The rise of nanometers

Chapter 475 Training

The next day, early in the morning.

Jin Damao packed his luggage with the help of several roommates, and then took a bus to the Han River in the northwest of Seoul, where Seoul's No. 1 sewage treatment plant is located.

This sewage treatment plant was one of the few state-owned enterprises in Goryeo. However, such enterprises usually suffered serious losses, so the chaebol naturally looked down upon it.

As soon as Blue Age, United Group, and Beijing Enterprises Group rushed in, they quickly captured the local tap water, sewage treatment, sanitation, and garbage recycling, and successfully obtained part of the gas market.

After so many years of development, Blue Age has become more capable. As soon as it acquired the water plant and sewage treatment plant, it began the overall upgrade.

Before the Chinese New Year, these water plants, desalination plants, and sewage plants were almost completely renovated.

When Jin Damao came to report, the sewage plant was already in operation, and there were more than a dozen employees who joined him.

A deputy supervisor led everyone to the dormitory area.

"If you want to pass the internship period and become a full-time employee, you must obey the arrangements and training, otherwise you will pack up and leave after three months." The deputy supervisor is a young man who is also a Korean who has studied and trained in China. .

Although many people were calling this young man a traitor in their hearts, they still suppressed their depression in order to eat.

After all, the unemployment rate in Korea is very high now, as high as about 24%. It is estimated that more than 12 million people are unemployed. This is a real Great Depression.

If it were not for the support of rural areas, with the current economic situation, social problems would have arisen long ago.

Chinese companies have provided millions of jobs in the past six months or so, effectively suppressing the continued deterioration of Korea's economy.

In fact, this is also a mess deliberately left behind by Wall Street. They knew they could no longer stay in Northeast Asia, so they started to stir up trouble in the last period of time, making the Korean economy even worse.

The dormitory is a four-person dormitory, and each employee has a small room and a small living room, which is similar to the house Jin Damao shared outside.

After cleaning and organizing the dormitory, Jin Damao also got acquainted with several co-workers. They were all unemployed homeless people who had the same problem.

The more mature Jin Damao was temporarily appointed as the dormitory director.

Near noon, the deputy director came over and asked everyone to have dinner.

The old employees of the sewage treatment plant have been queuing up for meals. Unlike the anxious new employees, the old employees are discussing what to eat today or the trivial things at home, and they appear to be very leisurely.

When it was the new employee's turn to eat, many people started shouting and yelling. The deputy manager felt very embarrassed and reprimanded with a straight face:

"Quiet! What are you yelling about?"

This made the new employees quiet down, but the surprise in their eyes did not diminish.

It was Jin Damao's turn. He stood in front of the ordering counter and looked at the dazzling array of dishes. He wanted to scream for a moment, but he still restrained the urge to shout.

"Order as much as you want, and don't waste it if you don't have enough." The kitchen aunt reminded.

"Okay! Thanks for reminding me!" Jin Damao hurriedly ordered twice-cooked pork, braised pork, mapo tofu, and shrimp and sponge gourd.

The kitchen aunt made him another corn, carrot and pork ribs soup.

For locals who spend their days making kimchi and instant noodles, the dishes at Big Foodie Empire are definitely the most delicious of worldly delicacies.

Sitting at a table with three other people in the dormitory, the rejection and dissatisfaction in everyone's hearts were diluted by the delicious food.


"too delicious."

"Wow! How long have I not eaten meat?"

All the new employees seemed to be reincarnated as if they were hungry ghosts, which made the old employees involuntarily show contempt and a sense of superiority.

Halfway through the meal, Jin Damao burped, showing a satisfied look.

"Brother Damao, the company also held a welcome lunch specifically for our induction. It felt pretty good, although the salary is lower." A young new employee said in a low voice.

Others also thought it was a special extra meal to welcome new employees.

The deputy director also heard these words, but he did not explain anything. People who have been living in Korea have no understanding of the outside situation and have a kind of mysterious confidence.

He went to China to study and learned what it means to be strong and wealthy. You don’t have to cut watermelon into small pieces, eat meat by the slice, and don’t have kimchi, rice, and instant noodles for three meals a day.

Vegetables, fruits and meats in Korea are ridiculously expensive, especially after the economic recession in the past two years, prices have skyrocketed.

After eating, everyone got another large piece of watermelon.

Started job training in the afternoon.

Jin Damao was assigned to the water purification dispatching room, specializing in water purification dispatching work. After sewage treatment, a large amount of pure water will be produced, and this pure water needs to be dispatched.

Either sent to the water plant, or sent to the reserve reservoir, or discharged into the Han River. Some of it will be used for landscaping, road cleaning, spray cooling and dust reduction.

Seeing the pure water in front of him flowing quickly to the water plant, Jin Damao felt a little distant and asked the team leader in a low voice: "Senior Zhiming, is this water really sent to the water plant?"

"What are you worried about? You feel sick? Stupid wooden head, you couldn't even drink this water before." The team leader looked at Jin Damao angrily, and then reminded him with a half-smile:

"I forgot to tell you that the domestic water in the factory is clean water after sewage treatment."

vomit! A feeling of nausea suddenly came to his heart, and Jin Damao felt bad all over.

"Hahaha..." The other old employees laughed loudly, disgusting these rookies and becoming one of their bad jokes.

This is also a psychological hurdle that sewage plant employees must pass. If sewage plant employees do not drink the treated purified water, how can we make the public drink it with confidence?

At night, the sewage plant is still brightly lit.

Inside the cafeteria.

The new employees once again turned into starving ghosts. Even Jin Damao, who was disgusted, had selective amnesia and started eating and drinking desperately.

Back in the dormitory area, Jin Damao shared the "secret of water purification" with several co-workers based on the idea that it would be better for everyone to feel sick if I was sick alone.

Then all the new employees were disgusted, but many of them had strong psychological endurance and quickly adapted to it.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

The recreation room next to the dormitory.

A group of new employees, except for a few people on duty, the remaining 8 people were called over.

The deputy director gave everyone a few books: "This is the cultural content of the induction training. If you want to be a team leader, room director, or manager, you must study these books."

Jin Damao read several books, including "Quick Start in Chinese", "World History", "Articles of Association of Suiren Company", "Self-cultivation of an Excellent Employee", and "Interstellar Age: Astronauts and Ground People".

"This training is not compulsory, but if you want to become a mid- to senior-level employee and get higher wages and benefits, these are necessary." the deputy director reminded.

"Senior! Can you really be promoted?" Jin Damao asked cautiously.

The deputy director said with a smile: "Let me tell you a hidden rule. After three months, you will have a final exam for the internship period. Among the three subjects of Chinese, culture, and charter, you must pass at least one subject, otherwise you will be refused to officially Accepted."

Everyone felt nervous. It was hard to find a job now. If they were fired, they would have to go back to their previous status.

The deputy director continued to say casually: "If you can get good or excellent ratings, as well as rewards and salary bonuses, which will lay the foundation for future promotions, you can figure it out yourself!"

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