48. Unification of the Western Continent! East Continent next? (2)


Upon seeing King Talos, Duke Cleta shouted, but the King quietly shook his head.

The overwhelming power of the Imperial Army was strong enough to make them lose their will to resist.

Even if you run away from here, you will soon be caught and killed.

In that case, I had to find honor.

“Please finish with me.”

Kariel smiled at the king’s words.

“I refuse.”

The damage to the empire was too great to end with just one king.

The king’s eyes trembled at the resolute refusal.

“Duke Cleta! If you want to save the royal family, be at the forefront of the forthcoming war! With your life, I will save the lives of the royal family and your family.”

As he said that, he looked at the wall.

“However, nobles related to Roman are an exception. They will be punished unconditionally.”

Kariel’s mercy is only for soldiers and those who have been forced to follow orders from their superiors.

All the high-ranking nobles except for the family and some royalty who could move the Duke of Cleta were going to be killed.

“Think about your treatment after the unification of the western continent is over.”

Having said that to King Talos on his knees, Kariel turned his gaze to Tharion.

“Treat him as a sinner.”

“Yes! your majesty.”

He put aside the least respect for the king and tied the soldiers with ropes as if they were criminals.

It was humiliating, but no one protested.

It’s because Talos has committed sins.

「He broke the unwritten rule of the West Continent.」

Countries from the Western Continent were pathologically reluctant to receive help from the Eastern Continent. However, it was not enough that Talos violated it, so he joined hands to bring Roman into the West Continent.

For this alone, the people of Talos deserved to be ostracized from the Empire.

However, since all kinds of criminal acts were revealed and he showed an ugly appearance until the end, it was natural for King Talos to be humiliated.

“your majesty.”

Tarion, who had suddenly run over, whispered something urgently in his ear.

Then, with a serious expression on his face, Kariel immediately gave an order to the southern commander.

“Can you catch Roman’s army?”

“It will be difficult because of the distance.”

“Let’s try it anyway.”

“Yes! your majesty.”

The commander of the South moved in haste with only the elite troops at Kariel’s orders.

However, it was one step quicker for Roman spies to report to their own army.

Upon hearing the news of King Talos’ surrender, Roman’s army made the decision to withdraw without delay. This is because if you make a mistake, you may not even be able to withdraw and be annihilated.

The Southern Commander tried to go full force, but it was faster for Roman’s army to board the ship.

Until the end, I tried to attack using a wizard, but there was a limit to attack because the distance had already widened.


Hearing the report that he missed it, Kariel put on a sad expression.

It was because it was an opportunity to reduce Roman’s strength even a little.

“Still, I have achieved my goal, so I should be satisfied.”

Having said that, Kariel looked at King Talos, who was tied up and kneeling.

Talos, who resisted to the end, was subdued, so the South was pacified.

Now, all that remains is the Holy Kingdom.

“I’m going back leaving at least an army to organize. Find the nobles of Talos to take to the capital.”

“I take orders!”

At Kariel’s command, all the commanders bowed their heads and immediately began sorting.

The criteria were simple.

1st place. Roman’s Knapu

2nd place. those who are likely to rebel

3rd place. aristocrats who often committed crimes

Even though the 1st and 2nd places are the same, Kariel simply answered the question of why the 3rd place is included.

“You have to manage your images.”

To the people of Talos, the Imperial Army would look like a demon.

They were fearful beings who could kill them at any time, but if they catch those who tormented them, there is a high possibility that their image will improve even a little.

As long as the country called Talos was swallowed up, it had to be completely unified into the Empire.

It was necessary to show that empires were better than kingdoms to be part of a full federation of empires without vassalization.

That’s why we had to implement a better policy than the existing Talos.

In the case of the nobles, who were usually notorious to the people of Talos, Kariel also showed a performance of cutting their throats with a knife.

“Arrest all who are related to them.”

At Kariel’s command, the Imperial Army moved to wipe out the criminal organizations in the capital.

They caught all those who had a little bit of a connection, but because of the petty criminals who were blowing to the rear to survive, criminals in the capital of Talos were caught one after another and gathered in front of Kariel.

“Tell me about the person who looked after you. Then at least let me save your life.”

Seeing Kariel speaking with a benevolent expression, the criminals trembled and recited their stories one by one.

In the process, the nobles who were avoiding the information network of the shadows began to be caught one by one.

“It’s shit.”

Kariel laughed at the fish caught here and there and changed her plan.

If I was going to do it, I had to do it right.

“Fortnight. I will incinerate the trash in it and go. Catch them all.”

“Yes! your majesty.”

At Kariel’s command, Tarion and the military bowed their heads and moved to carry out the order.

During the full moon period, the people of Talos could understand why the current emperor was called Blood Prince in the Empire. Thousands of people were arrested, some of whom were trafficking.

There were even garbage, such as abusing young children, which Kariel himself set fire to and burned at the stake.


“buy… … live… … give me… … .”

During the full month, many criminals disappeared as ashes in Kariel’s flames.

And the last day to leave.

Gathering only the most heinous, they knelt in the square.

At Kariel’s command, countless citizens of Talos gathered in the plaza with anxious expressions, and in front of their eyes, Kariel brandished his sword and decapitated the criminals.

