The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 382 does not let a devil floated through the border

ZTE fourteen year, June 22.

Just in today, the six spy satellites in China are all in place, four monitoring Eastern Europe, two monitoring of the Far East. Take the earthquarters to monitor the next. The satellite monitoring screen also appeared in the Central China Defense Command Center. Because of the sunny relationship, clear sky, the picture is clear.

At this moment, the China National Defense Command Center.

"Stalin still did not prepare, as always, the selfishness." Chen Shao saw the German army and Japanese army and opening roads that were torn on the satellite picture.

"According to the news obtained by our intelligence, Stalin has already received the intelligence of Germany to attack the Soviet Union, and Mikur is also giving the Germans to the Soviet Union. But Stalin has always been unreasonable. I don't believe in Germany to attack the Soviet Union. I am too big, I will pay for my own ideas. "Jiang Benmili on the side also said.

"Stalin has a big capital, the Soviet land area is too large, the strategy is strong and has a strong capital, and the entrance is nearly 200 million. It can be used for a large number of people to join the army. Once Germany did not play the Soviet Union, let The Soviet armed forces have a thousand army. The Germany is hard to lay a Soviet Union. Once the Soviet Union is slow, the rear of the heavy industry, the continuous weapon equipment will be equipped with millions, when, the most optimistic estimate is The two sides reached a flat hand. "Chen Shao wanted to say.

"But is Germany to give the Soviet chance?" In Jiang Baili, it is seen that the tiger does not die, only one-time, the enemy will be smashed, and you can do a high pillow. He believes that Germany is also thinking about it.

"Sometimes the subjective will not be so easy to achieve. First. The German army armor has a high degree, which makes the German fighting power are very strong, but the logistics replenish Germany can not keep up, up to month Time, Germany's armored unit will appear in successive scenes. There is no mirror time for a month, and Germany's armored troops are not the ability to attack again. For a month, the variables are too big, and the Soviet Union has a chance to breathe. Second, the relationship of, although it is very flat, it is also suitable for the rapid advancement of the armored troops, but once these places will become a mud, this is why Germany is selected in June. Now in June, unless Germany destroyed the Soviet Union before the autumn and winter season, Germany will fall into a hard battle. Special to winter, the northern is the most powerful boost. Third, Germany is two sides, The Soviet Union will go to the Allies, and the two-line operations of the things will make Germany more difficult. "For the German to attack the Soviet Union, Chen Shao is not optimistic, although the Germany of this time and space is much stronger than the later generation, but strong Not just a family. The sustained air war in the summit can see that the military level of the world has great progress.

When Chen Shao knows that the United States is so fast, it will understand that today's World War II, a lot of countries than the World War II. Even the small Japan won the Southeast Asia and only used it for a few months, it is enough to explain this. And these can only say that it is a butterfly effect. It has the stimulation of China. The development investment of military weapons has increased a lot, and the advanced weapons debut, it is not surprising.

In fact, the pace of war now has not been restricted by Chen Shao, mainly Hitler began to have a different idea, I don't want to go to his route to him. Otherwise, Germany has already started landing in the UK. That 800,000 German soldiers who have been trained by landing combats are originally prepared to land in the UK. However, the navy and the air force have made Hitler gave up this plan, and the eight hundred thousand troops were put into Poland and participated directly to the Soviet Union. In this regard, Chen Shao can only make it, it is not a matter of life.

However, Hitler's approach, Chen Shao gave him a title of "stupid", and he also began to be vigilant to Germany. Now the arms business is doing, who wants to buy, Chen Shao will sell. Since Hitler has other ideas to China, Chen Shao didn't take care of what I thought in Myrtler's mind. Perhaps there is another idea in the depths of Chen Shao, that is, it is a mountain, or two ambitional tigers. At the same time, there is also a factor, ethnicity and skin tone, and Hitler will determine the anti-Jeman, and it is also possible to fight against it in the future. It is this two points, so Chen Shao gradually faces his position.

Jiang Benli waited to listen to the meaning of Chen Shao said. On the spot, Jiang Baiye asked: "According to the meaning of His Majesty, the winner of this war is not Germany? It is possible to know that there is a crazy small Japanese in the Far East, They also set up two million troops in North Korea, and nearly four thousand tanks, such strength, with the power of the Soviet Union in Vladivostok and Qingcheng, it can't stop. At that time, the Soviet Union also fights two sides, and There are nearly six million in the two countries in Germany, I can't think of it, how can the Soviet Union be defeated these two countries.

