The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 766: The truth

"They are your people, but apparently you don't trust them." Serefina narrowed her eyes and Jedrek knew that the witch was assessing him, deciding whether he was talking the truth or not.

Jedrek was too familiar with all her gestures. Sometimes, when he was with her, he didn't even need to explain himself and Serefina could easily read him from a simple once over on him.

"A wise man said; keep the enemy close to you," Jedrek said simply and Serefina chuckled mockingly.

"Be careful, or else they will cut your throat in your sleep," Serefina replied casually, but her eyes hardened when Jedrek touched the tip of her hair lightly.

"You worry about me," his voice sounded very hoarse in this seemingly empty and dimly lit room.


That was the one word which Serefina wouldn't let it slip out from her lips for Jedrek to hear. Therefore, instead of responding to his statement, Serefina swatted his hand away from her red hair.

"We have the same goal, just focus on that," Serefina said coldly and pushed him away, yet Jedrek didn't even budge an inch. He held her hand tightly.

"What happened when you left?" His blue eyes turned slightly darker.

Serefina rolled her eyes. "Haven't we discussed this already? And we have agreed there is nothing between us now. So, whatever reason that I have for leaving you, it is none of your business."

Accepting that they couldn't be together anymore was one thing, but knowing the reason behind it, was another.

"Yes, this is over between us." Jedrek let go of Serefina's hand and even though it was a minor feeling, but Serefina felt something uncomfortable in her heart. "But, whether you will tell me or not, I will find the answer sooner or later."

Jedrek wanted to know the answer and that was exactly what he was going to do.

"Good luck with that," Serefina hissed.

Meanwhile, the two of them were too busy with their own feelings and thoughts, until none of them realized that someone was approaching in their direction.

The rapping sound on the door surprised the two of them along with Lilac's voice that traveled into the room. "Jedrek, are you in there?" she asked.

However, before Jedrek could answer her, Lilac twisted the knob on the door and entered the room.

Her black obsidian eyes immediately found Jedrek and Serefina, and as soon as she saw them together inside the room, disappointment washed over her facial expression.

The three of them stayed silent for a moment longer, not knowing what to say or what to do, even Lilac didn't know where she had to look at, until Serefina broke this awkward situation.

"What are you doing here?" she asked coldly without any sign of guilty. In her opinion, Jedrek and she didn't do anything to make them feel guilty.

"Can't I be here?" Lilac threw a dagger look at Serefina. This witch really didn't know what the right thing to say.

"Of course." Serefina shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and was about to walk past Lilac when her wrist was being grabbed by the guardian angel. "You can stay here."

Lilac gritted her teeth when the injuries on her hands stretched out. She could feel the blood started to gush out from the bandages, yet she didn't care. She was too upset to care about it.

"What were the two of you talking about exactly?" Lilac's voice was deep and serene, but it was almost like the calm before storm.

Serefina glared at Lilac, but the guardian angel didn't even blink when she reciprocated the hostility the witch showed to her.

It was Jedrek, who spoke and grabbed Lilac's wrist so she would lose her grip on Serefina's hand, as he could see her injuries being opened and smell the blood seeping into the bandages.

"Warlock is dead and Theo is severely injured," Jedrek said truthfully. "Someone wants to kill them. They did well finishing off Warlock but couldn't succeed in Theo's case."

Lilac let go of Serefina's hand, but Jedrek didn't do the same to her, instead, he pulled her closer to him.

"I was talking with Serefina about the possibility that my other two generals who might be committing treason behind my back. But, to confirm that we need Theo to gain his consciousness." Jedrek looked at Lilac right in her eyes when he told her all of that, so she would know that he didn't lie to her.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your room? Don't you know that it will be very dangerous for you to roam around in a situation like this?" though Serefina talked to her harshly and she actually didn't care whether Lilac was hurt or not, but the witch was responsible for the three guardian angel's safety, including Lilac.

It was a freaking obligation. And it sucks!

In spite of the fact that Lilac had not known Serefina for a long time, still she could vouch that there was nothing happening between Jedrek and her inside this room. The two of them were too obvious with what they were thinking about what they liked and disliked.

Heaving out a deep breath, Lilac tried to believe her intuition and hoped she was right about the two of them.

"The four guards that you stationed outside of my room were dead." Lilac started her explanation in the same way Jedrek did. Bringing up the bad news before she delivered the worse one. "And a shadow warrior came into my room to tell me that he is going to kill all the lycans who had destroyed his village."

"He tried to hurt you?" Jedrek asked. Observing her body, looking for possible injuries except her hands and to his relief there were no additional wounds.

"No, I am fine, he didn't do anything to me," Lilac said softly, slightly pleased because Jedrek showed his concern for her.

"Did he touch you?" Serefina looked at Lilac's slightly bleeding hands. "Did he got hold of your blood?"

Lilac frowned, but she shook her head. "No."

Upon hearing that, Jedrek and Serefina exchanged a brief look. There was an understanding in their eyes, which Lilac couldn't understand.

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