The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of people plunder chapter 259

The first boiling is the auditorium, which is a neatly aided: "The king, long point!"


"Others, I lost half."

Subsequently, the slogan of the audience is "the woman of the iron wall". Blowing a department is a celebrity in the whole school, which is equivalent to school flowers before the study of Kaikko.

"What is this!" Blow the shame.

In the crowd, it is mixed with a unharitable voice: "The first!"


The gunshots of the game rang.

It is a loud noise with the gunshots, like a strong dissipation in the football field. Kai Bai Bahe is not planning to push the ball, a feet, attaches the kinetic energy of [Vector Operation], and directly puts two high white big balls.

Ball, no landing.

Kaikkai Baishi opened the bloody eyes and exudes the tyrannical breath. She is first, running with the big ball in the air, like a backbone. Snow white short hair is not a beautiful flower ornament, blooming in the rain. Every step, the water is splashing.

This guy wants to have two fifteen people? !

"Hey, this uncle is back." Kaikko smiled, "Here, one party will pass!"

White hair devil on the green field!

I really like black long straight!

Chapter 165 Weather


The ball in the field, the ball in the sky is suddenly stopped, blocked like an invisible wall, high speed. The eyes of the audience are attracted by this big ball.


A tall boy is sent in the long distance and raises his hand. In rolling big ball games, hollow is superior. A high school strength is weak, most of which are the most common mindless power. It is not easy to pull up a team of thies.

The air is said to: "Sorry, I am the gold gatekeeper of the school team."

The first wave of offensive was blocked. The first hand of Kaikai Baili blows the battle of the battle, and the two sides begin to attack. In a huge stadium, there were hundreds of meters in both sides, with a total of forty-nine big balls rolled. Most horses like Wan Ma.


The audience sounded a cheer.


Kaikkai bite the teeth and stepped on the earth. In any case, you must first grab the control.

"Is it ... she wants to fly?"

After losing the ability, the Kaikkai Baishi starts from scratch, and the master's master is improved. With the smallest force, the control of the airflow reaches the flight.

"Will n't let you succeed!" A enemy flew over the sky.

The rules of the big ball are simple, even if it is flying in the sky. The only restriction is that you can't touch each other's ball. So, there is no problem to steal.

"Rolling, hiding guy!"

Kerit and flight powers are fighting in the sky. [Vector Operation] It is better than professional flight capabilities, and the performance of the fighter is complete.

The enemy is flying back, laughs: "I can do it in the glasses, can you chase?"

Want to drag me in this way?

Kaikai is not angry, saying: "Look at your own ball."


I don't know when, Both Sakai is out of this array. He shot his racquet to be numb, said: "Get the ball!"

"Who is going to pick up, such a big ball will kill people!"

At this time, the preparation of the preparation is stringing, and the hard-ease will receive the pass of B. The big ball was played by Oufa, stopped.

There is an octopus, the thoracolites. It is worthy of the legendary iron wall!

Middle school physical questions, a large number of two small balls for elastic collision, meet energy conservation and momentum conservation. So, how much is this ball?

Space move!

Like a rebound, Baki instantly moves into the air, picking up the big ball before Kaikai and the enemy, and then alone into the enemy. I can't touch the enemy directly, the ball is no problem.

The beauty of the Paiyuan is drinking: "Not good, he wants to hit the ball!"


The enemy's macaro soup, pushing the big ball, splashing water. It looks a lot, and B is muted, and there is no big ball in the unmanned counterattack. He took his own ball and aimed at an angle.

"A rod into the hole."


Both Sakura fired his big ball and allowed two balls collided. A portion of the kinetic energy is transmitted to the second ball, which is like a billiard.

The enemy's hollow makes it obvious to a long-distance space. It is equivalent to instantly move into his own goal, and the face is shot.

Take two points!

There is no centralist: "Yoshida, you are idiot, watching your own ball!"

"Well." Yoshi scratched his head.

The audience is awkward: "Is this really rolling a big ball? How do I feel that it is a fidelity flight. From the beginning, people and the ball did not fall."


Both Sakae only feels with space powers. One person and a ball, it is constantly flashing on the ground. There is no defensive ability in a high school, which can only make a wall, and it is broken by a moment!

The enemy has put five space powers, as the striker. The enemy's goal is still defended by the air wall. The home goals are made into a screen.

Score 2: 5.

With the goal, the players who are emptied to the ball are more and more, the battle has become fierce. I don't need to be smared, I am fine.

Kaikka's ball makes the Ben to play, of course, you have to come back. She took the ball from blowing hands and rotated at high speed.

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