The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1220: Lao Yan offers advice, two-pronged approach!

Yang Fei was surprised secretly, the tender meeting he was so proud of was full of loopholes in the eyes of Lao Yan!

   Lao Yan looked at the wine in the glass and said: "It's like the altar of the bookkeeper. He drank it alone at home and nothing happened, but he invited us. If we don't give it to us, it won't work."

   Tie Lianping said: "Others led wolves into the room, I've led a drunkard into the room."

   Everyone laughed.

   Old Yan said: "Now that things have developed to this point, the so-called unwinding still has to tie the bell, the project must be done, and the knot must be untied."

   Yang Fei asked humbly: "Excuse me, the old principal, is there a good way to solve this dilemma?"

   Old Yan said: "I just said, they use policies to suppress people, so we can only respond with policies."

   Yang Fei gave a wry smile: "Don't say I understand these policies, I just understand, I only know a little bit, just read it in the newspaper a few times."

Old Yan said: "They used this hat to suppress people, and they did find a magic weapon to win. Under such a national policy, let alone the leaders at the city and county levels to help you say good things, even the leaders of the province are facing you, and there is no rut!"

   Yang Fei said, "So speaking, there is no way to counteract it?"

   Old Yan said: "Of course there are more solutions than difficulties!"

   Yang Fei raised the cup: "Old principal, I toast you a glass of wine and sincerely ask for advice."

   Old Yan hehe laughed and said, "If I have a drink, I will have a chat. I can only talk about my ideas, whether it will work or not, I have to rely on you to practice it."

   Yang Fei ate it in one mouthful: "Consult the old principal."

   Lao Yan also drank a cup of Chinese wine and said: "To solve this problem, we must do both. One is to convince the wrongdoer, and the other is to find a policy counterattack point and make the other party speechless!"

   Yang Fei's eyes lit up: "It makes sense."

Old Yan said: "Returning farmland to forests looks like a big hat, but in fact it is not terrible. This policy also has a core sentence, that is,'construction and protection are both important to prevent damage while remediation'! We have to interpret this first. The meaning of the sentence policy is to pay equal attention to construction and protection. The key point is, what is construction? Of course it is economic construction and environmental construction. You have to change the focus of the filing, not on the collective forest rights involved, but on the collective forest rights. Forest construction and economic construction are coming up."

   Yang Fei listened to the words of Lao Yan, and he felt like a divine enlightenment. He really felt like listening to the Lord’s words, better than reading ten years of books.

Old Yan said: "Construction and protection are both important, but construction is put in front of protection. This shows that the country pays more attention to construction. As long as you grasp the point of construction, they will have nothing to do with you. Even if you have the right to the present The destruction is also for better construction. The so-called iron-strike must be hard by itself. As long as your results are good and you are not destroying while managing, then whoever comes down for inspection, you can survive it!"

Yang Fei said: "This can be assured. Our purpose is to beautify and green the beneficial forests. What we create is a green and organic tourist area. Moreover, these dozens of scenic spots are firstly green agricultural and forestry crop production bases, and secondly. It's a tourist attraction."

   The old Yan patted his hands: "Isn't this going to end? So, the point of your report is wrong! With this mistake, the entire report was crushed to death."

   Yang Fei couldn't help but nodded and said yes, thinking that this person is not a vain name, and he has some real talents!

The old inkstone said: "You take down the previous report materials and submit a new copy of the report materials. Put the key points of the writing on the construction and protection. You can just take a single stroke of other things, and you can describe the construction in a strong and colorful manner. The beauty afterwards will definitely be approved."

   Yang Fei said: "Old principal, since you understand the policy, I will entrust you to write this material for me, okay? Regarding remuneration, it's easy to talk about."

  Old Yan haha ​​laughed and said, "What is the reward for not being paid? You can just give me two bottles of good wine to drink."

   Yang Fei immediately shouted: "Chen Mo, bring a box of national wine to the old principal!"

   Old Yan's eyes gleamed: "A box? National wine? Okay, okay, then I have to think about your article, and I can't drink your wine for nothing."

   Chen Mo soon brought a box of national wine over and sent it to Lao Yan to his dormitory at the school.

   Tie Lianping laughed and said, "Old Yan, you are so amazing. You can change a case of national wine for one article?"

Lao Yan Lao Shen said: "Articles are worth a lot of money since ancient times, and they can shock the world! Don't underestimate the scholars. Half of the Analects can rule the world! Taifu Jia is famous for his articles and enjoys sacrifices for the ages. Luo King Bin's article "Discussing Martial Arts", can be a 100,000 heroes!"

   Tie Lianping smiled and said: "Old Yan, compliment you, your tail is still up to the sky! Haha, in the future, I have to beg your drink!"

   Lao Yan stretched his palm and laughed and said, "Welcome, welcome. I have drunk a lot of rice wine from your house these days, so I should pay back."

   He pondered for a moment, and said, "I can write the article, this person who solves the bell, Mr. Yang, what do you want to do?"

   Yang Fei said: "Old principal, is there any other clever trick?"

   Old Yan swept his eyes, fixed on Chen Mo, and said with a smile: "This must be Mr. Yang's secretary, right?"

   Chen Mo replied: "Hello old principal, my name is Chen Mo."

   Old Yan said: "If Mr. Yang trusts me, let you, the secretary, accompany me to the provincial capital tomorrow. I will definitely help you get this done."

   Yang Fei looked at Chen Mo, asking her opinion.

   Chen Mo smiled and said, "I'm fine, then I will accompany the old principal to take a trip to the provincial capital."

   Yang Fei said, "Okay, then that's a deal. Tomorrow, I will ask Xiaowen and Xiaoyanzi to drive you over."

   After Su Tong left, the two female bodyguards, Xiao Wen and Xiao Yanzi, were still left by Yang Fei.

Yang Fei knows very little about Lao Yan, the so-called defensive heart is indispensable, send two more people to follow Chen Mo, so he will not be afraid that Lao Yan will cause He will not ask Lao Yan, tomorrow will be He was just wanting to see how he acted, what magical powers this old inkstone, who suddenly came to the small mountain village and recommended himself as the principal, had!

   The old Yan smiled slightly and held up the wine glass: "I have spoken as much as possible, but such a good rice wine is cold."

   Yang Fei said: "Come here, give the old principal a warm wine!"

   The old Yan laughed and accepted it calmly.

   Yang Fei came to Tie Lianping’s house for a drink. In fact, there was something to discuss. After such a delay, he forgot about the business. After drinking and returning home, he suddenly remembered and then called Tie Lianping.

"Tie Zhishu, I just drank at noon and forgot to say something." Yang Fei said, "Su Yang encountered some trouble in Huacheng, and it has been handled now. We need to go to a cadre here to pick him up. I don't know that. Why is there such a regulation? I have to trouble whoever you send for a trip, and I will reimburse all the expenses."

"Suyang's business is my business, I'll go there in person!" Tie Lianping said nothing, and said immediately, "The child of Su Yang grew up by me, and I know his nature. I don’t believe he would be killed if he would commit crimes against the law and discipline!"

   Yang Fei smiled and said: "It's just a misunderstanding. The other person is young and ignorant of the world, and was cheated by his partner. Then trouble the iron secretary. You can just sign it in the past."

   Putting down the phone, Yang Fei said to Chen Mo: "Tomorrow, when you and Lao Yan go to the provincial capital, you must remember, follow him closely, remember his words and deeds, and report back to me."

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