The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1734: War preparation

The Presidential Palace of Indonesia in Jakarta.

The President of Indonesia is a tall and thin man who looks a bit like a black man. He has been in charge of Indonesian power for many years, and he is not a very successful president.

Over the years, Indonesia’s economy has continued to decline with the global traditional economy and the high-tech economy has continued to soar. As a country that has little to do with the high-tech economy, Indonesia’s economy is like Wang Xiaoer’s New Year’s, not as good as one year. year.

With the continuously declining economy, a large number of light industries in Indonesia are also facing very severe challenges, making the economy that is not good at all, and even regressing repeatedly.

The closure of many light industries has also brought about severe unemployment problems, and the livelihood situation in Indonesia has also experienced considerable fluctuations.

The tens of millions of U.S. dollars that the United States supports to Indonesia each year are just a drop in the bucket for the entire country. What's more, the U.S.-backed U.S. dollars also need to buy products from the United States, and it has no effect on the domestic economy.

The GDP of Indonesia is about one trillion U.S. dollars, although the per capita GDP has reached tens of thousands of U.S. dollars.

But this is the data a few years ago. As the latest country in Asia with a GDP exceeding one trillion US dollars, Indonesia relies on the effects of the previous light industry, tourism and mineral exports.

The average annual GDP growth has been maintained at about 5%. However, in the past few years, Indonesia’s light industry has gradually suffered from industrial limitations in the development of the global advanced technology manufacturing industry. With the rapid development of the high-tech economy, Lai light industry suffered a complete loss, and exports are declining rapidly every year.

Indonesia is one of many high-quality sales markets in Asia. Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest gap in import and export ratio. It is an economic model that relies excessively on product import and export. When the export share declines, the demand for high-tech products imports increases. It brings a huge export trade deficit.

In recent years, Indonesia's economy has only been able to maintain zero growth, and even has been in a state of negative growth for several months of the year.

The proportion of the unemployed population is also as high as 12%, which is a terrible figure, and the domestic situation has become a bit chaotic.

As the president of Indonesia, Widodo naturally has to bear the huge domestic economic pressure. After all, the continuous economic downturn in recent years has brought too much security risks to the domestic situation.

What needs to be solved urgently now is the upgrading of the economic model and the upgrading of industries to catch up with the world's high-tech footsteps.

In this regard, many countries are the same as Indonesia, but Indonesia has a huge population base. During the economic winter, in the disaster of the global traditional economic downturn, the victims are very serious.

The development of an emerging high-tech economy cannot be completed in a short time. The domestic social contradictions caused by the continuous economic downturn have become increasingly prominent.

This will bring a fatal result, that is, the economic transformation has not been completed, social contradictions may erupt in full.

Widodo does not want to see such a result, and in the history of national development, too many countries have faced the same situation, and the best way is to transfer domestic contradictions.

In this regard, it is somewhat similar to the Southeast Asian economic crisis in 1998. Indonesia relied on similar means to transfer the social conflicts caused by the heavy economic pressure in the country.

At that time, it was the Chinese who were hurt. This time Widodo naturally did not want to repeat the events of that year.

However, Widodo didn't know the incident of Ahmed's death in advance, and he didn't even fully understand the whole situation until now.

In Widodo's office, Widodo's already dark face was bleeding quickly.

In front of him was a young man who was a little trembling, with obvious five-finger marks on his white face. Looking at Widodo's face, his eyes flickered.

"I know all the things you have done over the years, and they are not out of the ordinary, but this thing, you have done too out of the ordinary, why don't you first investigate clearly, Ahmed is an internationally renowned philanthropist, or Cai Ruichen acquaintance Friends, do you know how serious this will cause?"

After Widodo was silent for a long time, he looked at the regretful young man in front of him, with a hatred of iron and steel, and said:

"Now that Tanya of the Middle East Federation has entered Jakarta, people are determined not to let go. You have left so many tails. Once you are investigated, what do you think I should do? Tie you to the Middle East Federation. Or let our court sentence you to death. Do you think Cai Ruichen from the Middle East Federation will be satisfied?

