, Park Ye-rim Hunter as well as Han Yoo-hyun Hunter are relatively calm. ”

Sunghyun lifts one arm lightly. The heel breaks the block of the walkway, and his body quickly approaches right in front of Song Tai Won. Two people's forearms crossed against each other. As the lamb grabs the loose tie and pulls it, the paladin says it's small enough that it can't be heard by Class S hunters beyond the collapsed wall.

“The children don't know yet. It seems that the light of the stone is purposely silent. But Song Tae-won is different. ”

“ ……. ”

“It's not like in Hong Kong. It was a prize. A precious body that needs to remain at its best until it can be sold. But right now, you're going to want to be the master. ”

If you do not listen to him, you must tame him using harsh means. Of course, your life will not fall into danger. It may be surprisingly fine. But it's definitely different from Hong Kong.

Song Tae-won's purchase was faintly solidified. I did not miss the gap that stopped along with the movement, and the Hyundai bent his knee and put it sharply into Song Tae-won's body. The tie is torn apart with a sudden evasive movement. Song Tae-won's side was torn long and Seong-hyun turned around half a turn and subsequently kicked him.


Song Tae-won, who was hit by a kick with a rotational force, flies to the barrel of the vivarium and falls down. He pretended to be in trouble on a very cracked wall.

“My partner will nag me when he comes back. ”

Song Tae-won leaned back against the falling wall and looked at the current system. It didn't seem like I was going to be injured around here.

“That's it? Should I call Seung Sung Hospital? ”

Park Ye-rim notices quickly and mutters small, "Can I go back now?"

“You can explain the situation to Evelyn Hunter and she'll take care of it. I'll ask the young master to shut me up. It's a place overlooking the Maritime Guild. ”

Han Yoohyun replied that he knew and turned around. Park Ye-rim also took out her cell phone and followed behind her, and she quickly moved away.

“When I look at Song Tae-won, sometimes I wonder if killing my breath will help. ”

Maybe that's more compassionate than letting him live with himself. Of course, Seonghyeon won't kill Song Tae-won. I didn't even have the slightest mind to carry out such a boring last. Seonghyun, who slowly walked, placed his foot on Song Tae-won's bridge.

“I think we should break a leg to make it look good. ”

The answer never came back. There was no defiance as if to do what he wanted.

When the silence settled, the black bristles jumped over the pierced wall. A lamb approaching with a lightweight gait swirls around two people. Song Tae-won looked at the lamb with a slight impression.

“… I told you to stay put. ”

- Honey.

The lamb stops near Song Tae-won as if she didn't understand him. Song Tae-won clenched his fist as he lay on the ground at all. Then you slap the lamb right next to her.


- Honey!

The angry lamb flees. However, after turning around and staring at Song Tae-won, he scratched the floor with his ring hoof.

- Pussy!

A little lamb leaps forward to Song Tae-won. With a thick forearm and a poorly horned head, I squat down again as if the person has loosened.

- Hawk.

“Young are said to resemble nurturing guardians. ”

The holy agent, who was just watching, bent his waist and hugged the lamb. She turns slightly, but the lamb sounds relatively still. Sunghyun smiled at the way he looked up at himself.

“Congratulations, Song Tae-won. There is one more lamb who is threatened by you and does not flee. ”

“ ……. ”

Song Tae-won shut up, then tightly shut up again.

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