The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1733: Tough to the end

"The monkey is regaining his nature again."

One sentence tells the heart of all the Chinese. Although I don't know who the murderer is, almost all the Chinese have their eyes on the Indonesians.

In Chinese terms, Indonesian monkeys are monkeys, which are essentially different from humans.

At this point, no nation in the world has more power to speak than the Chinese. The tragedies once born to the Chinese still remain in the hearts of the Chinese.

As a Chinese, Cai Ruichen has not forgotten this. If it weren't for life, his eyes would not be on Indonesia. But since Indonesia wants to die, Cai Ruichen is also happy to make Indonesia perfect.

This time he sent Tanya to Indonesia to investigate the truth of the matter, which is just the beginning.

For the floating island fortress and the first fleet that just set sail, Cai Ruichen also gave new orders to increase the army and form combat effectiveness in the first time.

The Second Fleet and the Second Amphibious Strike Group in the middle of the Indian Ocean cancelled the original training plan, prepared for pre-war supplies, and prepared to go to the east of the Indian Ocean at any time.

War is not a solution to things, and Cai Ruichen has not done a good job of using force against Indonesia. Everything depends on the choices of the Indonesians, and of course the truth of the matter.

If Indonesia cannot give an explanation to the Middle East Federation, Cai Ruichen does not mind reaching out to Southeast Asia in advance.

After all, Indonesia has a unique geographical location. The country with the most islands in the world, in terms of maritime traffic, is on the side of the Strait of Malacca.

Among them, the Sunda Strait, which connects the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, is in the Indonesian archipelago. After the 21st century, the United States has strengthened its commercial and military cooperation with Indonesia. In international politics, Indonesia and the United States are also very close.

Almost all of the US aircraft carrier battle groups now enter and exit the Pacific and Indian Oceans from the Sunda Strait. The geographical location is truly unique.

From the perspective of military strategy, controlling Indonesia is equivalent to controlling the maritime passage between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, unless they are willing to pass through the southern hemisphere.

The incident was just born, and Cai Ruichen was prepared for military preparations. Even if he did not need to use weapons, relative military deterrence was still necessary.

There are some things that can be surrendered not just by talking about it. International politics, beyond reason, is the key means to conquer other countries. Whether there is reason or not is more achieved by fists.

American hegemonism explains this very well. As the Middle East Federation that has begun to replace the United States, it is naturally more able to appreciate this point. Without strength, there is no right to speak. No matter how much it is, no one will really care.

The truth is only within the range of the cannon, and this sentence will not be out of date for the next 100 years.

Cai Ruichen was naturally aware of the confrontation in Jakarta at this moment, and he knew even the entire villa.

Scanning the entire villa in all directions, the entire scene alone found more than a hundred completely different fingerprints. These fingerprints were found in every corner of the scene. The villa was rummaged everywhere, and even the safe was covered. Knock it open, and even inside the villa, all the valuables were taken away.

The entire villa, like a devil entering the village, not even the root hair left.

After the embassy's spies established virtual imaging of the entire scene, the stalemate in the villa was also eased. Jakarta police began to enter the scene after the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials arrived.

The police in Jakarta are allowed to conduct surveys on the scene, but they must be accompanied by embassy staff throughout the process, and video is recorded in real time. Any acts that damage the scene, the police in Jakarta will be held accountable.

At the same time, the foreign ministries of the two sides have not made formal negotiations. The reason is very simple. It is not that the Middle East Federation does not want to resolve this issue as soon as possible, but that the Indonesian side will have been deliberately delaying time.

In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Middle East Federation is also very simple. Since the other party has no sincerity in negotiations, the Middle East Federation is not in a hurry.

The special plane taken by Tanya, several officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the investigation team will also arrive at Soekarno Hatta International Airport in Jakarta.

However, when the special plane requested to land, it was requested by the airport ground control tower to land late and the runway was busy.

At the same time, special planes are required to show permission to land, especially the permission of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Tan Ya on the special plane reacted very simply after hearing the news.

"Contact the Supreme Command and retrieve the data on the airport runway. We landed directly on the alternate runway, but we must ensure safety during landing."