Cai Ruichen is a ruthless character who can cause headaches all over the world. If he is unwilling to let go, or even use this to break out a war, then you are the sinner of the entire country, and I can't protect you. "

"Uncle, you must save me this time, but you said at the beginning that Ahmed must find a way to keep the money." When the young man heard it, his legs shivered a bit, and he was not in Ahmed at all. That arrogant look at Maid's house.

Widodo sighed when he heard what his nephew said, feeling a little disappointed, and said, "Your behavior has disappointed me too much."

"Where did I know that this would happen? The result of the investigation was that Ahmed was very uncomfortable and had no friends in Indonesia or outside. How could I know that it would directly involve the Middle East Federation..."

"Okay, don't say these meaningless words. Don't show up lately. Don't contact me anymore. You'd better not tell me where you are." Widodo interrupted the young man directly. If he said, waved his hand.

Hearing this, the young man beamed with joy, and hurriedly nodded to Widodo, and quickly walked out of Widodo's office door.

Widodo looked at the office door that closed automatically with a heavy heart. He hadn't even imagined that this incident would cause such heavy consequences.

In the past, his nephew used his identity to do some forcible things, he could open one eye and close one eye, but in this matter, it is inevitable.

Widodo has already arranged to eliminate the evidence as much as possible, but the people in the Middle East Federation are not simple, they acted too quickly, and he is worried that his actions may be too late.

The only thing that makes Widodo feel fortunate is that it is impossible for the United States to watch Indonesia fall under the control of the Middle East Federation. As long as the United States and Europe care about the passage of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, then Indonesia has the hope of peacefully solving this matter with the Middle East Federation.

When you bring it, you only need to introduce a substitute for the dead. As for the 1.2 billion US dollars, Widodo can only reluctantly give up. After all, if it is a war, the loss will not be measurable by 1.2 billion US dollars.

An Iraqi died, but there was a lot of trouble. This is probably a rare diplomatic event in recent years.

If it were placed in the era of the original Iraqi government a few years ago, this kind of situation would never happen because the Iraqi government did not have the strength and ability to track down such things.

What's more, now it’s not just a matter for the Iraqis, but directly related to the dignity of the entire Middle East people. When it is weak, there is no way for others to bully. Now the situation is completely different. For this kind of thing, Cai Ruichen is particularly concerned , Even highly valued.

The Middle East Federation needs to give an explanation to all Arabs in the world. Today, an Arab was murdered by cruel methods abroad. If the Middle East Federation remains indifferent, the harm to Arabs around the world will be almost irreparable spiritual damage in a short time.

It will allow all Arabs to continue to live a deeply insecure life.

The number of Arab immigrants overseas is not large. The perennial wars have made many families who are able to leave the country choose to leave the Middle East. Although some have returned to their former homes, many continue to stay abroad. .

Although he is not a nation, he does not have a so-called sense of identification with the Arab Cai Ruichen, but he knows that as the supreme leader of the Middle East world, he needs to be shouldered. This is not a simple ethnic issue, but also represents the dignity of a country. .

In the eyes of many people, this may be just a small matter, but in Cai Ruichen's view, it is related to the face of the country. Regardless of the opportunities, Cai Ruichen has the responsibility to maintain the image and dignity.

The United States is able to firmly safeguard the legal rights and security of its citizens in other countries, and the Middle East Federation can still. This is the true nature of a big country, let alone a world-class superpower.

The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen's favorability for Indonesian monkeys is completely negative. The situation that Tanya is blocked everywhere in Indonesia also makes Cai Ruichen quite annoyed.

The outside world may not have noticed it yet, but the Red Police Corps has already started.

