The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 314, difficult choice

December 1st.

Time is as suicap, and it's past. At this time, the Chakmap Fortress has not seen the original look, the defenders of the Soviet Union are carefully constructed, and they are collapsed, and the landscape of the four-sided heaven is left.

However, the Soviet soldier is happy that the sky has once again, and it is also accompanied by the wind and weather, and the Chinese Air Force will not be dispatched again, and the weather has become more and more cold. At this moment, it is already less than 30 degrees, and there is no way to continue in large-scale battle.

The CCCo's Zhukov and Stalin in Moscow saw that such extreme weather came to Siberia, and the two were relieved. Old days seem to stand on them, and the summer protects them to avoid the attack of China.

However, the international last news caused the worry of Stalin, which is the Chinese deputy prime minister to go to Japan to conduct state visits. After hearing this, Stalin's eyelids were not controlled.

Previously, the relationship between China and Japan has been very bad. Although Germany has been talking in the middle, the relationship has eased, but there has never been official diplomacy between the two countries. Previously, Japanese Prime Minister has proposed to China's friendly visit and is rejected by China. Now China is actively proposed to visit Japan, and this matter has become a truth, even the date and the itinerary are determined. The Japanese side is very welcome to visit Japan's move, although the coming people have a few times of chance of chance, but Japan still has a warm welcome.

Stalin is the most concerned that China-Japanese joints, although the chance of union in China can be very low, just like buying lottery tickets, but he does not guarantee that the two countries do not even join together. After all, the country is talking about, there is enough interest, and something is likely to happen. I don't see it, it is that Hitler can be combined with Stalin, and China-Japan is not completely impossible.

However, this time, this time, there is highly high-profile claims that the conflict of the Sino-Soviet border is to avoid this conflict again in Japan. However, regardless of the true purpose of the clock to Japan, but said this problem, it is very worrying about Stalin. At this time, there are many problems and contradictions between Su Japans, and the problem of single library page is almost makes the two swords. If the two and the Soviet Union have contradictory countries, the land of the far east, will not surname the Soviet Union in the future, this is a tricky problem. A Chinese is enough to drink a pot of Soviet, plus a Japanese who wants to wear the distant land.

At this time, Stalin realized that the situation in the Far East became more and more losing. There is a feeling of stealing chickens that he does not resist a rice. He doesn't know that this is the Chinese to see him, or there are other objectives. But there is such a move that is enough.

Stalin can't wait for it, and immediately order the Soviet intelligence department in Japan to find China's visit day, and it is necessary to make it as soon as possible.

However, there is no effort to come from this thing, a message, let his heart beat a few times. The Northeast Battle District of the China Northeast is being assembled, and it is beginning to take the nearest border from Vladivostok and the Green City. During the period, a large number of tank troops were found, and all the high-altitude reconnaissance machines sent from Vladivostok and Green City. Since the Soviet Union lacks such high-altitude air defense firepower, it is impossible to hit the opponent's reconnaissance machine, and only watch the Chinese plane to sway.

These news let Stalin sittively uneasy, he is not clear that China is going to do. The Sino-Soviet border conflicts, although the two countries are already met, they have not mutually declare war. If the two countries are in a peaceful period, they dispatch the reconnaissance machine to their national airspace is a military provocative. One of the investigated people can hit the reconnaissance machine in the country, and this move is also easy to trigger a war. The Chinese reconnaissance machine is also investigating a military profit such as Qingcheng and Vladivostok. This is a war signal.

Hundreds of thousands of Chinese military won the border, the Northeast is not the Siberian Plain, and now it is less than ten degrees, and there will be no big impact on the marching. This makes Stalin have to think that is because Mongolian border can't launch a large-scale military action, and China is looking forward to the Far East, and I want an offensive to Qingcheng and Vladivostok. This deforest is not dare, these two cities are important military bases in the Far East, and must not have any pools.

In particular, Vladivostok is not frozen in the far away, and the heart meat of Stalin, the Pacific Fleet of the Soviet Union can stay here. That is the strongest Navy at this Soviet Union, which is much stronger than the Beihai Fleet, is the important force of him to curb the Far East.

However, things have not ended yet, and it is a news that this news will make the Slin, which is the shake of the focus, is more worrying.

