[Disappointed that Merlin was not sacrificed after all.] ]

[The group solved the Warcraft and crossed the mountains to the city of Kusa.] ]

[“Is this the place?”] A city that ceased to be active overnight…”]

[Everyone looked at the empty streets in front of them and lost their minds, what kind of disaster could have destroyed the city without causing large-scale damage.] ]

[“There is only frightening silence, and what might even be called pure death.”) ]

[“…… It seems that both I and King Gilgamesh have missed here, and the events in Kusa City are very different from other cities, and I even think that the king will put the ‘Destiny Clay Slab’ here, okay——”]

[“No, before you think deeply, go treasure hunting.”) ]

[“Matthew goes to the East End, I am District, Anna goes to the West End, and then Tachika goes to the South End to look for it.”) ]

[Merlin, despite Matthew’s objections, left the girl alone, leaving only a cute little beast for the girl.] ]

(: It’s too dangerous.) )

(: Although there are no Warcraft here, there is no one to protect them…) )

(: Protected. )

(: That’s right, leave her the strongest!) )

(: Oh, the big guys are eagles, they understand everything… )

(: You mean that cute thing is very powerful?) )

(: The big guys must be right.) )

[In this way, the girl set off with a small beast that was not simple in the eyes of many viewers——]

[About ten minutes have passed since then…]

[The girl who is looking for clues sees a vague figure and is about to catch up…]

[“This is!”] In front of the Chaldean computer, Roman was shocked. ]

[“Fujimaru’s observation waves are gone!”] ]

[Leonardo da Vinci: “What do you say!?”) “]

[“No life response is detected…”. Fujimaru! Answer me quickly!!! “]

[On the other side, Merlin smiled faintly…]

(: Sure enough, there are pits.) )

So, where have they gone? )

(: Is that good?) It’s a joke about the life of the savior. )

(: Sure enough, I still want to hit him…) )


(: Group! )

Although he had long known what arrangements Merlin had, he didn’t expect it to be so big, and even the life reaction disappeared.

[The girl chased out of the shadows, and as soon as it was dark, she fell into darkness.] ]

[When she opened her eyes again, she appeared in a pitch-black space.] ]

[Entering are countless birdcage-like objects, and the blue light in the cage flickers.] ]

[“Where is this?”] Not the city of Kusa …”]

[Here, it is full of death, and many viewers are uncomfortable.] ]

[“Doctor, doctor…!” ]

[The communication channel did not respond, the girl did not panic, this is not the first time, many times she is pulled into a special space like this.] ]

[Touching the fluffy on her shoulder, the girl was slightly relieved.] ]

[At this time——]

[“Fu, fu-woo!”] ]

[Fufu suddenly jumped anxiously, as if she wanted to say something.] ]

[Suddenly, a creepy voice came from the darkness-]

[“The living—the living.”) ]

[“Why are there living people in the underworld… Why…”]

[The Underworld? ]

[“Is it to mock…”Is it to mock…”] Is it to plunder … Is it to escape… Did you come to discard…”]

[“Unforgivable—unforgivable in either way—”]

[“Warm breath, warm flesh, anything—”]

[“To die—to die, to die, to die, to die, to die,

To die, to die, to die, to die, to die, to die! “]

[In the darkness, a group of dense, blood-red eyes approached the girl.] ]

[That resentment is about to form substance, and that malice towards life has made countless people fearful.] ]

(: Is it so big to play?) )

(: No wonder I lost my life reaction, I really died.) )

(: All to the underworld, can you still live?) )

(: I declare that the world is finished!) )

(: It can’t be said that going to the underworld doesn’t necessarily prove death.) )

(: I thought of it!) )

(: What came to mind?) )

(: Thinking of the city of Kusa, the silent death of all the people in the city of Kusa, will the soul be taken away by the god of death?) )

(: You have a point.) )

(: Who are the gods of death in Mesopotamia?) )

(: No need to guess, the city of Kusa … It should have been known a long time ago. )

(:Who?) )

(: Ereshkigal. )

(: Who is this?) )

(: The indigenous god of Mesopotamia, the mistress of the underworld, the ruler of the dead and the undead, and Ishtar are sisters.) Also the mother goddess of Mesopotamia, her sister Ishtar is the mistress of heaven, and her sister Ereshkigal is the mistress of Hades. At the same time – the patron saint of the city of Kusa. )

(: Wait a minute!) She and Ishtar are sisters? Case solved! )

(: Yes, the case is solved, the white-gold silhouette should be her!) Isn’t it like being a sister? )

(: You guys have forgotten one more thing, is the goddess summoned by the witches in Kusa really Ixtar?) That blonde hair… )

Many people continue to dig deep, unlike the continent of Tivat and Disbode, Mesopotamia is on the earth after all, many earth civilizations have references, a lot of information for them to analyze, and soon picked up a seven, seven, eight, eight.

[At this time, in the video ——]

[“Woooo ]

[I saw that an ugly grievance spirit suddenly stretched out his scrawny hands and choked the girl’s neck. ]

[Just as the audience continues to complain about Merlin-]

[“Fu, fu-woo!”] ]

[Fufu suddenly let out a startling scream, and the grievance let go of the girl in panic, and took several steps back with the other grievances, looking at the girl in the middle, or Fufu, in horror.] ]

[Merlin didn’t lie, this little guy is really powerful…]

[These grievances were afraid of Fufu and did not want to retreat, and just when the situation was deadlocked, an old and familiar voice came——]

[“Slowly.”] That man is not dead, O Garula Ling. “]

[Everyone followed the prestige, and a familiar figure came into view—it was the old man who told the girl about the three goddesses.] ]

[“If you take this person, you will invite the wrath of your master.”] ]

[“You are…”]

[“Close the seven doors and go back to your duty of guardian.”) ]

[The old man’s words were as majestic as a bell, and a gust of wind suddenly blew up from behind him, and the grievances shrouded by the wind turned into blue-white light and disappeared.] ]

[This is definitely no less than Merlin and Gilgamesh, the strong of “Enchidu”, and it is not clear to the audience who is stronger or weaker.] ]

[The old man who had done all this looked at the girl and said as if explainingly: “They are not wrong, the rude person is you, young man.] “]

[“You visit the land of the dead alive, and Garula Ling will naturally be angry. I shouldn’t have helped you…”]

[“Hmm… However, I owe you a favor. “]

Looking at the old man’s expression of wanting to talk and stopping, the audience who did not know much about the past showed a funny smile.

Is this a hard excuse to help? The brave people who went out are everywhere with the help of grandfather~

However, unlike the audience speculated, the old man really felt indebted.

[“Although you are an unscrupulous disciple, you stand firm in your faith. Faith is sometimes synonymous with life. That is, it is worth me saving your life. “]

[“…… Uh, that… I don’t quite understand what you’re talking about? “]

[“The underworld of the city of Kusa is connected to the underworld, and you have fallen into the underworld alive.”) The old man didn’t seem to want to talk about that more, “but that’s the end of it… I’ll close the door. “]

[“You go back to the earth and tell the magician.”] ]

[“The underworld is still alive.”] ]

[A golden light enveloped the girl, trying to pull her out of the underworld.] ]

[“Wait, my name is Tachika Fujimaru, are you?”] ]

[“Huh~ The old man’s name is Jusudra”]

[And in the light, the girl disappeared into the underworld.] ]

[In the distance, a blonde girl lowered her arm…]

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