On the floating island fortress in the Indian Ocean, all four airports are very busy. At the same time, a large number of transport ships also set off from the ports of the Middle East Federation, loaded with a large amount of weapons and equipment, to the Indian Ocean and the floating island fortress.

Highly busy transport aircraft take off and land, and the armed forces on the floating island fortress are rapidly increasing.

At the same time, the barracks and tank factories above the floating island fortresses, as well as the war factories, are constantly recruiting soldiers to produce weapons and equipment.

If necessary, the Floating Island Fortress will serve as a relay platform for military operations against Indonesia. The First Fleet and Second Fleet, as well as the Third Fleet also preparing for the Indian Ocean, will form a three-carrier battle group, leading the three An amphibious strike group launched a military strike against Indonesia.

At present, the Supreme Command has set up a special research team, and the military intelligence on Indonesia is also sorted out one by one and submitted to the central database.

All the spies in Indonesia are also operating, and information related to Indonesia is constantly being sent back to the central system of the Supreme Command.

All officers above the battalion level in the Indonesian army, as well as all the information collected by the army, are being integrated into a complete database.

The integrated intelligence department has also begun to collect all weather information, ocean information, atmospheric information, and energy information in Indonesia, which will become a very important basis for military operations.

In particular, the importance of weather information is self-evident. The official spring is also a rainy season in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is a country with thousands of islands, with many large and small islands. For the Red Police Corps, the weather problem cannot be ignored.

As important as the weather is the ocean information. As an Indonesian army that treats every island as a defense point, the ocean is the key to defense.

The marine environment of each island, the depth of the water, the length of the shallows, and the relationship between tidal wind speed and wave height require accurate data for positioning and analysis.

The Red Police Corps never fights wars that are uncertain. For every war, it will fight for twelve points.

For the grasp of the details of the war, we do not miss any factor that can affect or change the direction of the war. Even the intelligence center has collected information on all volcanoes in Indonesia. The timeline for this information collection can even be hundreds of years.

When all the information combined with military information is collected in the database, every soldier on the front line can view the information on the individual soldier terminal and make the most accurate judgment based on the actual situation.

For soldiers, the most important thing is road information location of every town and village in Indonesia, the location of every road, and even the level of the village road.

As the most likely next opponent of the Red Police Corps, the strength of the Indonesian military is relatively average.

As one of the few countries in Southeast Asia that continues to increase military spending every year, the Indonesian government has ambitions to build a powerful modern force. It has even thought of renting a Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine from the United States. Unfortunately, the price is too expensive. , Indonesia can only give up.

The Indonesian regular army is the national army. The number of active soldiers is 500,000. Among them, there are 200,000 national police forces, 400,000 reserve forces, 20,000 maritime police, and 1.5 million militia forces. They are among Southeast Asian countries. , Be regarded as the largest batch.

The Eastern Fleet Command of the Indonesian Navy is stationed in Swimming, and the Western Fleet Command is stationed in Jakarta.

The two combat headquarters of the Air Force are responsible for the air defense missions in the east and west respectively. There are 42 military bases nationwide, of which 26 are air bases (mainly Jakarta, Juanda, Ujungphan, Clarkdang, etc.) and 16 naval bases (mainly Jakarta, Tanjung Pinang, Latai Port, Ujung Pandang, etc.) , Be Lao Wan, etc.).

The focus of the Indonesian National Army’s defense is the country’s coastline and the airspace connecting the islands.

Indonesia implements an active "island-by-island defense" strategy, that is, to establish a defense system with the big island as the core, the archipelago as the base, internal and external considerations, independent defense and mobile operations, independently defend the island's territory, territorial waters and maintain social order.

The main threat to Indonesia's national defense and security will come from the sea. Indonesia will focus on strengthening the defense forces of strategically significant frontiers, important border straits and remote areas such as the Strait of Malacca, the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, forming a strategic layout centered on the island of Java and both east and west.

(To be continued...)

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