The Revelation of Gods and Devils

C329 A Millennial Dream

I put you in a tear in the corner of my eye and imagined that it would become amber to accompany me in a thousand years. I dare not lower my head for fear that the tears will fall and shatter your dream that I have shattered for a thousand years.

The madman stood by the sea, absent-mindedly gazing into the distance. His silent expression was the same as before, with only the corner of his eye showing an extra tear. What kind of past was it that made him so sad, so sad that he was not afraid of the wind or rain nor the craziness, not afraid of death!

The wind by the sea was still howling. The cloudy sky pressed the dark clouds down to the ground, making it hard for people to breathe.

Not far away, a small fishing boat was swaying in the waves, looking like a broken straw that couldn't be rooted in. The boat did not sail, perhaps because it was also afraid of the wind, but used the oars to row hard. When the huge wave came, it was so bumpy that it almost flipped over. However, after the huge wave passed, it still stood upright and came back.

They were the trio who went to sea to find Hai Fu.

Hai Sheng and the uncle stood together on the boat, rowing under the huge waves of the wind, while the girls of the house splashed water from the cabin, the waves were too big. If she wasn't here, the boat would have definitely sunk.

The sky was even darker, lightning and thunder were constantly making frightening demonstrations in the sky, and the blinding lightning and ear-splitting thunder were almost causing people to faint!

Uncle looked up at the sky, feeling even more nervous.

Judging from his many years of experience, the tsunami was about to start. If they didn't return at this time, they would die here.

But the target they were looking for, Hai Fu, still hadn't appeared. If he wasn't found, how would he be willing to go back?!

Perhaps, he had already been buried in the belly of a fish!

The uncle looked at his daughter, whose face was covered in tears, and his heart was filled with grief. He remembered that night, when he was young, when he too had been searching for his lover in the midst of a storm.

"Let's work harder," the events of many years ago seemed to reappear today. The uncle increased his rowing speed, for his daughter's unfulfilled wish. "Girl, look around and see if there are any boats around. We'll definitely find them after a while!"

The girl stared at her father, and for the first time she realized how much he loved her.

"Thank you, Abba!"

A thousand words could only be condensed into two simple words, 'Thank you'. At this moment, what else could he say other than 'thank you'?

The uncle did not answer her, but the hand that was shaking the oars became even more forceful.

Suddenly, the girl went crazy and shouted that there was a boat and a boat.

"Where are you, let's row through!"

"There, there!" The girl's eyes were filled with tears of happiness. She finally saw hope, "Abba, to the right.

Following the direction of her finger, there was indeed a small boat swaying in the darkness not far away.

The three of them were overjoyed and struggled to paddle towards that direction.

However, right at this moment, a bolt of vertical lightning struck down, and earsplitting thunder resounded in his ears!

All the seawater seemed to have heard the final command of their highest command and became extremely irritable to the point of madness. As they surged forward, they stirred up crazily, sending waves after waves that were like mountains!

A tsunami, neither too early nor too late, had arrived at this time!

Suddenly, the huge waves covered the sky and the earth. The two boats were like two small leaves struggling on the old tree but were constantly being blown away.

The three of them held onto the side of the boat tightly, afraid that the waves would knock them down. The boat they were looking for was also in the same situation as them; it was swaying in the wind and waves, making it difficult to advance even a single inch.

The two ships were separated by a foot, but it was like the distance between the heavens and the earth. It was like the distance between the heavens and the earth!

The girl saw that her beloved was right in front of her, yet she couldn't get over it. She felt extremely miserable. How could she, who grew up on the island, not know what it was like when the tsunami came? She knew very well that if she did not leave now, she would definitely die!

From then on, he would be with the sea!

But, so what if he went back? He was left with only tears!

She thought of the days when she had spent with him. The memories seemed sweet and sweet, but they stung her heart, making her cry in pain.

Hai Sheng was already in despair. He did not expect that these people would stay and help him, because he clearly understood what it meant to stay.

"I'll send you back first!"

An ordinary person's bravery was usually displayed in front of danger. At this moment, Hai Sheng showed a determination that he had never shown in his entire life before!

The girl was crying, her tears mixed with the rain, "Abba, what should I do? What should I do?!"

The uncle stared at the sea, unable to calm down for a long time.

