The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 381 Secretly intensive knot

The China Ocean Fleet continues to set sail, and the next stop is American countries.

When China's fleet came to the United States, the United States was formally friendly visit to the United States, in the United States, in the US, spontaneously organized to go to the dock, they have to look at the giant ship of the motherland.

After the Zhonghua Ocean Fleet, all the Chinese on the pier began to cheer.

"Long live the Chinese nation, long live China."

"Long live the Chinese nation, long live China."

...... This is their first time to see the power of the Chinese Navy, and this power makes them pride. Even those Americans have been shocked to say can't come out, and the more than 700 tons of super battleship is too spectacular! The two Kunlun Mountain-level, and the name of the name, it seems that it is like a child. Not a level completely.

The Chinese Navy officers and soldiers standing on the ship, and the whole salute movement, let all Chinese can't help but cheer again. This is the motherland's army say hello to them, and they must have responded with a more enthusiastic attitude.

Excited people let those police officers who maintain order are busy, but they have no way, they can only go to the site's public security, in the cold winter, every police is full of sweat.

The China Ocean Fleet has conducted three days of visits in the United States. Chen Cheng is only exchanged on the first day and the US military, and then he puts the time in the meeting with Chinese representatives. Here, a replenishment ship in the Ocean Fleet unloaded a ship of a ship. It is some basic daily necessities, which is specially given to the Chinese far in the United States.

Three days later, the Chinese fleet left the United States and went to Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, intelligence and other Latin American countries. And the remaining three ships weapons and equipment are also reducing. When they got to go to Japan, the three ships were unloaded and pulled back many local specialty.

The Pacific Tour is the oldest, and the Ocean Fleet arrived in Tokyo to visit Japan, the spring of ZTE has been coming.

When the huge ship of the Chinese fleet entered the Tokyo Bay, the Japanese Prime Minister East Bad Machine came to welcome the Chinese fleet. He doesn't come, there is no way. Now he also serves the minister of the Japanese Foreign Affairs, and others are not suitable. It is a bit not looking at China's meaning, so he can only go to the horse personally.

At the end of the Japanese row, the China Yuanyang fleet immediately returned to China.

The Langyang Fleet of China has brought a lot of benefits, and the ship's replenishment ship has stopped in Tianjin Terminal, and these cultural relics will be sent to the China Museum for protecting collection.

And when the Chinese Yuanyang Fleet left Europe, the Germany of Europe has a big move. And the action is more and more frequent, after the end of the sea battle, the German and the Allies will come again with no more silent.

At first, Germany's reconnaissance machine found a British fleet quietly saved to Dover.

"Attack, bunch the British fleet!" With the command of the headquarters, the Germans' more than 70 aircraft were divided into 3 ladies, and the murderous and flew down the assembly area, ready to be in front of the boss.

However, with advanced ground radar, the British army quickly discovered German formation chart, and sent six rotational fighters to quietly force the enemy cluster under the cover of the cloud.

Perhaps the Germans are too confident, they did not pay attention to the arrival of the British plane. At that time, the German aircraft was divided into 3 layers, the bottom is the DO-17 and bomber group that undertakes the operational task. The middle is a ME-110 fighter group that is close-distance support task. The top is the ME-109 fighter group and the war eagle. -2.

In the face of the enemy, the British army knows that he can't fight. The British plane continues to cover in the clouds, first let the German cover the plane, and try to grasp the tail of the bombing chassis, take it.

If you don't have the British, when the German formation of the team whizzed, the number of bombers like a big tail of the back.

"Attack!" 3 rotary wind fighters suddenly moved the bombers of the army. In addition, the three vibphones fighters a slightly jumped, and the muzzle refers to the German escort. Yiran, the German fighter seems to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. I didn't pay attention to the British airplane installed in the cloud. I had to hurry.

Compared with the bomber, the cyclone fighter is more flexible and maneuver. The time is not long, one of the British cyclone fighters tightly bit a German bomber. After a period of entanglement, the whirlwind fighter driver slammed the trigger and slaughtered the trigger. The enemy plane immediately planted the black smoke. The two German bombers are not good, and they are hurried to escape. It is not intensively hit together, and suddenly turns into a debris, and they have raised into the sea.