Japan also came to join in the border, and Japan gathered the main force of 600,000 Guidong army, which would seem to be united from China, which would like to be united from China to jointly threaten the Soviet Far East. The 50,000 Chinese army plus six hundred thousand Japanese Kantong Army, the two are added, the number of the army has exceeded the defending power of the Soviet Union in the Far East. At this time, the Soviet Union's military strength in the Far East is to support Zhukkov, and the armored troops have taken a lot, and the artillery is not much. It can be expected that in this case, the Soviet Union is definitely fierce.

At this moment, Stalin has no thoughts. The German Ambassador to the Soviet Union was immediately summoned, and this matter was told, and Hitler requested Hitler to fulfill the "Suds Mutual Infused Treaty" signed by both sides. Through the relationship between Germany and China, Dalin hopes to let Germany as it, and willing to talk to Zhonghua.

China-Japanese move made Stalin embarked to this step, this is very much different from the plan. Solin has no time to consider so much. If the Chinese army and Japan jointly attack the Soviet Union in the far East, the result is that Stalin is most unworthy. If you don't want to sit down and negotiate, or if you come to a fish to die, see who is very powerful, speak with fists. And this is not the result of Stalin, so he has no choice.

When Chen Shao is connected to Solin through the peaceful willingness to Germany, the mouth is smiling. Under such a move, Stalin fruit can't sit. In fact, Chen Shao has so much, just wants Staling to the negotiation table. He is very clear from the personality and ideas of Stalin, which is the best choice for the Soviet Union.

Chen Shao did not expect to take advantage of the weak power of the Soviet Far East, and directly retrieve all the land belonging to China. But every time this idea appears, Chen Shao is directly annihilated. He doesn't want to give up the long-term interests for the interests in front of you. Anyway, he is very confident that these land do not need a few years, and they can return to the Chinese arms again.

For Japan, Chen Shao is disgusted, but some things must be considered in accordance with long-term goals. He is not a sense of medical leader, although he also wants to put Japan from the world map, but some things can't do things with personal wishes. If China does not support Japan, China will go to the Soviet Union and the Southeast Asian British and French coalition forces alone. Although Chen Shao is very confident to the China Army, he is also very clear, even if China has defeated these countries, I got the interests of China, but the Chinese army should also lose heavy losses. And a single United States, Chen Shao will cost a lot of energy to deal with it, after all, the industrial capacity of the United States cannot be underestimated. There are also a lot of population, and there is no problem with more than 10 million troops in armed. Plus the industrial capacity is also very powerful, such results, not Chen Shao wants to see.

Everything must be maximized from the interest, and it is not possible to support Japan. As long as it comes to Japan's time, the Chen Shaohui does not hesitate to put Japan back to the primitive society. China has such strength and ability, nor an empty talk, let the entire Japanese island fall into a fire sea.

Chen Shao first dreams of arriving at the Republic of China, and most of them now have the ability to complete. The Black Eagle is raging over Tokyo. While there is no black eagle fighter, Chen Shao now has enough powerful bombers directly to Tokyo. Let the Japanese capital become a fire sea, this is no longer a dream, it can become reality at any time.

Tianqi tank galloped on the Siberian plain, and now Chen Shao has no tanks, but the Chinese Tiger has completed this task. As for other dreams, Chen Shao has confident to complete. Nuclear bomb came out, the missiles also launched some columns. With the red police base, the dream is no longer unreasonable.

With Chen Shao, China quickly responded to the peace intention of the Soviet Union. To be peaceful, but you have to come out.

Chen Shao is a very clear condition, the biggest premise of talking about the Talk, the Soviet Union must admit that the Soviet military will deliberate the military to murder Chinese, grab the Chinese property, and deliberately provoke the Sino-Soviet border war. At the same time that this crime is recognized and the family of China and the family of victims, the Soviet Union must also make maximum compensation for the victims.

When Dalin received the meaning of Chinese, suddenly he violently jumped. I have died before you can't recognize this matter. If you admit this thing now, isn't it my mouth? Now Stalin feels that he will go to a three-way intersection. The two roads in front seem to be returned, which is not the best ending.

However, there is no response to Slin, but the Germans will give a document to Stalin. When Stalin saw the content in the document and the photo, he suddenly revealed a ghost look.


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