Indonesia's intentional obstruction, the Federation of the Middle East naturally recorded a penny on the account, including the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' disregard of the entire incident, which is the basis for reasoning in the future.

With Tan Ya's instructions, the special plane directly closed the communication with the ground tower, but issued the aviation code for forced landing to the tower.

At this moment, a high-precision spy satellite passed by over Jakarta, bringing very clear aviation data around the airport to the special plane.

Combined with the guidance of the data, the special plane also began to lower the distance, which made the staff at the airport tower very anxious and nervous.

For non-civil aircraft of other countries that are forced to land, Jakarta Airport can even require the military to take off fighter jets to force control, several warnings are invalid, and they can even be shot down.

But Indonesia dare not do this. There is an admiral of the Middle East Federation on the special plane, who is also the top general in the Middle East Federal Guard. As a result of the shooting down, he will inevitably face the craziest military attack from the Middle East Federation.

Indonesia is still seeking the opinions of the United States. Before the United States has made a clear statement, Indonesia can hardly make up its mind on anything.

Faced with the special plane that was forced to land, the ground tower of Jakarta Airport had no choice but to announce that the delay plan had failed.

When people come here, they don't plan to go through normal diplomatic procedures. Otherwise, there is no need to send an admiral.

Let a general handle this kind of homicide. Indonesians are not fools. They are very clear about the attitude of the Middle East Federation, which is to improve the nature of this matter.

Otherwise, there is no need for Indonesia to stop Tanya from coming.

But in the face of the overwhelming Tanya, what can the Indonesian side say and protest?

It was not an ordinary Iraqi who died. Cai Ruichen obviously can't give up the attitude of letting go. Naturally, the Indonesian side has to weigh it.

Do we have to find a way to settle this matter?

As soon as the special plane landed at the airport in Jakarta, the future special car fleet equipped by the Federal Embassy of the Middle East also entered the airport at the same time.

The rear door of the special plane opened, and several rugged off-road vehicles, which looked like small trucks, moved out of the cabin. The cabin was already full of passengers. Tan Ya, wearing the uniform of the Middle East Federal Army, got into the special car and the convoy headed directly to the airport. Drove to the gate.

It was just that when the convoy came to the gate, the gate was still tightly closed, and there was an iron block. A dozen soldiers from the Indonesian security forces at the airport stopped the convoy.

"After undergoing security check, you can enter Jakarta."

A lieutenant colonel of the Indonesian security forces walked directly to the front of the convoy and informed.

Tan Ya in the special car suddenly felt a little funny when she saw this. After coming to Indonesia from the special plane, she suffered all kinds of difficulties, but she didn't expect the other party to give up yet.

"Get out of the car."

Tan Ya picked up the team's intercom and commanded all the off-road vehicles.

The doors of all off-road vehicles were all opened at the same time, and each of the strong men in straight suits landed on the off-road vehicles at the same time.

At this time, Tan Ya also opened the door and walked down, and walked directly towards the Indonesian security forces at the gate.

The dozens of soldiers from the Indonesian security forces present were all taken aback when they saw Tan Ya.

The uniforms of the Middle East Federation are elegant and decent, which can reflect a person's temperament, and Tan Ya, who wears military uniforms, is attractive and seductive to men, which is simply an explosive level.

Tan Ya, with her sharp ears, could even hear the soldiers from the Indonesian security forces who were on the opposite side secretly swallowing and staring at her own eyes, which gave her the idea of ​​killing these guys.

The one who recovered the fastest was the lieutenant colonel. When he saw Tan Ya, he also recognized that the staff adviser of the Supreme Council of the Middle East Federation, a man with power in the Middle East Federation, is also Cai Ruichen's right-hand man.

"Everyone needs to go through the security check to be able to leave the airport, please cooperate." The lieutenant colonel's eyes hardly left Tan Ya, his eyes were full of desire. Fortunately, he had not been fascinated to forget his mission.

