[“Senior! Predecessor! “]

[This voice is…]

[“Senior!!! Predecessor!!! “]

[Matthew… Crying again…”

[The girl opened her eyes and saw the junior of Pear Blossom with Rain.] ]


[“Ah! Seniors-“]

[“Everyone’s here…”]

[Back.] ]

[The girl who was bathed in the sun again breathed a sigh of relief, except for the warmth of the last light, the place was too oppressive to be there longer.] ]

[Chaldeans, Roman breathed a sigh of relief, and he redetected the girl’s life anyway.] ]

[“Sorry, Matthew, for worrying you, I’m already fine.”) ]

[“Ahem!”] ]

[Merlin suddenly interrupted the girl who was comforting Matthew and pointed to her arms.] ]

[“The thing you’ve been holding is a destiny clay tablet, right?”] ]

[“Huh? …… Well…… Alas!!!!!! “]

[I don’t know when, the girl is already holding the Destiny clay tablet.] ]

This is the next time the underworld got the slate?

So, meditate from the underworld through the city of Kusa… You’re not out of the underworld yet, are you?

The underworld is underground in the city of Kusa? It is worthy of being the city of the goddess of the underworld.

[While Merlin was thinking about the message left by the old man that “the underworld is still alive”, a high-energy magical reaction came from the sky——]

[Golden meteors like stars shooting towards this side.] ]


[“Shooting stars” cut through the sky and pierced the earth.] ]

[The Chaldean group was hit directly…] Smoke and dust…”

Who? Enchidu?

Didn’t He say earlier that he would not come out easily with a “guard” (Merlin)?

Wait a minute! This glorious attack…

Immediately, the audience’s face was full of black lines, and it was really her…

[“Found you!”] ]

[In the sky floats a ninety-nine naked goddess, Ishtar, the goddess of Venus.] ]

[“I heard that you asked the rancher to inquire about me!”] ]

[“If you actually inquire about the goddess’s holiday schedule, there must be a limit to the nerves!”] ]

[“Istal !?” ]

[“Oh, it seems that you have lost your heart and are afraid of being heard, and you feel embarrassed to be known that you are a gem robber?”] ]

[Merlin’s words made the goddess attack a few more times like anger.] ]

[Then the goddess said that she had only taken the proper reward for defeating Warcraft.] ]

Sure enough, this woman is the one who makes the audience full of black lines, and their guess the year before last was correct, she came to grab business…

[“Actually treat me as an idiot twice in a row, pay for your sins!”] ]

[Needless to say, Istal is about to attack.] ]

[“I will accept the treasure in your hand as a moral compensation.”] ]

[“You’re really still a bandit!”] ]


[Another happy day~]

[Then, no matter how pleasant it is, the day will pass.] ]

[Just as everyone was fighting Istar, the sun slowly set over the horizon——]


[Istar, who was still teasing others with air superiority, suddenly stopped in his voice, and then closed his eyes as if he was asleep…]

[Taking advantage of the other party’s distraction, Anna ripped the other party from the air with a chain, and then Ixtar did not get up again…]

[The girl and the others looked at each other…]

What happened?

Not only the girls, but also the audience was stunned.

They don’t think that this is what Anna did, although Anna is also a goddess, but obviously Ishtar is much stronger than her, and it is impossible to be stunned by her blow.

Moreover, before passing out, Ixtar’s state was clearly wrong, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Finally, the inventory video seems to be afraid that everyone does not care about the details, locking the sun falling on the horizon…

It’s too obvious that Istar’s changes are inseparable from the sun.

[Night. ]

[Istal was tied to a pillar, always suspecting that the other party could easily break free when he woke up.] ]

[“Oh, it’s dark.”) Good morning. “]

[Surprisingly, the goddess who woke up did not snort, but saw so many people around and subconsciously said hello.] ]

[Very polite kind.] ]

[“Huh? What’s going on, what is this, where is this, how am I tied !? Inexplicable! I ask for clarification! What the hell is going on here!? “]

[What’s going on?] This crazy woman, when she wakes up, she won’t admit it? ]

[“Ah, awake? Good morning. “]

[“Well, good morning, I like polite greetings.”] …… But who are you? “]


Don’t know? She didn’t even know these people in front of her?

Wait a minute, this temperament! How is it so much like that silhouette?

I went, did the big guy in front guess correctly? Is the goddess of Venus a dual personality? Would God do the same?

[Seeing that “Istar” did not seem to be fake, the girl was puzzled, but patiently reintroduced everyone.] ]


[Hearing the sudden cry of the little beast, “Ishtar” The whole person tensed instantly, and a lot of cold sweat flowed on his face. ]

[“What is this, isn’t it a beast of calamity!”] Why is that stuff here!? Will I be eaten? Will I be treated as a living sacrifice!? “]


Live sacrifice!?

What is the origin of this little animal? What the hell is the origin of Fufu!

It can actually make a goddess tremble with fear, and even fear being treated as a living sacrifice.

Moreover, I remember that Merlin also called this guy “the beast of calamity”, what does it mean!?

[“Please calm down, Goddess Istar, we didn’t mean to harm you, we just have something I want to ask you.”) ]

[“In addition, please understand the tying of your hands and feet, we are also for safety reasons.”) ]

[“It’s unheard of to tie me up!”] Is that me? But me!? Are you not afraid of retribution for doing this? “]

[“No, I’ve been threatened by you so far anyway…”]

[“This… Like this? This look doesn’t seem to be lying… Wow, is that so… I’m such an overly goddess…”


Usually when I issue this symbol, it’s not that I have a problem, but that you have a problem!

Is this really still Istar? Are you a transpersonality? You’re a substitution, right?

Change your personality to be able to talk about yourself casually?

“Yes, you can say yourself if you change your personality? Bah, how did I get in too! ”

The goddess “caterpillar” kept bouncing.

“Let go of me, Gilgamesh, I’m going to fight that gloomy woman!!!”

“Shut up! Miscellaneous! ”


Long-lost whipping ~

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