The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder chapter 258

Sagitian smiled.

The pants are taken away, you will show me this? Ah, this sentence cannot be issued. What is the network language, it's too bold. Sagitian tears, cherish your woman's strength, take a little!

Typhoon. "

Sagitian tears remembered a city legend. She quickly got up and found it in the BBS message board in the urban city.

Custom weather ... is there really? The price of the entrusted price is ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of yen, and can only be manufactured in a region and time.

The other party is a girl, it seems to be the ability to manipulate the weather. Zo Tian thought about it, anyway, strangers describe his love.

"Ok." The other party quickly replied.

Recently working in a convenience store. Because of the excellent performance of the baseball match, the school has made a subsidy. Tens of thousands of money is still getting out.

Sagitant tears mind, made a sunny doll. There is a scar on the right eye, very cute. She smiled and hung the doll in the window, and danced with the wind.

"I hope it is a good weather."

On the fourth day of the big tyrants, a high school ushered in the strongest enemy in history. The e-newspapers in the school are published news - "Black Horse VS King! Who is the king of the big ball!"

Currently, the top three in the standings are long-point, often on the plane and a high school. This year, there is no name in this year, because the new Level5 enters the public's sight, the foreign military projected into the largest black horse this season.

The sky is under the sky.

The school city is artificially interfered with typhoon, and there is no destructive power when landing. The big ball can only be carried out outdoors, so you have to raise the game.

"Let's go."

There is a reflection, and the bumbles in the bumbler open the rain. Otherwise, the "War" that the paper is going to bubble.

The stage is full of seats.

Gourmet bee prayed with girls with trapped valves. Chiang color stars and common disk school uniforms, form a beautiful landscape. She has no exercise ability, can't get a field, but [mentality] is the best cheerleader.

Sailing Runzi is a cheerleader and is organizing the team.

"In order to get the bees, I shouted me together."

"Xiaoyu Xiaoyu, come on!"

On the court, Baki felt countless attention, the smile gradually disappeared. Play? Small pray, you are absolutely deliberate!

"Your popularity is very high." Kaikko.

A split opponent: "The first place, if you show your identity, you will become a super popular one mother."

"Cut, this uncle is not rare."

At this time, Xiaoyu's Loli sound came up on the stage: "Lily, come on!"

: "You are a party Loli control."

That stinky ghost!

I don't know why, Kaikai is warm.

The audience stunned.

"What is the number 2 of the White Team? Can you make a cheerleader? I am in the game, it is exhausted!"

"That is [ ], people and fifth is a couple. Ah, even the fourth place is coming! No, I have to sign a sign ..."

Mai Yin Shen Liyou's legs, said impatiently: "Why do I want to see a child's family?"

"Mai Yak, don't complain." Franida said, "This is to give new people."

"Hey, have you bought it?"

Siqi's favorite said: "Baki, super strong. Flanted in the black market's mouth, gamble, the whole body home. If you lose, you can only down to the sea."

"Is original this reason?" Mai Na is full of black lines.

The Franda looks back.

"Ah, already fell asleep!"

A boys came, saying: "You are ... Atomic collapse Miss? I have seen your photo, the real person is more than ... more than the photo! Can you take a picture with me?"

Mai's mouth smoked, smile showing professional models.

"Give the old lady!"

On the court, the two sides pulled the battle, twenty-five people in the left and right sides, and each person rushed to the enemy's finish line. 10 minutes a limited time, first completed more than half of the goals is the winner. During the process of rolling the big ball, at least once, you can use any capability to interfere with each other.

This is a relatively high degree of freedom.

A high school, Biece, a party stood a row, holding hands with hands. As a white team, wear a white hood. Most of the genius students wearing glasses, most of them are red, handsome.

The referee said: "Please ask the two sides to shake hands."

The command of the long point is a girl, it seems to be called "Paiyuan Pasta". This is a girl with brown long-haired Liu Hai, and the grass is full of confidence.

She stretched out of Shangkai Bai Li, "Are you passing?"

White hair is welcome to open her hand.

"Cognition me? I don't know you. I still don't care about these small characters when I have a long point."

Some people are not full: "Too ran! You actually ran to the hostile school? I have never participated in the competition, I don't know the glory of the machine!"

"After years, we finally took back the championship from the Chang Platse hand. That's right, we are the king of the city's urban city - long point!"

"Rongguang, king? Don't make me laugh. But it is a little bit of small mice." Kaikuo smiled, "Only the weak will hold the group to warm. The Level4 of the whole school has been caught up with me, not ?"

Twenty-five major powers were sent in the long distance. This is a big hand, and many schools don't have so many Level4 together. Considering the matching of lineup, the combination of different power people is only available in the long-point and the common plate station.

At this moment, twenty-five people were irritated. One degree recalls the fear of being dominated by one party, as well as humiliation over the level.

"You!" A boy angry.

Phase Garden, the Yangtze River, stopped his teammates.

"We will see the true chapter in your hand."

The two sides are far away, standing on the side of the big ball, one person. Depart from the starting line of your own, the goal is the end point of the other party.

In addition, the flying camera is adjusted to broadcast this game to the entire academic park. Even the open-air TV on the street is overween.

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