The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 765: Trust issues

"I asked them if they spoke to Theo and Warlock before they were attacked and Rowan replied that they had spoken to them, but when I arrived they both didn't look like someone who had just fought a shadow warrior," Serefina said. She remembered the expression on their faces when she arrived there, the two of them looked too calm for someone, who had just witnessed their fellow generals being butchered and left half-dead.

Perhaps, she was so panicked, Serefina didn't realize it at that time, but now when she thought about it again, Kyle and Rowan looked very suspicious.

And that was what the witch told the king. She told him about her suspicion and what she thought, despite those two generals were Jedrek's people. She didn't hold back at all, because deep down Serefina knew, Jedrek wouldn't blame her for telling him about his generals' wrongdoings.

"So, did you see this shadow warrior?" Jedrek asked her. They were so close, but their proximity didn't make them feel awkward.

"I saw him inside the old tower." Serefina nodded, but she didn't elaborate further about the fact that she had been hiding from him. "This one could be counted as an evidence that someone betrayed you again. If my suspicion is correct, you can't trust Kyle and Rowan."

Jedrek didn't give any response when he heard the word of betrayal, he was used to it now.

"I have shielded this place. The shadow warrior shouldn't be able to enter easily." Serefina knitted her brows. "Except…"

"Someone from inside has been helping him." Jedrek finished Serefina's sentence. He knew one or two things about the shadow warrior.

Just like how Aeon got to Raine even when Serefina had put up a shield around Torak's house that forced the witch to burn the girl mother's diary, the same thing happened here.

"You can't leave Theo alone with them, according to my hunch, they will try to finish him off to silence him," Serefina was contemplating about this, the only person who could confirm it was Theo.

The witch raised her head to find Jedrek's eyes staring at her. It felt so natural to talk to Jedrek this way, despite everything they were forced to face.

"No, he is not alone. I got someone to move him to another place," Jedrek said solemnly. His habit to not trust anyone, including his own people, led him to take any precaution the moment he felt there was something amiss.


"Why should we do this in the middle of the night when rain is pouring down so heavily, that too under this gloomy sky…" Calleb didn't stop complaining when he had to carry Theo, while following Raphael and Kace.

The Gamma would look at him every now and then, worried if his head would fall and roll on to the ground, after all Raphael told him that someone had slit Theo's neck, fortunately he managed to keep his head intact.

"To keep him alive," Kace replied him simply. He had been hearing Calleb complaints all along the way from the old tower to the king's tower.

Half an hour ago, all of a sudden, Torak mind-linked Kace to help Raphael and Calleb to move Theo from the old tower.

Apparently, his second brother got some important information from Jedrek, which he would explain it later and now it was essential to keep Theo alive, since there was someone who was eager to see him die.

In spite of the fact, Kace didn't like the order, but here he was, doing the thing that he detested the most; following an order from his brother.

He cursed silently at the way how Torak always got what he wanted and how easily he could convince Kace to do his bidding every single time. D*mn that brother of his!

And now, he had to leave Hope with Lana while he mingled with the two annoying men and one half dead general.

"You can throw him inside now," Kace opened the door and held it for Calleb, so he could walk into the room first.

Thanks to Kace, they were able to avoid the guards on their way here, thus no one knew that they had moved Theo to this secluded place in the king's tower.

Fortunately, Kace's memories were still very sharp about this place and he could quickly suggest the best chamber, which was rarely visited by other people.

This was a small room without any windows and smelled like fungus, wasn't the best place for a sick person to reside, but they would think about that later. Moreover, Theo was not human who would get infected easily even in his current condition. Just like what the healer said; if he could make it past tonight, then his condition would be fine. There was nothing to worry about, but if he could not… then they would think about another plan.

"'Throw him'?" Calleb walked past him and grimaced. "How could someone who doesn't have a heart like him and Raphael have a mate? While the very kind me is still alone? This is so unfair."

And Calleb got a smack on his back from Raphael and a deathly glare from Kace for his comment.


Lilac asked two or three more guards to find where Jedrek was, but all of them told her that the king was in old tower, yet no one knew his exact location.

Lilac just nodded and walked ahead when the guards offered to accompany her looking for Jedrek, but she turned down their offer and strode away.

She would find him sooner or later, all Lilac had to do was concentrate harder to find his familiar movement. Just like when someone knew a person's movement, whom they had known for a long time just by hearing their footsteps. That was how Lilac was trying to look for Jedrek now.

And her intuition led her to one door. Jedrek had a habit that she just realized it recently, which was; he tended to tap his foot on the floor when he was thinking.

However, as Lilac walked over, it seemed that Jedrek wasn't the only one in the room.

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