"The Middle East Federation will not accept any security inspections and open the door, otherwise all the consequences will be borne by the Indonesian government." Tan Ya just took a word and returned to the car. She was too lazy to say about the garbage soldiers in front of her. Even a word.

According to international law, Tanya has informed Indonesia about this trip, and Jakarta Airport is also an international airport. Leaving the airport is equivalent to officially entering Indonesia’s sovereign territory. If it is an ordinary passenger, he must undergo security check.

However, as a representative of the Middle East Federation, it is completely impossible to accept an inspection here. A team of representatives from any country cannot accept the so-called security inspection of another country.

"Then you will not be able to pass here." The lieutenant colonel said to Tan Ya's back.

"Control the gate, any resistance by force is equivalent to declaring war on the Middle East Federation." Tan Ya said to all the guards who got off the car.

There were forty guards who came with them. They were all from the ban. The off-road vehicles they rode were all specially reinforced professional bullet-proof vehicles. The cost of each one was as high as tens of millions, and carbon fiber was used extensively. Materials and high-strength tungsten alloy body materials, although they can not withstand weapons such as anti-tank missiles, but ordinary rocket launchers can't help it.

It can defend against direct fire from rocket launchers with a caliber less than 60 mm, and it can defend against tank mines. The structural strength of the body is even stronger than that of armored vehicles. The most important thing is that these off-road vehicles are roaring beasts on the ground. They have strong power, even for houses. The watertight cement walls can be bumped all the way effortlessly, and the body structure remains stable.

The guard, who was ordered, went back to the car one by one. The led off-road vehicle suddenly roared like a beast. This sound made the soldiers of the Indonesian security forces on the opposite side even scared. Jump.

Before they could make any response, the first off-road vehicle rushed to the guardrail at the gate. Several soldiers of the security forces at the gate just had time to avoid them instinctively, and then they could only look at the bumper and guardrail. The gate of the airport was hit and flew out.

The stainless steel anti-collision piers that can stop various vehicles and even armored vehicles were knocked out in the impact of off-road vehicles, together with the cement on the ground.

The scene was suddenly messed up, and the convoy behind, following the first off-road vehicle, rushed directly out of the airport.

Some of the soldiers of the Indonesian security forces have to shoot to intercept the convoy. Fortunately, the lieutenant colonel on the side has a sharp eye, and immediately shouted: "Don't shoot."

Stopping the representative convoy of the Middle East Federation originally did not comply with international law. If you shoot again, it will really be a Where does Indonesia dare to further escalate the incident? The strength of the Middle East Federation, Indonesia is also Only time was delayed.

At this moment, many passengers in the airport also saw this scene, and a large number of mobile phones recorded this scene.

Soon there were related pictures and texts appearing on the Internet. As the voice could not be heard, it can be seen from the picture that General Tan Ya of the Middle East Federation was intercepted at the airport. As a result, he saw the convoy of the Middle East Federation directly hitting him. The door enters into the city of Jakarta high.

Although no sound can be heard, depending on the situation, it is not difficult to guess the situation at that time.

At the same time, the Middle East Federation also exposed the Indonesian government’s obstruction of the Middle East Federation delegation. The Middle East Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs also formally submitted a very strict protest letter to the Indonesian government. If the Indonesian government continues to block the Middle East Federation’s investigation of federal citizens In the event of the murder in Indonesia, necessary coercive measures will be taken to protect the legal rights of the diaspora overseas.

Under the strong stance of the Middle East Federation, it has also won the further cohesion of Arabs all over the world. After all, Arabs have never enjoyed such a privilege, and the dignity seems to have been found all at once.

It is the best explanation for a country to try to recover justice for a citizen killed overseas. This is the best explanation to the citizens. The entire Middle East Federation has even more deafening protests against the actions of the Indonesian government. Even the large numbers of Arab communities all over the world require the Indonesian government to give an explanation to the Arab world.

In this matter, Turkey and Egypt are all on the side of the Middle East Federation, and other Arab countries have also participated. This is a time for a nation to wake up, and the entire Chinese world is also supporting Cai Ruichen. On the Internet, almost all posts and articles accusing Indonesian monkeys.

(To be continued.)

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