The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 713: Harsher punishment

"Something happened in the dungeon. I want you to stay inside your chamber." Jedrek said rigidly. He didn't want to hear her rejection right now since he was so livid.

It was not only the dungeon, but there was something else happening in the front yard too. Someone had killed all of the guards and released those broken shifters from their cells, and now they were running toward the gates to free themselves.

However, once they reached the gates and were seen by people guarding the castle, the problem wouldn't just end up there. It would cause another ripple of protest from the citizens. They then would hold solid evidence that the royals had something to do with their missing family members.

[Close all the gates! And don't let any of the broken shifters get away!] Jedrek gave an order through the mind- link and listened to their solemn replies while taking Lilac away. [Eaton. Find out who released them!]

Lilac was panting heavily as she had to catch up with Jedrek��s quick steps. The king only stopped when he found a guard nearby and handed Lilac over to him.

"Bring her to her chamber and make sure she stays there," Jedrek spoke sternly.

"What? No!" Just like what Jedrek had thought, Lilac refused to listen to his order. "I am going with you!"

Jedrek stopped walking and glared at the guardian angel, but Lilac wouldn't back down easily as she craned her neck to meet with his gaze.

"You will not like what you see later," Jedrek spoke through gritted teeth. "Stay inside your room and don't go out until I said so."

Lilac shook her head helplessly. She knew Jedrek wouldn't listen to her, so words wouldn't work on him. It would be better if she could just focus on saving her energy for other important things instead of arguing with him.

With that thought, Lilac walked away toward the commotion. She couldn't listen to the noisy situation what was taking place in the front yard right now, as it was too far from where she was, but she could still feel it.

She ran as fast as her feet could take her, but Jedrek still managed to outrun her after his grumpy warning, "Don't make a fuss when you see something disturbing later."

Soon, his figure disappeared at a corner and when Lilac took the same turn, the king was nowhere to be seen. "Why is he very fast?" Lilac grumbled and looked beside her, just as the guard from earlier caught up to her. "What are you doing?"

"The king gave an order to stay with you my lady," The guard said.

"I am not your lady!" Lilac snapped at him, venting out her frustration because of Jedrek.


"What happened with Calleb?" Raine was standing at the stern of the ship with Raphael beside her and watching Torak who was talking to Calleb, but would glance at her direction occasionally, to make sure that Raine wouldn't move about recklessly that might cause her to fall into the sea.

"Torak needs to talk something with him, just like the usual. You know him, he is a capable pup, but sometimes he can be thoughtless," Raphael replied to her. He was on alert, ready to take action if needed.

Raine wanted to see the twilight from this part of this ship and after persuading Torak for what seemed like an eternity, he relented reluctantly.

A moment ago, Torak was with her, but then he remembered there was something he wanted to say to Calleb when the Gamma walked past them, therefore Raphael was in charge for Raine's safety now.

"Calleb dislikes Hope," Raine stated, she closed her eyes when the wind brushed her face and swayed her long hair. "He said it himself." Raine added when Raphael gave her a questioning look.

The Beta sighed deeply and didn't answer immediately, as both of them watched the sun slowly disappeared at the line where the sky and the sea meet.

"Calleb doesn't dislike Hope but he just doesn't like rogues." Raphael told her. "He lost his younger sister during one of the rogue attack."

Raine whipped her head to face himas her eyes widened in surprised. "I have never heard about this."

"Yes, he was training at that time for his position as gamma when his original pack was attacked. There were many casualties, including his sister." Raphael recalled the memories. "She was around your age and was a warrior in their pack."

Raine's expression turned gloomy. "That's why he said he didn't like Hope because she smelled like a rogue."

"He was only left with his younger sister from his family, as his both parents also died for the same reason." Raphael put his hand on top of Raine's head and patted her. "It was the same memory that Calleb had seen when we went to the devil's den not long ago, when we went to the secret passageway to get the book to save Torak."

Raine remembered, it was also the same time when she saw Hope for the first time and the other guardian angel that she had seen previously.

"That's why, he was a little bit distracted when we were in a battle with the devils afterward," Raphael said softly and glanced at Calleb, who was nodding his head while smiling wryly at Torak, it seemed that he had done another silly mistake again.

"He became moody," Raine turned around and watched them again as Calleb said something to Torak.

"It's alright. He will be fine eventually, he only needs a small amount of time to readjust his feelings. His dislike toward Hope might be because of the fact that she and Kace are indeed rogues, but you don't have to think about it too much, he will just annoy them a little."

Raine chuckled when she heard that, but her sadness comeback when her laugh died down. She walked toward Calleb.

Torak and Calleb stopped talking when they saw that Raine was approaching them, and the moment she was close enough, she hugged Calleb.

Calleb's eyes widened in surprise, especially when Torak narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Raine, don't you think you are hugging the wrong person? Torak was already scolding me to the hell and back. And now, my punishment can be harsher if you act like this," he whined.

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