48. Unification of the Western Continent! East Continent next?

From the moment the raid on the capital of the empire was prevented, the war was a victory for the empire.

Still, he gave the southern kingdoms the ‘right to surrender’ to protect the minimum honor.

But even this was humiliating.

However, even if they did not surrender and wanted to fight to the end, there was no justification. In this situation, the Duke of Pyres told the king a message from the empire.

“The people have turned their backs, and the nobles have begun to divide.”

At King Roteon’s words, the Duke of Pires could not say anything.

All he could do now was wait for his master to make a decision.

You could ask for help from an unknown force, but in the first place, it was not a relationship where you could expect anything like that from them.

They used Roteon, and Roteon only used them.

So now there was nothing left for Roteon.

“… … Do I have any options left?”

He asked the three most trusted servants in front of him.

The Marquis of Wilsingham, who is called the Trade Prince, the Marquis of Delrond who oversees the government, and the Duke of Pires, the sword of Roteon.

These three could not answer the king’s words.

After a while, the Duke of Pires opened his mouth heavily.

“If you want to fight to the end, God will be by your side.”

At the words of the Duke of Pires, the Marquis of Wilsingham and the Marquis of Delrond also bowed their heads.

However, it has been a long time since other nobles, except these and their followers, left the palace and returned to their respective residences.

If you leave, you are thinking of getting rid of your body.

He abandoned the people and gathered the nobility.

But are those nobles divided? That actually meant the end.

In effect, the state is over. All that was left was to protect the honor of the royal family, or to protect precious lives by gracefully surrendering to the empire.

“What’s the point of holding out?”

As Roteon said with a bitter expression, the three nobles bowed their heads in silence.

“… … Accept the Empire’s offer.”

The history of the kingdom came to an end in his generation. The Duke of Pires, who knew better than anyone how disgraceful this decision was for the proud King Roteon, bit his lip.

At first, as soon as he heard the Empire’s proposal, he tried to assemble his forces and try to make a last stand.

However, the reason the Duke of Pires changed his mind was because of a report from an adjutant.

“Sir, the troops have begun to depart.”

“dare! Are you saying that you have deviated from the exhibition situation? Catch them all!”

“… … .”

At the words of the Duke of Pires, the lieutenant knelt without a word.

“Are you protesting?”

“They just go back to their families.”


The lieutenant bowed his head in response to the Duke of Pires’ question.

“There are families of soldiers among the protesters coming to the capital.”

At the lieutenant’s words, the Duke of Pires shut his mouth.

“If this is the case, they will have to cut down their families.”

Looking at the adjutant who risked his life to report, the Duke of Pires was unable to say anything.

The duke, who could not bear to say that he should cut his family, killed his adjutant without a word and went straight to the king.

And in the end, he had no choice but to urge the king to end the history of the kingdom.

Talos, on the other hand, made a different decision.

It was a request for support from Roman.

In just a few days, the Roman master’s ship could arrive at the port of Talos.

If they come to the capital, they should be able to hold on.

With this calculation, he put all his forces into the capital with the determination to hold out in the capital.

However, the results of this judgment were disastrous.

* * *

“Tell them to block Talos.”


The moment Cariel gave the order to the military commander, the southern and eastern forces moved.

I couldn’t trust Roteon, who had decided to surrender, until the end, so I tied them up with Iron and the Western Army and put all available power into Talos.

The three armies gathered in Talos, but Kariel was not satisfied with that.

All the troops the Empire could currently mobilize were not just soldiers.

“your majesty! Thinking again… … .”

“Wouldn’t it be okay if I kept my luggage?”

The knights of the imperial palace sighed at Kariel’s words.

So Kariel left the troops besieging Roteon to the Western Army, scraped up the troops there, and headed for Talos.

He went directly to Talos to crush Roman’s intention to secretly send aid through the sea route.

In the end, to protect the emperor, the majority of the Imperial Knights and Glenn and the bodyguards were also with them.

Is it because the main powers of the empire have gathered?

Talos’ gangs of criminals had also disappeared, and the armies of the nobles who had suppressed the people with a small number of knights also disappeared.

All that was left was the army gathered in the heart of Talos.

“Meet Your Majesty.”

“Meet Your Majesty.”

Major commanders, including Duke David and Duke Achelio, bowed their heads.

“Intelligence came in that Roman had secretly sent reinforcements. They say it will arrive within three days at the latest.”

At Kariel’s words, all the commanders nodded heavily.

“How long do you think it will take to capture that place?”

To Kariel’s question, the southern commander answered quietly.

“Most of them are ragtag and can be finished within a day.”

Kariel pondered for a moment at the southern commander’s answer, then nodded.

“Show me the difference in strength. It doesn’t seem bad to induce surrender by an overwhelming margin.”

“Yes! your majesty.”

At Kariel’s command, all the commanders bowed their heads in response and retreated.

I wanted to wipe it out, but I had to preserve a little more troops so that the war that would come later would be easier.

This was especially the case with masters and high-ranking knights.

