Fuxi, Calamity, Purgatory World; Ling Xi, Ruoxi, how could they be Demons?

It takes a lot of tribulations to grow, like a butterfly, whose growth itself is a pain.

Above the sea, amidst the wind and rain, a person was currently standing in the air. He was dressed in a light blue armor, and under the shine of the lightning, the armor shone with an exquisite light. Behind him, there were four pairs of black and white wings flapping in the wind.

He was quietly staring at a small fishing boat not far away. The fishing boat was swaying in the wind, and it looked like it was about to sink.

"My god, you have to arrange my fate, but today, I'm going to change theirs!"

The man looked up at the sky and said bitterly.

A bolt of lightning flashed by and quickly struck the surface of the sea. The strike landed right in front of this person, stirring up a huge wave. In an instant, it was as though all the waves had hit his body.

But that person didn't even dodge and endured the attack. He didn't even blink.

The waves receded, but the man was still standing in the air, unmoving.

"Are you not convinced?" He laughed out loud, his voice was louder than Lei's, but it was still difficult to hide the sadness in his voice, "If not, then come and stop me!"

Before he finished his sentence, he carelessly waved his hand and a pure black gas gushed out from his forehead. It quickly expanded and condensed into a pure black dragon. It soared in the air and let out a roar louder than thunder.

"You want to watch a show? "Fine, today I will show you how a mortal like me disobeys your will!" He continued to wave his hands and loudly chanted, "Lonely darkness, engulfing all loneliness... Listen to your Master's orders and swallow everything in front of me. For this ridiculous fate of charging towards someone you want to help your Master with — — With the support of Zirconium! "

The golden dragon descended from the sky. Accompanied by the crackling sounds of lightning, it charged towards the pure black dragon. In the end, it merged into one and stood straight above the ocean waves! It continued to roar, its huge dragon tail occasionally sweeping towards the surface of the water, cutting those huge waves in half, then diving down to support its master's body, making him look extremely domineering!

This person was standing behind the dragon head with his hands folded across his chest. The wings behind the armor fluttered in the wind, graceful and strong.

Without a word, he gently pointed his right index finger forward. The giant dragon communicated with his mind and quickly flew over with him.

In front of them, the small fishing boat had just encountered one of its biggest waves, and was almost unable to hold on. The four people in the boat turned pale with fright, although they had already expected and could die in the belly of a fish, but when they really did encounter one, it was different. Furthermore, they had just experienced the joy of reunion, so how could they bear to die now?

Blue veins could be seen on the faces of the uncle and Hai Sheng. Their well-built muscles bulged on their clothes that were already drenched by the rain.

"Abba …"

The lady hugged Hai Fu tightly and said to the uncle, "Thank you!"

"Don't be silly, quickly pour the water out!"

"No," she laughed foolishly, tightly grabbed Hai Fu's hand and said, "If there is an afterlife, I want to be your mother and take care of you. I'll give you the best in the world … But in this life, your daughter is going with him first! "

She grabbed Hai Fu's hand and jumped into the ocean amidst the Uncle's and Hai Sheng's miserable wails, disappearing into a whirlpool … …

It was said on the island that if a man and woman who loved each other could die together in the sea, they would be together in the afterlife. At the same time, the heavens would give them the happiest and sweetest love in the world.

"Little girl …"

The old man cried as he collapsed onto the ground. His life had suddenly lost its support, and Hai Sheng had also thrown away his oars, thumping his chest and lying down on the boat. He was just a son now, how could he still have the courage to continue living?

Heavens, you're about to collapse!

Suddenly, a gigantic dragon appeared!

The man on the dragon waved his hands. Two people slowly were thrown back onto the boat in a soft light. Their bodies were completely drenched.

Uncle and Hai Sheng looked over, if they weren't their children, who would they be?!

Suddenly, all sorts of feelings welled up within them. Laughing as if they had obtained a supreme treasure, they didn't cry at all. In the end, they stood blankly on the boat, and outside the boat, the waves soared!

"Don't die if you love each other!"

With a simple sentence, the man no longer paid any attention to them. With a casual wave of his left hand, a burst of faint black-and-white light lifted their boat up. With a wave of his right hand, a star-light mist enveloped everyone within, before carrying them slowly towards the shore with an extremely relaxed expression.

