The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 712: Hi, little fella!

Dead bodies littered the ground in this solitude dungeon, and the sun outside couldn't shine brighter enough to illuminate every dark corner down in here.

A woman crouched over the dead body of a lycan warrior and punctured his chest with her sharp nail, drawing blood right from his heart. She licked it and closed her eyes.

"Fresh blood is always the best," she moaned.

"You should try the royal blood," Asmodeus chuckled upon watching Beelzebub having her own time with the dead shifters. "I have been able to taste it for centuries." She licked her lips as if remembering the taste.

"I should have come here sooner, instead of roaming around in the other realm," Beelzebub replied as she stood up.

"Why should we come here to take your human maid? It will be easier to find a replacement." Asmodeus waved her hand and the iron door was opened for them.

"I like her, she is an evil spirit in human skin," Beelzebub chuckled delightfully. "She killed a priestess and several other people with her bare hands and innocent face while keeping that childlike smile on her lips. Oh, I love to see how vicious this little girl would turn out to be in the future."

Behind the iron door there were a lot of people standing, and most of them were the shifters who had lost their souls, they had come out of their slumber and were awaiting their execution, since there were a lot of them.

These prisoners were the broken shifters, who had lost their spirit beasts, and were recently found near this south region and as for the shifters that they broken at the city central, they had been executed even before the gates of Tartarus were opened.

"Please, save us!"

"Let me out of here!"

"Open this cell!"

"You! Open this d*mn door!"

Wails and weeping sounds echoed inside the cell, which was filled with those shifters' fear and anxiety. They were banging their heads against the iron cell and kicked it until their feet bled, yet they couldn't muster enough power or shift into their beast to help them from this dreadful situation.

"What happened to us!?" One of the prisoners roared and slipped his hand between the iron bars to reach for Beelzebub or Asmodeus.

"What actually does Lucifer and the sloth want by turning them into useless shells?" Beelzebub frowned. She had been away for far too long to keep track about what her fellow devils had been doing all this time. She was too preoccupied with her own interests.

"To create chaos, like usual." Asmodeus shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "You know him, he always like to invest in these kinds of things. Moreover, we don't need to do anything and they will destroy their own kind eventually."

The two women walked along the corridor lined up with countless cells on their left and right sides, filled with the broken shifters in every one of it, wailing and shouting at them relentlessly.

"I don't know that the guardian angels' blood can be used this way." Beelzebub was in awe when she looked at those broken shifters. If they were in normal condition, they would have shifted into their beasts by now. Unfortunately, they were no longer in a position to do that.

"Thanks to the fae who managed to get the blood from the girl," Asmodeus said.

Ten years ago, they got the fae who had stolen a guardian angel's blood from the hospital, when the creature was bragging about it. It was their luck to be in the same place as her, but she couldn't say the same thing to the fae.

"And knowing how the shadow warrior used to exploit their blood for battle, we just need to add a little bit here and there to create them." Asmodeus waved her hand toward the broken shifters inside the cell. "Wonderful isn't it?"

Beelzebub chuckled, she pushed the door for one of the cell in front of them, and it opened for them.

The two women stepped inside the cell and found a young girl around twelve years old huddled at the corner. "Hi, little fella." Asmodeus greeted Terra cheerfully.

Terra raised her head and an innocent smile appeared across her face. "I know you will come!"


"If you don't have the solution, you shouldn't sit here with us to join this meeting," Theo said softly, with a ghost of a smile at the corner of his lips, but his eyes said otherwise, as he kept ignoring the warning glare from Eaton. And, of course Jedrek didn't say or do anything for Lilac when his general disrespected his mate through and through, so the general became bolder.

"Then why are you still here?" Lilac leaned back into her chair. "If I can't join the meeting because I can't provide a solution to you, then what about you? Who kept complaining during the entirety of this meeting and still can't solve the problem either?"

Rowan feigned his laugh by coughing and Warlock cleared his throat while looking somewhere else while Lyrus and Eaton frowned upon hearing Lilac voice dripping with sarcasm. This girl surely had a sharp tongue.

Why would Jedrek always end up with women with a lot of sarcasm at the tip of their tongues? Eaton still remember how Serefina used to choke people just with her snarky comments.

"I reject your ways of killing them. This is not the solution we are looking for," Lilac said in a firm tone.

Theo's outburst died down when Jedrek took his turn to talk. "What do you think we should do?" Jedrek tilted his head and watched as his mate slipped into a deep complentation. For a moment the room fell into silence before Lilac spoke again.

"The other guardian angel is able to see the spirits. I think we should wait for her," Lilac said. She looked at Jedrek, waiting for his rejection.

"In another words, there is one more guardian angel who will come later?" Theo raised his eyebrows

"Actually, there are two," Lilac said cheekily and flashed him a warm smile. Of course, this only annoyed the general further.

However, a moment later, the six lycanthropes in the room growled angrily at the same time and sprang to their feet.

"What happened?" Lilac was confused because Jedrek grabbed her arm all of a sudden, forced her to stand up while the other lycans hurriedly left the room.

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