Kariel, who wanted to end the war while preserving Talos’ main forces, tried to subdue Talos with an overwhelming difference in power.

It all started with the Masters.

“I will go first.”

Having said that, Duke David pulled out his sword and stabbed it into the air.

At that moment, a huge aura became a flash and struck the fortress of the castle.

However, there was no way that the fortress where all of Talos’ abilities were concentrated could be breached by just one master. As if he expected that, this time Achelio’s huge sword hit the barrier.

The moment the barrier cracked due to the two Masters’ full-strength attack, a group of airships appeared in the sky.

“Stop it! Don’t let them come to their senses!”

Marquis Alcan immediately issued a response order.

However, only Talos’ elite troops responded.

Most of the nobles’ army is just panicking.

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Just then, a flash of light passed through the two Masters’ attacks.


The moment the barrier shattered with the sound of breaking glass, Duke Cleta stepped forward and swung her sword.

The moment he cut the flash with the Aura Blade made with electric power, the space distorted and began to swallow the surroundings.

However, as if it was incomplete, Duke Cleta cut it with all his might, and the distorted space returned to its original state and disappeared with the sound of air bursting.



Duke Cleta stumbled while coughing.

The eyes of the Marquis Altane began to tremble at the fact that he, who was called the 1st sword in the south and was rated one step above the Duke of Pires, was staggering from the attack of the youngster who had just become a master.

It was even a slash that broke the barrier.

“… … You are a monster.”

Duke Cleta looked at her arm with a trembling voice.

It was confirmed that the slight trembling was still an unusual skill.

“dismissal! Coming again!”

When another bizarre slash came, Duke Cleta responded by making an aura blade.

However, there were two more Masters in the Empire.

The Knights and Wizards moved to block the flash and the huge Aura Blade.

Naturally, the barrier could not be restored, and in the meantime, air bombardments began from airborne ships that had entered over the fortress.

At the same time as bombs were dropped on the magic weapons inside the fortress, the shadows and other special forces began to fall inside the fortress, and the capital of Talos fell into chaos in an instant.

As if that was not the end, this time the Knights of the Empire moved.

The Eastern Knights are famous for their toughness.

Central Knights called elite.

Southern Knights like wild beasts.

The three knights rushed towards the fortress at once.

The knights unite each other’s magical powers and rush towards the gates like spears or rush to climb the fortress from all directions.

Meanwhile, the Imperial Army also began to move.

An all-out battle from the start. It was a strategy that came from overwhelming confidence in being able to push away regardless of what strategy the opponent had.

As the special forces and knights of each army started rampaging, the hastily gathered Talos army fell into chaos as they wandered around.

Then, due to the aftermath, even the elite army began to shake.

“damn… … .”

Marquis Altan bit his lip and tried to resist with all his might, but it was futile.

The difference in power was too great.

Even if they fight with the fort, they will only be able to hold out for a few more hours.

It was when the Marquis of Altan trembled with helplessness and pulled out his sword.

“All surrender! If you do that, I will spare your life!”

The emperor himself stood in the sight of the enemy’s gates while being protected by the knights of the imperial palace.

“I promise. Those who went to war due to King Talos’ erroneous orders will be pardoned by Jim’s orders. So surrender.”

As Kariel said that, his power was manifested.

When the giant summons of Kariel that wiped out the demon dragon swarm were created, everyone stared blankly at them.

“The moment you surrender, you will be accepted as a citizen of the Empire. one! If you resist to the end… … I take it as a sign of wanting to remain a citizen of Talos.”

Having said that, Kariel revealed his life.

“I made up my mind to completely erase all traces of Talos from this continent. I will completely erase the traces of Talos on this continent by destroying the three tribes of those who resist to the end, from their families to their relatives.”

The soldiers of Talos began to pay attention to Kariel’s bloody words.

Then the Marquis of Altan shouted.

“Don’t back down! You are proud soldiers of Talos!”

The Marquis of Altan hurriedly shouted, but it was already too late. It was because the soldiers of Talos began to lay down their weapons one by one.

There was no reason in the first place.

It is true that the revolutionary forces were oppressed and the common people were suffering because of the caste system.

In such a situation, who will show loyalty to those who are stuck in the capital by collecting nobles to live only for the poor?

I don’t know if it’s the nobles, but the soldiers didn’t.

“Will you resist?”

Duke Cleta bit his lip at Duke Achelio’s question.

The three masters surrounded Duke Cleta before he knew it.

Even if you risk your life to resist, how long can you last?

‘It’s meaningless, but to buy time for Your Highness to evacuate… … .’

It was when Duke Cleta thought so and tried to make an aura blade to buy some time.


Duke Cleta looked back at the cry of the Marquis of Altane.

Their lord left the palace alone and trudged toward the gates of the fortress.

Everyone was silent as they looked at King Talos.

Soon, he opened the half-broken city gate and stood before the emperor alone. Kariel quietly asked King Cleta.

“Will you surrender?”

King Talos, who stared blankly at Kariel’s question, quietly knelt down.

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