The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1221: Gather the wealth of the world in Yilin

The next day, Chen Mo accompanied Lao Yan to the provincial capital.

   Yang Fei is still following the steps, preparing for the groundbreaking ceremony.

   With so many shareholders joining, Yang Fei has no problems with funding.

   In order to build the Yilin Eighteen Scenic Spots, Yang Fei has registered two branches of Yilin, one is Shibajing Tourism Company, and the other is Yilin Green Organic Crops Company, both of which are set up under the subsidiary of Six Six Six Company.

   After these new shareholders joined in, only the shares of the two branch companies were diluted, and it did not affect the ownership of the assets of the 666 company.

   The current 666 companies, the total investment in major cities across the country, as well as huge bank mortgages and loans, are huge, and no one can just embezzle equity.

   There are economic analysts and critics who have summarized the development model of Yang Fei Liuliu Liu Shopping Plaza, and published corresponding works, collectively refer to this phenomenon as the Liuliu Business Model.

   The six-six-six business model refers to the "order model."

   First talk about investment promotion, and then start building commercial properties to ensure that they can be put into use quickly after later development, which reduces the risk of investment promotion and is also conducive to the return of funds.

   Yang Fei doesn't do real estate, but it is no wonder that he has taken the prime location of the city and selected the right business to dominate the business.

   The six-six-six business model is now adopting the third-generation development strategy to develop urban complexes.

   takes "a six-six-six-six-square, one city center" as its brand value positioning. The site is located in the center of the city or the future development center, and the combined development of large-scale commercial and office buildings will enhance the regional value.

In    666 business model, there are no residential buildings. He only develops the most commercially valuable commercial and office buildings in the most prime locations.

   Therefore, in the eyes of the world, 666 Company is not a real estate company.

   However, in fact, Yang Fei reserves a large amount of land for the construction of corresponding supporting real estate, such as large-scale professional parking lots and staff dormitories. These operations are not for outsiders.

   In addition, Yang Fei has a large share in Zhao Jianye’s company. Every time Zhao Jianye builds a real estate, it can sell well, and Yang Fei can also get a share of it.

   In early 1999, someone once counted Yang Fei’s wealth, which was estimated at 6 billion.

   Yang Fei saw this data, but just smiled and didn't comment.

   He also doesn't know, how do others calculate the total assets of 6 billion?

   Of course, what others estimate is only personal wealth.

   In other words, the 6 billion is Yang Fei’s personal wealth, excluding other shareholders’ funds.

   At the time, Yang Fei was building six production bases, and five of them had not yet been put into production.

   If we only count the production base of Peach Blossom Factory, Nanhua Factory, Huo Factory, Shanghai and the two toothpaste factories in Southern Province, as well as several small factories acquired by Shanghai, in addition, there are assets such as the 66th Shopping Plaza.

   If you count it this way, 6 billion is really not an underestimation.

   But what about Yang Fei’s assets?

   This time, we will develop 18 scenic spots in Yilin, with a claimed total investment of 20 billion!

   At that time, many people heard it, and found it incredible, and even felt that Yang Fei's boastful blows.

   It is normal for business people to brag.

   Sitting on a green leather train, he often hears people bragging about big projects with hundreds of millions of dollars in motion!

   However, wealth experts value Yang Fei's assets at only 6 billion!

  Why did Yang Fei take 6 billion funds to leverage a 20 billion big project?

   Some people laughed at him stupidly, some laughed at him crazy, some laughed at him crazy.

   But there are still more people coming over to bid for cooperation.

   A 20 billion project, not to mention domestically, is a big project in the world.

   It's no wonder that so many companies come here after hearing the wind, and they all want to make a profit from it.

   Shopping malls are like battlefields, where they compete for strength and wisdom.

   You want to come to Yilin to share Yang Fei's money, but Yang Fei wants to empty your pockets!

   Seventeen most powerful engineering companies, plus dozens of industry chain suppliers!

   Yang Fei organized and connected the financial resources of these people to form a joint force, which made a total of 20 billion!

   As Yang Fei’s secretary, Chen Mo has been following him for some time. She still knows Yang Fei’s industry very well.

   However, even she felt that Yang Fei wanted to make this 20 billion big project, a little reluctant.

   She even dared to bet with Yang Fei that as long as Yang Fei can solve the source of the 20 billion funds, she will unconditionally promise Yang Fei anything!

   However, she lost.

   Yang Fei deserves to be a genius of capital operation.

   The power of one person is limited, and the power of a hundred people cannot be underestimated.

   The funds of one enterprise are limited, and the funds of one hundred enterprises are very considerable.

   20 billion, it looks like a lot, scattered to 100 companies, each one only needs 200 million.

   Even if a company does not have 200 million funds, he can still borrow money and owe money to upstream and downstream companies.

   In other words, one hundred companies have attracted funds from thousands of companies!

   Yang Fei successfully pooled the funds of Bailai Enterprise.

   Gather the wealth of the world in Yilin!

   Use the wealth of the world to develop Yilin!

   This is the key to Yang Fei's success.

   Moreover, the initial 20 billion is just a budget.

   The real investment may be less than 20 billion.

   After all, 20 billion is for external propaganda. If you don't blow up the cowhide, how can you attract funds?

   is like a man bragging, saying that his monthly salary is less than one hundred thousand.

   Others asked him, how many are there?

   He honestly replied that it is only three thousand yuan a month, which is really less than one hundred thousand.

   The same words, put it another way, make people feel different.

   Yang Fei claimed to the outside world that Yilin Eighteen Views had invested 20 billion yuan, but the actual investment may only be one-third.

   There are countless examples of boasting in business.

   A movie, with an actual investment of 30 million, claims to be a one-billion-dollar production.

  An ancient man-made town invested five hundred million yuan, and claimed that it was a large sum of ten billion yuan.

   In the middle, there is some tediousness.

   The same project, others will help you build it, and the price will be 100 million.

   But he helped himself build it, maybe 10 million yuan.

   Another example is that the street office wants to build an antique pavilion. It only costs 30,000 yuan to build it. The project contractor reports to the street office for a price of 100,000 yuan.

   The Subdistrict Office will report it to 150,000.

   Finally report to the top, the total investment of this pavilion is about 300,000 yuan!

   As for the money, wherever it went, everyone was blind eating dumplings-knowing it all.

   Now, Yang Fei pulls all contractors and suppliers into the company as shareholders. This cost will definitely be greatly reduced.

   Therefore, after successful bidding, Yang Fei held meetings with contractors and suppliers for several days.

   Every day in the meeting, everyone sits together and chats to discuss the specific investment amount and some details of the construction.

   On the day Chen Mo and Lao Yan went to the provincial capital, Yang Fei still had a meeting with everyone. Until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, everyone still had a strong chat, and there was no intention of ending the meeting.

   Ning Xin walked in holding a mobile phone and whispered to Yang Fei: "Chen Mo is calling."

   Yang Fei's eyebrows twitched, and he wondered if the old Yan was successful?

  He stretched out his hand: "Give me the phone."

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