"I didn't say that the Soviet Union was defeated, but did not say Germany, now there is not yet begins, I am talking about guess. This war, as long as the German Japan can fight the Soviet Union within three months Najer is a winner, that is, the most optimistic result is that the two sides have become glued, who can't say anyone. "In fact, Chen Shao still did not say, that is, the Soviet government crazy publicity work, the group of groups were polished Wash the brain, holding the rifle crazy toward the German tank. Or the machine gun behind the rear, let those people have to charge. He believes that this time and space is that the Soviet Union wants to make two fronts into a flat hand, but also to take out countless departments.

"Indeed, the Soviet Union has a vast country, which makes them a great capital. With space for time, maybe the Soviet Union can really stick to winter, once let the Soviet Union have slowed with winter, The two sides must defeat the Soviet Union, it is not so easy. "Cai Wei also opened his mouth, he agreed with Chen Shao's statement, the huge Soviet land, the biggest capital of the Soviet Union, plus the cause of, the Soviet Union is slow It's not impossible to pass hard.

"I don't care in Germany, I don't care in the Soviet Japan. I want to know, when will we participate, now the whole army began to wrap the palm in Makuku, and he looked at the existence of a color, the soldiers were very emotional. Please fight The sound made me faster. "Chen Fuqin, a minister of the army, directly said that he cared. And his words also let the spirit of the spirit of the command center, look at Chen Shao, and I want to see what Chen Shao is thinking.

"What is the emotions of the soldiers, are your emotions of your emotions or soldiers. I can't help the soldiers itchy, but your hand itchy!" Chen Shao shook his head and opened his mouth.

"This ..." includes all the generals such as Chen Fuqin and Jiang Baiye, and the face is revealed, which is obviously called Chen Shao. This is also the temperament, and now the whole world is fighting, they don't seem to be it is a big problem.

"Your Majesty, many of the Army is asking me, when is the force to recover the land of 15 million square kilometers in the far East, announce the" Niche Treaty "completely invalid." Chen Fu Qin said again.

"I am very satisfied with your war's spirit and good fight. But once the war is open, it will be difficult to regret it. Although the country is big, it will die. Although the war is, it will, forget the war. Since you all want to know When will we participate, I can tell you very clearly, one year or two years. "Chen Shao opened. This is his time calculated by many intelligence, but he cannot estimate it. In the future, who knows, many things can only take a step away.

"This time is not a problem, the problem is afraid that we don't participate, then I am really not good to do the thoughts of the whiskers." When I heard Chen Shao, Chen Fu Qin was inner heart. He didn't think when he gave a war, and the problem he asked, and it was also a clear answer, and he would not participate in the end. Although many preparations have been done before, he can also feel the path of war. However, he needs a clear answer of Chen Shao. And this answer, he wants to pass the whole army, Bi Bi compete for those soldiers, Chen Shao's words most convincing.

"I know the flower intestines in your heart, this matter can tell the underground soldiers, let them be prepared, but only in the troops, other aspects should be resolutely confidential. This news can only flow in our army. Once the message is leaking, it may trigger a new change. "Chen Shao suddenly heard Chen Fusin's meaning, but he did not blame the meaning.

"Yes, it is guaranteed that it does not leak half a sentence."

"How is the Northeast, the troops is prepared?" Chen Shao turned the topic to the right thing.

"It's ready, fifty thousand regular troops, and the 500,000 reserve forces have been completed. Now we will wait for the order not far from the border, as long as Japan is attacked by the Soviet Union, we will follow the troops. Enter the boundary line in a time, guarantee that we are in the territory of the spoon, but also prevent the Japanese or Soviet army from being committed to our border. Air Force and Radar troops also monitor their own 24 hours to prevent any burst. The people next to the border are also It has been moved to the territory and will not affect the safety of the people. "Cai Wei replied.

"Very good, tell Kong Wenhong, must be careful, absolutely can't let a devil fur through the border. Whether it is a red sauna or a Japanese devil, it is not allowed. Once the exception, I allow the troops to attack it, first Let's talk about it again. "Chen Shaoao.

At this time, Wang Ming came over and said to all the entries: "Germany and Japan began to act."


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