The angry Gollin broke the command of the whole line. He wanted to learn the practice of the UK to London, giving the UK a lesson. Under the cover of more than a thousand fighters, the Germans has launched an unprecedented violent attack to 9 airports in the UK under the cover of a thousand fighters. Although the British army is prepared, there is still more than 500 airplanes in the battle of several days, and the pilots have killed more than 300 people. Not only that, the five airports in the south of the UK have also been severely damaged. Worse, there are 6 of the 7 radar stations in the most critical position of the British deployment position. The entire communication system is on the verge of destroyed edges.

The British also continued to raid German native to destroy a lot of industrial facilities. This makes Hitler are very angry, which has fully occupied the German Air Force to change the bombing target, assembled more than 1200 aircraft to London's large-scale retaliation bombing. A big bombing for a few days, let the entire London fall into a fire sea. Countless death, a large number of houses and plants are blown up. And it is this move, giving the British Army astholic opportunity. With this short timing, the British army tested a large amount of manpower to repair the burned airplane runway and repaired damaged aircraft.

A few days later, the Germans' three hundred bombers were under the cover of the six hundred fighters, and the large-scale crossing the British Geely Strait was prepared to implement the final hit of the UK. In the face of the striped German fighter group, more than 400 British warplanes were separated from six wave times. Under the sudden attack of the British army, the German clusters who have nothing to prepare will soon be chaos. A big kill who decided to win the victory began. It is a pity that after more than 20 minutes, the Germans lost nearly two hundred, and the British army lost more than two hundred. Seeing the loss of the fighter, I can't get the effect of the air strike, the German army has helpless retreat.

Seeing Hitler, which is unable to dominate, and then dragging it, it can only be an endless battle. He is helplessly announced: the "Sea Lion Plan" indefinitely defers. In this way, the sea lion plan is completely bankrupt.

However, Hitler did not let the Allies, sent German "Wolf Group", sneaking the Atlantic Ocean, and hitting any vessels hanging from the Allied banner. In this way, the Almed's destroyer and Germany's submarines have launched a life and death in the Atlantic.

However, Hitler has also begun the next step, he is very clear, then dragging in the UK, it is very disadvantageous to Germany. Originally under the suggestion of Andrid, he did not agree with two sides, but it didn't have a way to fight at this time. Once the chariot starts, it is difficult to stop.

To this end, Germany began to build public opinion, trying to let the world believe that it is necessary to implement the "Sea Lion Plan". Germany has taken many means to confuse people's sight. They first made a fake icon, a large number of British maps, gave the troops to translate a large number of English translations, and set a large number of soldiers and landing tools along the English Channel and the Galai Strait, and many fake artillers were configured on the coast. Combat exercises, resulting in a large-scale attack of the UK. Then, the Germans have a large scale, but they let go, they are going to the eastern region before they attack the UK.

After all of this, Germany began starting from diplomacy. They first stopped the attack on the Soviet Union in diplomacy, and turned the spearhead to the UK. Germany, I was in front of the Soviet diplomat, took the initiative to meet the senior officials of the former Soviet Union, explained to them that the Germans transferred to the eastern part, just to take the UK a little, as for Germany, it is actually sent a young soldier to replace it. The veteran will be retired.

After the large number of soldiers in Poland, the German Ambassador, Germany, I went to the Soviet Foreign Minister Morotov, and notified that Germany will take the Dao Finland to send reinforcement forces to Norway, and explain that the Germans entered Romania and sent military representatives. Go to help the Romanian training forces.

Since the existence of the sea lion program successfully masked Hitler's combat meaning, in mid-June 43, Germany has set up 240 divisions of the Axis, with the front of the Soviet Union, a total of approximately 3.8 million people. More than 5,800 tanks, 53,000 cannons and 2,830 aircraft. However, the Soviet Union's commitment and explanation letter of Hitler did not pay attention to the military deployment of the Germans. Before the start of Germany, the Soviet western border military district army, the units were in the city, and the troops also camped as usual. Training, there is only one series of competency courses on the front of the frontiers. Communication troops in all military regions are still attending national defense construction, field artillery and high-shot artillery as usual on shooting, or training in military area. The Soviet Air Force's aircraft is concentrated on a few airports.

In the Far East Japan, when the Germans began to transfer the troops, they also began to mid it. The Navy started returning to the Sasest Naval Base in the name of maintenance and maintenance, and North Korea's Kandie army began to send the troops to the narrow border line of the Su Dynasty.

At the same time, Japan also secretly greeted China, explains his intention, Germany also sent a photo to China, hoping that China's military operations in Japan have taken a policy, and don't worry about Japan dare to be unfavorable.


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