Once upon a time, it was also like this. He could only watch helplessly as his beloved girl struggled tenaciously not too far away while he was forcefully pulled back by his parents!

From then on, they could never meet again!

"There will be a way, there will be a way!"

His voice was weak, as if comforting his daughter, but it was more like rounding up his unfinished dream. He tried to hold on to the oars to steady the boat, but how could he resist the power of nature with his mortal body?

The boat was shaking in the sea!

Huge waves came one after another. The boat swayed in the wind and waves to the extreme, and there were even times when it was almost sinking. The uncle clenched his teeth and persevered as he walked forward, as though the person standing on the boat in front of him was no longer Hai Sheng, but the lover of his youth, and she was waiting for him to go save her!

Slash! Slash with all your might! Even if you have to risk your life, don't take this regret back to the coffin! Hai Sheng was so touched that he was speechless. Even someone who had nothing to do with him had to work so hard to save his son, what else could he say? All he could do now was row as hard as he did!

The distance between the two ships gradually closed. Finally, in front of this powerful nature, the two ships drew closer by manpower!

"Hai Fu, my Abba is here to save you!"

cried the girl happily, thin in the rain.

Hai Fu, who was on the other side of the boat, was already exhausted. When he saw his sweetheart, he borrowed a surge of energy and shouted in response, "What are you guys doing here, quickly go back!"

"No, Perfection will definitely save you. I won't be able to live without you!"

The girl quickly threw out a rope towards the boat on the other side. Hai Fu caught hold of it with difficulty, his trembling hands grabbing onto the rope tightly under the primitive desire to live.

The two boats were tightly tied together in the rain and wind. The two hearts of love were also tied together!

"Why are you so silly!"

This was the first thing Hai Fu said after he was dragged onto the boat. After he finished speaking, he fainted, and fell dead asleep inside the boat.

He was too tired, too tired.

At this moment, he finally saw the two most important people in his life. He could finally lie down and be at ease, not caring about anything else.

"Quickly cover him with the raincoat," the uncle took off the raincoat from his own body and threw it to the girl. "Let's go back now, hopefully there won't be enough time!"

Seeing that his son was safe and sound, although Hai Sheng really wanted to go over and take a good look at him, he also understood at the same time that this was not the time to show his father's kindness. The only thing he could do now was to quickly paddle the boat back to the shore.

However, their boat had already sailed for several miles. The sea was still far away, so how could two middle-aged men safely send four people back?

They had no confidence at all!

Another stroke. Victory was just ahead!

Once again, the two tried to paddle the boat. This time, they were more excited than nervous. At the very least, they had found the person they were looking for. No matter how dangerous the road ahead was, there would always be a way!

However, the true tsunami had arrived. The huge waves were all five to six meters high, and the boat was swaying up and down with the waves. How could they still have the strength to fight back? They tried their best to balance the boat, praying for the Sea Dragon God to be merciful and let the tsunami approach at a slower speed before they reached shore.

Suddenly, the boat shook as if it had hit a hard object!

"Girl, hurry up and untie Hai Fu's boat. If you don't, our ship will be destroyed by him!"

The girl gazed at Hai Fu lovingly, then crawled over to cut the ropes that tied the two boats with a knife as she grabbed onto the side of the boat. The boat that had lost its support quickly broke and sank under the two huge waves that differed in different directions.

"Hurry, wake Hai Fu up. You two, scoop the water out of the boat!"

The uncle ordered again, not caring in the slightest that Hai Fu needed to rest because of exhaustion.

However, no matter how experienced and experienced he was, it was useless. A larger wave was already charging at them, and the surging force was enough to knock over any large boat, let alone the small fishing boat they were piloting.

The massive wave that was lifted up brought with it the filth of the sea, as if it was a magnificent army of thousands of men and horses. It emitted a deafening sound that directly attacked from the front, as if it wanted to end all life at this moment!

So it turned out that humans were truly so insignificant in front of it. Even a great life was not worth mentioning in front of it!

The old man closed his eyes in despair and muttered to himself, "Finally it's like this …"

His expression suddenly became serene. Since he already knew all the results, what was the use of that effort?

"Abba …" I, I'm sorry! "

"Don't be silly, I only have a daughter like you. If you really want to marry him, would I really chase you out? However, it will be extremely difficult for your mother to live by herself in the future! "

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