This experience was like a dream to the four of them. None of them dared to imagine that they could be saved while they were still floating in the air!

Under the detailed description of the four of them, this person riding a golden dragon was treated as a god by the fishermen on the small island, and those who were interested even insisted that he was the Sea Dragon King. The reason they came to save Uncle's family was because Uncle was always sincerely worshipping him, and then he extended his hand to the fishermen to collect donations!

Of course, who the person riding the golden dragon was was not important at all. What was important was that four more people in this world had survived. What was important was that this world had gained another pair of blessed lovers!

While people were talking about the Sea Dragon King, the inhabitants of the island suddenly realized that the lunatic they had lived with for three years had disappeared. Unsurprisingly, they all agreed that he had died in the tsunami.

That madman, on the other hand, was currently walking in the air, slowly walking towards the continent on the other side of the sea with an indifferent expression …

Compared to before, the situation in this world had changed a lot.

Three years ago, the King Mace officially abdicated and Princess Bing Bing took over as the King. From then on, Bing Bing became the first Queen in the history of the Duchy of Meuse.

That same year, Mace, Ara and Erde concluded a treaty of friendship. On the third day of the conclusion of the treaty, King Mace Bing Bing led his troops and personally led the rebel army.

It was also the same year that the Aragorn carried out a drastic reform. The core content of the reform was to eliminate the reactionary forces that focused on the Right Prime Minister. With this as the center, the Ara carried out reforms in the areas of agriculture, commerce and the army. For example, she changed the taxes on agriculture and promoted the young generals in terms of military power, and the one who benefited the most was none other than Xiao Jian, the current leader of the Ara.

Due to the courage of the King of Ara, this reform had been a great success.

Two and a half years ago, a large-scale war between human and beasts started in The Fiendgod continent. Using his unique physique, the orc managed to quickly occupy a third of the land of the Homo sapiens within half a year. In the seventh month after the battle, the Homo sapiens also made a bold decision — cancel the title of "country" of the Ara, Mace and Erde, and replace it with the unified Sacred Republic of the Homo sapiens. This country changed from the scattered situation in which the Homo sapiens was before, and united together.

In this way, although there were still many situations in the Homo sapiens where the benefits were uneven, their fighting strength had improved like never before. In just half a month, they had already caused the Homo sapiens's army, which was constantly retreating, to stabilize and start a protracted war with the orc.

During the protracted war, the trump card army s of the two races surfaced on the surface — Homo sapiens's Academy Army, Venerable Army, Devil Might Army and Mother Army were known as unshakable four mountains, firmly guarding the frontlines. orc's close guards and the personal guards of the Beast God were equally outstanding, occasionally beating the Four Great trump card army s until they were forced into a corner, and then called the "Sharp Fang of Wolves" by the orc's image.

Two years ago, the god race officially declared war on the Demons.

After five thousand years of separation and development, although the gods and devils were slightly stronger than the gods, the Demons still relied on the geographical advantage of being the "host" of the war, resulting in their strength to be almost equal.

But what puzzled the god race was that although the highest commander of the Demons was clearly called "Jian Wulei", their two strongest armies, the Magic Bow Army and the Magic Bow Army, carried the banner of "Night", and Jian Wulei was no longer like any ruler of the Demons before, being addressed as "Great Clan Elder" but instead called himself "Vice Emperor".

Then who was the "main Emperor"?

The god race very naturally linked the two things together. And the large-scale 'night search' that the Demons did three years ago made them believe that the Demons was named Ye, so they sent thousands of elite scouts to the Demon, Human, and orc Realms to try to find the person surnamed 'Ye', hoping to use this to contain the situation.

Fire City, territory of the Holy Republic.

The Fire City was a small city located at the southernmost point of the Sacred Republic Continent. Although it was close to the sea, due to the surrounding mountains and volcanoes, the temperature was extremely high.

"pyrolite" was an excellent material for forging weapons and metal tools. It was not expensive, so although the Fire City was a remote place, the lives of its citizens were quite luxurious.

On this day, a man wearing a black mask came to Fire City. From the way he was strolling around, it was obvious that he did not come here to buy pyrolite s, because the first thing most customers would do when they came here was to find familiar businessmen to buy the best and cheapest goods at that time.

And he wasn't!

He seemed indifferent to everything around him, walking aimlessly with his head down, not even paying attention to the shouts of an old man behind him.

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