The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 315, busy diplomacy

A more difficult choice, there is no way to go, only the necessary sacrifice can be made. The front road is back and more unhappy, it has become a fact, choose a more favorable road to later, is now the choice of Stalin must make.

For future roads, it is far more, for the maximum interests of the Soviet. Stalin did not let Chen Shao have been too long, maybe, Stalin himself does not want to wait. Today, a peace far east can maximize the interests of the Soviet Union.

As the hearts of Stalin, Molotov, who left Hanjing in the first time, and went to China as the second person of the Soviet Union, and dialogue was launched on both border issues. When Molotov is enough to prove that Stalin pays attention to this matter, it will not come to several diplomats, and there is no need to use the Soviet second leader. However, Salin does not just need a peaceful conversation with China, and I hope to sign some provisions with China to slow down the military pressure of bilateral. The main thing is that Stalin wants to know the idea of ​​Chen Shao, in order to prevent China-Japanese union or other problems, he must be in the heart.

At the departure of Morotov, Germany also sent Corin to China, with the name of German Air Force, and visited China for military exchanges and friendly visit. Original Hitler is to personally go to personally, but he is at its stage. And this thing has been more urgent, and it can't take it for a while. Germany's visit to Huawei is not determined by Germany, but by the invitation of China, Hitler intends to visit the Treaty in Sudee, personally visited China, and discuss some things opposite Chen Shaozu. However, the fire between China and Su has been getting angry, he doesn't want to stimulate the nerves of Stalin. This decision also misses abortion, but the Soviet Union wants to talk about a few days, which makes him start some of the Soviet Union. However, the trip has changed, and he can only send his left and right hand of Colin. As for Andry, Hitler did not want him to go to the front desk. The think tank is still better in the dark.

The world situation is more confusing in the busy diplomatic movement in the Far East. Following the high-profile visits of Japan, the Soviet No. 2 character visited the Chinese, the German Air Force Command, which revealed a very unusual information.

Such a scene is the best in the British and France. Previously, the conflict between the Zhongsu border, the two countries were not allowed to have two land strong countries to live. Since Soviet Union is signed with Germany, it is dragged in China. Turn the center of gravity to the Far East, don't target the European. In this way they don't have to worry too much about Hitler and the Soviet wolf.

As for the saying that Suede will not join hands, even if Hitler has seen a very annoying issue, the British-legal leaders have enough reasons to believe that Sude has a possibility. Interests, in front of interest, what is possible.

The Sino-Soviet border conflicts, let them see two land great bodies, but things have changed too fast, but the two countries have not declared war, but even military conflicts also appear in Siberia. And both countries show a pair of gram-up, and there is no action to enlarge the conflict, and there is no mutual declaration. This makes the British Fa's two countries are very disappointed, but the arrival of the visit, China-Japan Chen Bing Far East, directly threatened the safety of the Soviet Far East. Let this matter will become full of gunpowder, and the Far East's gunpowder barrel looks at the possibility of detonation at any time.

The peak is turned, it originally looked very serious, suddenly a one hundred and eighty-degree turns, even the English law wants to ignite the ignition of the ignition has not yet been made, and things happen. Molotov visits China, or hits the border matters to visit China, and no longer saying that China is in the case of the Soviet Union in the media, but some default China's allegations of the Soviet Union. The English French also saw that the Prime Mustmute, did not want to be composed in China.

Things have not ended, the German Air Force Commander Corin also publicly visited China, but also directly specified to go to China, representing the German military and the China military to launch military exchanges. The British and France has also heard a different unusual taste from this. At this moment, France has received the German news from other places that may invade Poland, but this news will wait. It is not very important to this news in France, but Colin has been disciplined by military exchanges, so that France has originally tightened tight nerves. Britain is simply simply, when things have not been clear, the United Kingdom does not want to express and stand on opposite Germany.

Between the British and France has its own calculations, although the visit to China is unusual, but the two countries can't say anything. Zhongde relations are very normal, every German officer is open to China, they will feel that there is a conspiracy. Such a suspicion has made them too much energy, even if Corin is a German military empowerment, the two countries will not have actions before things. I have not developed in a bad direction, perhaps this will get some good news.

