The rise of nanometers

Chapter 737 Construction (1)

The relevant arrangements of the Federation were quickly implemented by the Ministry of Aerospace.

For example, for the external modification work of large spacecraft, just before the arrival of 2018, a comprehensive modification was completed and an absorbing coating was added.

In addition, laser radiators are also deliberately used to dissipate heat inside the spacecraft using irregular variable frequency lasers.

The benefits of this heat dissipation method not only meet the shortcomings of easy heat accumulation after the spacecraft outer shell is replaced with an absorbing coating; it can also use variable-frequency lasers to disrupt the observations of the solar system by external civilizations.

In order to enhance the disruptive effect, the radiator not only uses a variable frequency laser radiator, but also the laser emission direction of the radiator is constantly adjusted.

The other is to improve the thermal efficiency inside the spacecraft as much as possible and reduce the heat radiation emitted to the outside.

In this way, under the radiation background of the sun and planets, human spacecraft will reduce the possibility of being observed by external civilizations.

The Federation does not understand the laws of survival of the universe, and does not know whether the universe is a cruel world like a dark forest, or a relatively tolerant one.

But the chain of suspicion in the universe is definitely indispensable.

After all, it is difficult for a primary civilization at the level of human civilization to understand the true situation of the universe. Without understanding the universe, the best solution is to try to hide yourself.

Even if it turns out that this was just a false alarm, humanity has not actually lost much.

But if it is true, then the federation's approach can reduce the possibility of human civilization being discovered, thereby extending the time of human civilization.

All this is based on the need for survival.

It does not mean that since there is no theory of faster-than-light navigation, we can rest assured that other alien civilizations do not have faster-than-light navigation technology.

When evaluating others, it is best not to be too self-centered, especially when using yourself as a template. When evaluating opponents, it is easy to make preconceived errors.

In the face of civilization as a whole, no one is qualified to imagine alien civilizations as "friendly civilizations", because this idea is likely to push human civilization into the endless abyss.

After all, analyze it from a sociological perspective.

Every civilization that can develop will develop with war to some extent. The history of mankind is a bloody history of war.

Alien civilizations are hardly an exception. This is the instinct of life and one of the laws of nature.

Just like now, when the Federation discovered a giant civilization 132 light-years away, its first reaction was to be wary of the other party instead of trying to contact it.

Because no one knows what kind of civilization is on the other side.

If the other party is an unfriendly civilization, then the Federation's initiative to contact it will undoubtedly expose the coordinates of the solar system.

Geostationary space station.

On the newly built skeleton, more than a dozen spacecraft are parked for rest, unloading supplies and raw materials, or providing temporary living space for astronauts.

Phillips, who transferred from NASA, returned to Blue Star for a rest nine months ago, and then went through a series of changes before returning to space again.

He is currently building a wooden space station and is responsible for managing living supplies. The astronauts' living area is a temporary space station made up of eight spacecrafts.

After all, the construction of the Jianmu Space Station has not yet been completed. According to the progress of the preliminary planning, it is expected that the Jianmu Space Station will complete the preliminary construction around July this year.

Although the scale of the Jianmu Space Station is quite large, reaching 58,300 tons, it is really dwarfed by the nearly 400,000 tons of cables.

In order to further strengthen the stability of the Jianmu Space Station, the Ministry of Aerospace plans to start the second phase of the project after the first phase of the project is completed to increase the scale of the Jianmu Space Station to about 120,000 to 130,000 tons.

Phillips knew something about the construction plan. For former NASA astronauts like them, the Federation did not strictly guard against it because it was unnecessary.

After all, whether it is Blue Star or outer space, the Federation is the only one.

So what if the astronauts knew some secrets? Could it be that there are hostile forces that could threaten the Federation?

The West Continent Alliance, which is still struggling, is not that the Federation looks down upon them, but that the society there has not yet stabilized after being hit by a series of natural disasters.

Various demons and monsters within the Xizhou Alliance are rising one after another, making the Xizhou Alliance, which was originally a mess, likely to collapse and disintegrate.

Now asking the Western Continent Alliance to catch up with the Federation in outer space is not chasing them, it is asking them to self-destruct on the spot as soon as possible.

There is not enough food to eat, and we are vigorously promoting the aerospace industry. I am afraid I don’t want to receive box lunches early.

Moreover, within the Xizhou Alliance, each of the participating countries now also has their own agendas.

Some of them desperately want to join the Federation so that they can hug their thighs and lie flat; some do not want the Western Continent Alliance to disintegrate and join the Federation as a whole to enhance their voice in the Federation; and some of them resist joining the Federation and want to play on their own behind closed doors.

Such a chaotic internal situation has not completely collapsed now. It is because the Federation does not want to cause trouble that the Western Continent Alliance can barely maintain the current situation.

As long as the Federation has the idea of ​​absorbing Xizhou, as long as the idea is released, they will probably start fighting among themselves.

Therefore, former NASA and Lucia Space Agency astronauts, engineers and researchers were reused after being carefully screened.

After all, these people are the essence of mankind. There is no need to be too defensive and behave like enemies.

At least the federation will not use any discrimination on the surface, but the secret monitoring intensity is unprecedentedly powerful.

For example, the remnants of Thomas who once lurked in the Americas immediately launched a cleanup after the Federation annexed the Noah Society.

Those brain-controlled devices that leaked out have also been completely confiscated by the Intelligence Department to ensure that no new remnants of Thomas will appear.

As for those former Thomas remnants, even if they slip through the net, the Intelligence Department will continue to pay attention.

With the help of identity bracelets and a comprehensive monitoring system, no matter how powerful these Thomas remnants are, they must hide themselves obediently.

Phillips and his colleagues had just finished checking a batch of living supplies when they saw a spacecraft slowly moored in Area 3.

"This should be the spacecraft on the moon side. It seems that the construction of the Jianmu Space Station will continue to accelerate." Colleague Yang Xiaoyang said thoughtfully.

"A spaceship from the moon?" Phillips was still not familiar with it.

Yang Xiaoyang explained: "The spacecraft on the moon has one characteristic, and that is the structure of the spacecraft and the engine tail flame."

After some explanation, Phillips understood the difference.

Since the moon lacks nitrogen resources, spacecraft on the moon mostly use hydrogen-oxygen engines, so the engine tail flame is light blue; while spacecraft in low-Earth orbit mostly use N20/N30 as fuel, and the tail flame is light red.

The other aspect is the structure of the spacecraft.

The spacecraft manufactured in Guanghan Palace City of the Moon is like a regular hexagonal cylinder with some external auxiliary engines.

Blue Star's spaceships mostly use cylinders.

Therefore, in terms of appearance, local astronauts who are familiar with the situation can see the difference between the two at a glance.

As for Yang Xiaoyang's statement that the construction of the space station will be accelerated, it is not nonsense, but the lunar zone can supply some raw materials.

Regardless of the fact that Jianmu Space Station is in the synchronous orbit of Blue Star, from the perspective of actual transportation cost and transportation efficiency, the lunar zone has more advantages.

This is also the gravity of Blue Star, coupled with the dense atmosphere, so that spacecraft launched from the ground of Blue Star require quite high energy consumption.

Thank you for your support (ω`), there will be another update before twelve o’clock (_)

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