The rise of nanometers

Chapter 474 Hidden Rules


This name came back here again, quietly.

At this time, in the southern area of ​​Seoul, a dozen workers were replacing the signboard of an office building formerly owned by Samsung Properties.

Jin Damao, who had been unemployed for half a year, was wandering aimlessly on the streets, his hands in his pockets and his stomach growling.

Being so strapped for money, he only ate one meal a day. If he couldn't survive, he would have no choice but to return to the countryside and die.

"When will this damn world end?" He complained to himself, maybe because he was too hungry. He sat in front of a convenience store and looked at the office building on the opposite road where the sign was being replaced.

The previous rusty signboard of this 56-story office building was removed, and a brand new signboard was slowly erected with the efforts of cranes and workers.

[Blue Age Group (Korea Branch)]

Huh? The name of this company sounds familiar? Jin Damao felt as if he had seen the name of this company somewhere.

He looked at the sign again, and the pure Chinese name finally reminded him of where he had seen this company.

"This company is not Chinese? It seems to be engaged in environmental protection. Is the other party allowed to enter?"

Just as Jin Damao was thinking about it, at the entrance of the office building, a few people who seemed to be employees pulled up several banners with some words written on them in Chinese and Korean.

Jin Damao took a closer look and saw that it was a recruitment message. Although he disliked Suiren companies very much, dignity was nothing in the face of survival.

Fighting back the feeling of hunger, he ran directly across the road, came to the recruitment tent, and asked very nervously: "Are you recruiting workers?"

The female employee nodded: "Yes, this is the job list, you can take a look."

Jin Damao grabbed the job list and browsed it quickly. The employees recruited by Blue Era were mainly sanitation workers, sweeper truck drivers, recycling factory operators, sewage treatment plant operators, gas plant operators, etc.

The basic salary is 1,500 to 2,500 Chinese yuan, including food and accommodation, overtime pay and a series of benefits.

This wage level is much lower than in the Blue Era in China. The minimum wage for sanitation workers with the lowest wages in the country has been raised to 2,800 yuan.

Although the salary is low, Jin Damao can't care about it. After all, he has food and accommodation included. He is already thirty-two years old, and with his low education, it is difficult to find a job in an ordinary factory.

"I want to apply for a job as an operator in a sewage treatment plant."

The female employee took out a form and a ballpoint pen: "Fill it out yourself and give me your ID card."


Jin Damao handed over his ID card, picked up a ballpoint pen and looked at the contents of the form, filling it out one by one. However, when he filled it out to the end, he was stumped.

"Sorry, how do I fill in the last option?"

The female employee said expressionlessly: "Write whatever you believe. It's best not to hide anything, otherwise it will be regarded as dishonest."

Jin Damao scratched his messy hair. Although his parents believed in the Lord, he was not very interested in it, and he stayed away from strange things.

After a final struggle, he checked the box next to the unbelievers and signed his name and fingerprints at the end.

The HR manager was dispatched from Shandong Province. Through Jin Damao's ID card, he retrieved the relevant information of this person and some of his comments on the Internet.

After looking at the form filled in by the other party, the HR manager nodded and told the female employee: "Ha Na, let this Jin Damao go to the sewage treatment plant for a three-month internship tomorrow. If he passes the internship assessment, he will be allowed to stay. "

"Okay, Manager Li." The female employee smiled and nodded.

Jin Damao, who couldn't understand Chinese, was waiting uneasily. When he heard that the female employee asked him to go to the sewage treatment plant for an internship tomorrow, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he didn't know that if he made the wrong choice on some sensitive options, it would be impossible to enter the internship.

Soon, Blue Age's recruitment in various parts of Korea quickly attracted a large number of locals. After all, Blue Age provided 76,000 positions.

For Korea, where unemployment remains high, these jobs have become a lifeline.

The number of applicants in this recruitment has reached hundreds of thousands. Except for some positions that were transferred from the military, the remaining more than 50,000 positions are all recruited from the society.

However, as more and more people were kicked off the job, locals began to summarize some unspoken rules for passing the initial test.

For example, those who can speak Chinese will be given priority, and those who have no faith will be easier to pass. Veterans will also be able to pass easily.

If it is someone with weird letters, they will usually be removed.

This is also the unspoken recruitment rule of many Chinese companies, which clearly tells you that you must learn Chinese and meet certain conditions to be accepted by Chinese companies.

Especially for foreign employees who want to be promoted to the middle and senior levels of Chinese companies, Chinese is basically a hard target. If they don't know Chinese, how to communicate with the management of the Chinese headquarters? You can't just have a translator! Wouldn't this increase labor costs in disguise?

Many locals who knew a little bit of Chinese stood out in this job competition and became the first batch of employees in the Blue Era.

Jin Damao, who passed the first test, took out the last bit of money and went to the supermarket to buy some things and prepare for a full meal.

Back at the rental house, several people he shared the house with were sitting in the small living room dejectedly. Jin Damao said with some embarrassment:

"Everyone is here, do you want to eat together?"

"Then I won't be polite." A young man came to life with full blood.

The other two people also looked happy. After all, we are all brothers and sisters. In the past few months, they have barely been able to afford the rent, let alone enough to eat.

The induction cooker was turned on, the instant noodles and kimchi were poured in, and everyone started to feast as if they were reincarnated by starving ghosts.

"Hoo ho! So hot!"

"Da Mao, have you found a job?"

Jin Damao took a bite of instant noodles and nodded: "Yes, I applied for a job at the Blue Age Seoul Sewage Treatment Plant this morning, and I will move out tomorrow."

After hearing the news, everyone fell silent for a while, because Jin Damao moved out and there would be one less person to share the rent next month.

"Congratulations! Brother Damao! Don't forget us in the future."

"Absolutely." Jin Damao didn't want to continue this heavy topic, so he smiled and said, "Everyone, eat quickly. It won't taste good when it's cold."

For this area ruled by plutocrats, the sun has not shone in for a long time. The entry of a number of Chinese companies has broken this stagnant water.

Compared with greedy Wall Street capital and colluding chaebols, Chinese companies such as Suiren Group are more inclined to support small and medium-sized enterprises. After all, large chaebols are not easy to control and can easily backfire.

A large chaebol such as the Suiren Department has actually completed a change in nature and cannot be treated as a simple enterprise.

The big family-style chaebols are the ones that should be restricted and suppressed.

The purpose of the entry of Chinese companies this time is to take the share of Wall Street. It has not completely cut off the roots of Goryeo's local chaebols.

The next step is to gradually break up and weaken these large conglomerates that are still surviving, and support some emerging small and medium-sized enterprises.

Companies such as Suiren Group gradually mastered the local infrastructure, first used work-for-relief methods to boost the local economy, and gradually expanded their influence.

This time I enter, I have no intention of exiting, but I want to thoroughly digest this place.

Thank you for your support (ω`)

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