To put it bluntly, the British and France is only worried that China also joins the so-called axis. As long as China has not added a shaft country organization one day, then they are in peace.

However, the British and France does not have a flavor, but when the Corin declared the visit to China. The British Fa Fa officially concluded the alliance contract, and the two countries formed alliance organizations, and the first time Canada, Poland, Nepal, Australia announced to join this alliance. At the same time as the League contract is essential, the British Prime Minister Zhang Bollen personally visited the United States, it is very simple, I hope the United States will join this organization.

Originally, the British is based on the "appeasement policy", as long as Germany does not touch the British bottom line, the United Kingdom will not form a written form in France. But a few years ago, in Germany, German Day signed the "Treaty of the Three Kingdoms of the German Japan", which constitutes a shaft country alliance. This gives the British a very bad impression, plus the failure of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union and Germany signed "Sudi Mutual Infused Treaty", which makes the UK gradually feel a crisis. Under the head of France, the League contract is signed to curb the central center of the country and the far East. And the United States is what they mainly draw. Because the whole world is now, there is only a country that has all allocated in all the countries, and Germany is clearly moving in China. The British law is only as possible to pull the United States. Will there be such an alliance request, or do it.

1938, December 11 afternoon.

I just walked off the plane and didn't stay, I rushed to the Forbidden City, and he was going to report the results of this line to Chen Shao. When he walked into the royal study, he did not wait for him to open, and Chen Shao took the lead:

"Our Deputy Prime Minister just came to see me on the plane, you have to know the combination of work and rest, your business is not anxious for a moment."

"Your Majesty, this trip ..."

"Don't say this now, I see your face is exhausted. Let's take a shower first, take a break, keep the spirit, let me talk about it in detail tomorrow." Chen Shao hooks hands, stop the discourse. A face is not suspicious.

Although Chen Shao has a sense of compulsory order, it feels warm in his heart. With such a leader, he is very satisfied. I was originally exhausted because of a few days of trip, there is a feeling of stunning at this moment. However, since Chen Shao said this, then he did not stick to it.

"In this case, then I will go down."

"Well! Go back to wash away the dust, sleep a stable." Chen Shao waved his hand, indicating that he can leave.

After waiting, Chen Shao nodded and continued to look long and long documents. Sailing to Japan, what is the result, Chen Shao has guess a probably. So he didn't worry, the border is already able to say that when Molotov is open to China, it can be said to be solved. As for other problems, Chen Shao did not worry.

The Olympic Games, Chen Shao did not worry, when starting from the departure, Han Jing's Dongjiao, the opening of the Olympic Games has broken the ground. For this political colorful Olympics, Chen Shao did not intend to spend too much money. As long as the scale is enough, other things can be ignored! Now not to rely on those things to face the face, everything starts with practical effects.

As for the Japanese aspect, it will not give the name of the Olympic Games to China, and the Olympics will not agree that these things are not a problem. China has the ability to let them learn, and they don't dare to come into difficult China. Whether it is money or other interests, it is a small problem than the interests of China.

And this matter is not the current incident, which needs to be focused, and he is more likely to move. This document on his hand is some of the alliances in the allied contract. This is the latest information from Europe from Europe. The details of the contract are not met, but some details inside the contract are spying.

After reading the contract, Chen Shao got up in the royal study. History once again deviated, the axis of Heart not only appeared in advance, but now also appeared in advance in the same way. And Zhang Bollen also publicly visited the United States, and it is self-evident, except for the United States, there is no other purpose worth visiting the United States. After all, the British is still self-proclaimed by the world, whether other people do not admit, the British think this is thinking. Let the British prime minister who have a cow to personally pull the United States, which is very much to explain.

The attitude of the United States, this point of Chen Shao doesn't need to worry, the United States will not give up the British in the United States as long as it is not a fool. He is now just self-emotion in his heart. Now, in addition to the red police base, another advantage has gradually disappeared. History changes, how to go in World War II, it is already unpredictable.


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