The rise of nanometers

Chapter 738 Construction (2)

Let us turn our attention from the Blue Star synchronous orbit to the Blue Star low-Earth orbit.

Tiangong Space Station.

At the beginning of 2018, the Federal Ministry of Space Affairs established the Space Tourism Bureau, which is responsible for managing the business of space tourism.

At the same time, the procedures for space tourism have also been further optimized.

However, the age limit for people who can apply for space tourism is still between 20 and 50 years old. People who are too young or too old are not allowed to apply to enter outer space.

As for diseases, currently, the Federation has conquered most diseases, including artificial nano-organs that were previously under development and have now entered the mass production stage.

There are already artificial nano-organs for the heart, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract, etc. As for artificial ears, artificial eyes, etc., they were launched on a large scale more than a year earlier than the heart.

Cancer has also been comprehensively suppressed. After so many years of hard work, the federation has established a complete set of universal physical examination systems. Many diseases are nipped in the bud as soon as they appear, without giving them a chance to worsen.

Currently, there are only three major types of diseases that the Federation has not conquered, namely infectious diseases caused by rapidly mutating microorganisms, human genetic diseases, and space syndrome.

Microbial infection is a long-standing problem. The method generally adopted now is a multi-pronged comprehensive therapy, that is, using multiple types of broad-spectrum antibiotics, special vaccines, and targeted elimination by nanorobots.

Although we cannot be 100% immune to microbial attacks, we are still not as helpless as before.

You must know that in the past, after being infected by microorganisms, especially viruses, humans either relied on their own immunity to fight it off, or waited for a vaccine.

Unlike now, major pharmaceutical companies in the Federation have successively developed many new antibiotics, coupled with various nanorobots specifically designed to deal with microorganisms, which can resist microbial inflammatory storms in the early stages.

Ensure that patients can wait until the vaccine is successfully developed.

If broad-spectrum antibiotics and nanorobots cannot suppress microbial infections, there is one last option.

That is the "cryonics technology" that was just approved by the Federal Ministry of Health this year.

That's right, it's cryonics technology. After several years of improvement, this technology has finally reduced a series of side effects to a very small level.

As long as the continuous freezing time does not exceed 45 months, the patient's body will not have serious side effects after thawing.

This gives many patients another option. If they encounter a terminal illness that cannot be solved now, they can also choose to enter a hibernation chamber and travel to the future to wait for the emergence of new technologies.

Especially for microbial infections, patients are often killed by microorganisms before a vaccine is successfully developed.

After all, the current vaccine development cycle, if safety is to be taken into consideration, will start in a year and a half at the earliest.

Obviously many patients simply cannot wait that long.

At this time, cryonics technology can play a role, directly freezing the patient's vital signs, and then thawing and rescuing the patient after the vaccine is successfully developed.

After talking about microbial infectious diseases, let’s talk about genetic diseases and space syndrome. These two major types of diseases are also full of difficulties.

In terms of genetic diseases, human genetic sequences are involved. To completely cure this disease, the only way is to modify the genes.

If it is an organic genetic disease, such as color blindness, deafness, muteness, Parkinson's disease, etc., symptomatic treatment can now be done.

As for some patients with hereditary mental illness, there is basically no solution at this stage. They can only wait for the further development of human brain science in the future before they can be treated.

The last space syndrome is a new challenge that humans must face when they live in outer space for a long time.

The solution proposed by the Federal Ministry of Science, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Aerospace after joint research is the "Full Simulation Blue Star Environment" and "Transition Body Plan."

Of these two solutions, one is to change external adverse factors, and the other is to change human genes so that humans can adapt to changes in the external environment.

In addition to these three major categories of diseases, other diseases have basically been comprehensively conquered.

Even in modern developed areas, obesity is common, and the federal government has a complete set of treatment plans.

For example, with a sports exoskeleton robot, no matter how lazy you are, as long as you set the movement mode, the robot will execute the program regardless of rain or shine.

Want to sleep in?

The robot is directly attached to the user, and then helps the user brush their teeth and wash their face, make breakfast, warm up for long-distance running, etc.

With the assistance of robots, even a fat man weighing 300 pounds can be transformed into a very healthy and strong state within half a year.

The reason why many people can't lose weight is usually because they can't stick to it, and robots can help users "passively" stick to it.

Generally, as long as it takes more than a month, users will regard passive fitness as a new habit.

The Federation has also worked hard to improve the people's system. After all, there will be a large-scale entry into outer space in the future. If there are a lot of fat people weighing 300 pounds among the people, then these fat people will definitely not meet the standards for space travel.

This is also a disguised way to enhance the overall potential of the federation.

Just like this time, as soon as the expansion of space tourism was announced, the number of people in the federation who were eligible for space travel, excluding the Americas and Lucia regions that had just joined last year, the proportion of local people who met the standards was as high as 32.71%.

That’s almost half of those of the right age who pass the institutional standards.

If we use this standard to evaluate the American region, only about 12 to 14% of the eligible people there meet the standard.

Obesity, drug addiction, and mental illness are common in the Americas, and they directly wipe out most of the people.

At this time, the Tiangong Space Station has received an average of one space tourism flight per week, with about 20 to 30 tourists at a time, and the cost per person has also dropped to 150,000 credits.

For the federal territories with excellent welfare, especially the Greater China area in the old areas, it is very easy for ordinary people to spend 150,000 credit points.

In particular, many people who have Hua Yuan savings tend to spend Hua Yuan on space tourism. After all, these Hua Yuan have entered a semi-cancelled state.

Now the federation is taking back the Chinese dollars in order to destroy them and then completely replace them with credits.

Dai Xiaohai, who has always been obsessed with space tourism, finally completed his dream journey.

The couple were wearing internal pressure suits and were on a garbage cleaning spacecraft, which is specially designed to clean up space debris in orbit.

Several other tourists were also discussing.

The work of cleaning up the spaceship was very boring. Dai Xiaohai and others lost interest after watching it for a while.

After all, real space life is so boring, and thrills like movies are just the result of artistic processing.

If it is really so thrilling, it is estimated that not many astronauts can persist. They are here to work, not to risk their lives.

The spacecraft's radar, coupled with monitoring satellites in orbit, scans the surrounding space for debris.

After determining the specific location of the space debris, the spacecraft will approach it and then use various methods to clean up the space debris.

For example, capture and take it away, destroy it on the spot, and guide it to fall.

Although the cleaning efficiency of space debris is quite slow under this working mode, at least the space debris in low-Earth orbit has shown a gradual reduction trend.

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