“Those who harass my people will be punished by myself. So trust me At least I will give you a much better life than before. Promise me.”

After shouting that to the restless people of Talos, he burned the bodies of the decapitated nobles.

“Trust me. You are my people, and I have lived for the people.”

Upon hearing those words, the fear of the Emperor slowly began to fade from the eyes of the people of Talos. Since the people of Talos had already heard rumors about how the empire was changing, the promise of the emperor was like rain during a drought.

‘Are we going to become imperial citizens too?’

‘Are we also getting a chance to go upwards?’

It’s a bit cruel, but that’s why it was more reliable.

The resoluteness to punish those who suck their own blood without mercy increased the trust in the emperor.

When hope began to shine in the eyes of the people of Talos instead of fear, Kariel with a satisfied expression had Talos release most of the provisions he had brought to Tarion.

“The Empire is different from Talos!”

A large banner hung at the Talos Palace.

Cariel, who gave hope to the people of Talos who were groaning in pain, by sowing a huge amount of food and money, ordered the southern commander to reserve some troops just in case, and then immediately returned to the capital with the main force.

A portion of the Imperial Army remained, but the people of Talos preferred it rather than being anxious.

The reason why Kariel stationed some of his troops was for the sake of security.

Since most of the criminal organizations were captured and a large number of high-ranking nobles who could cause a rebellion were captured and returned to the capital, the possibility of a major uprising was low.

Still, since the kingdom suddenly collapsed, it had to be taken into consideration that it would be unstable.

Usually, in this case, the main forces were stationed for a few months to stabilize it, and new high-ranking officials had to come and change it to suit the system of the empire.

Kariel was well aware of this.

Nevertheless, there was only one reason for bringing all of the main forces up.

“I command the holy kingdom! Decide whether to surrender or fight to the end!”

Kariel gave an ultimatum to the Holy Kingdom.

As soon as he arrived in the capital, Kariel, leaving only Archelio and the Imperial Palace Knights, sent all remaining troops to the north.

It was a threat to push the kingdom away if he did not accept the ultimatum.

At the same time, Roteon was given one last chance.

“I will give you a chance to confess yourself.”

He ordered the king of Roteon to bring back those who had joined the unknown forces, those who worked hand in hand with Roman like Talos, or the black magician’s nemesis.

It was a Roteon that was not a mess like Talos, and it was a possible order because the intelligence department they boasted of was also intact.

There was no law against Kariel, who had already turned Talos into a sea of blood, in Roteon, so the king had the nobles captured by himself.

“after… … You can’t be like Talos.”

Talos is thrown into chaos as the king is dragged along like a criminal and most of the nobles are captured.

Many people were executed in the process.

Although they were all criminals, they were all aristocrats who were part of the southern commercial district.

Since they were all executed, the power of the South was drained all the way.

King Roteon took the humiliation himself to prevent that.

“Keep the family line.”

“… … majesty.”

“If you resist, you will be killed.”

At the words of King Roteon, the nobles gathered in front of him bowed their heads.

They already knew the details of what had happened at Talos. It was announced that only criminals were killed, but Kariel executed or captured all the family members related to him.

The reason was simple.

It is because the family that joined hands with the drug dealer is rotten even for a noble lady or a small family.

They bought luxuries and pleasures with the proceeds from selling drugs, and most of them even bought young slaves. That’s why everyone in the family except for the very young children was killed and the seeds were dried.

Most of the things that the powerful in the south enjoyed were strictly forbidden by the Empire, and Kariel killed them all based on Imperial law.

So there was a high possibility that Roteon would also step on that train.

Of course, even in this situation, there were those who resisted to the end.

They were directly captured by the military of Roteon, but there were also those who eventually hid and disappeared.

However, they also could not last a week and were loaded onto wagons transporting criminals to the Empire.

Even if he avoided the army of Roteon, he could not avoid the pursuit of the Empire’s shadows.

“We do the rest.”

Tarion, who had personally led the army, began searching the capital of Roteon like a tooth.

In the first place, Kariel did not believe in King Roteon.

They knew that those close to them would look after them, so they investigated and arrested all of them.

As a result, there were people who were angry at the humiliating level of capture.

One of them was the Duke of Pyrrès, but he too was of little use.

This is because the Empire’s new sword and unsalted genius came with Tarion.

“Your Majesty told me.”

Glenn said while facing the Duke of Pires, who was looking at him, with a cold face.

“If you’re going to lie down, definitely get down. If you stand clumsily, I will wipe Roteon off the map.”

After conveying the Emperor’s order, Glen turned his back without a word.

Then the Duke of Pires clenched his fists in humiliation and trembled.

But nothing could be done.

This was because everything from airships that filled the skies to the special forces of the Empire were lurking around Roteon.

When the Imperial Army, centered on Tarion, captured all the remaining criminals in Roteon, Kariel gave another order.

“I think it’s time to pay for what was done.”

“I will prepare it.”

The chamberlain quietly bowed his head and left at Kariel’s command.

In the meantime, how much did the empire suffer from Roman? Now is the time to pay back.

“Shouldn’t you guys also taste what shit is like?”

After muttering that, Kariel smiled.

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Just as Roman tried to divide the West Continent, Kariel will do the same for the East Continent.

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