The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 678: Stay close

"What!?" Jedrek scowled at her, he ran his fingers through his black hair. The word 'displeasing' couldn't define how it was for him to find his mate in the middle of it all. In return, he growled deeply upon hearing what his mate had to say. 

"Let's go!" Lilac refused to waste even a second just for a petty argument. She grabbed Jedrek's arm, and was about to pull him away out of there. But then, the Alpha king refused to have it her way. He remained on where he stood while Lilac struggled to make him move. "What now!?"

"I can't go." Jedrek looked down, staring at Lilac's small hand that was desperately trying to drag him along with her. He relished the spark between them. He felt it. The spark was there and so did their bond. No matter how hard Jedrek pushed her away, and hurt her, somehow the guardian angel would always come back, one way or another.

"Well, of course you can!" Lilac was irritated by his nonsense. "Oh, please. Can we save the arguments for later?" she asked dramatically. "Eaton, and Airin are injured. They can't move! We must help them."

Jedrek narrowed his eyes, and stepped out of the secret room, heading towards the dark tunnel. He grabbed Lilac's hand to follow along with him. He held her hand in his hand, and made sure that she was within his sight. They approached Eaton first to check on him. Apparently the injured lycan had already gained his consciousness.

Eaton tried to sit down. Although he looked haggard, but, it was still better to see him arguing with Jedrek, rather than seeing him lying there all weak, and unconsciously like he was for the past minutes.

"Didn't I tell you that you should go? Was my order unclear for you!?" Jedrek glowered at him without hesitation.

"It's not me, it's her." Eaton pointed at Lilac with a slight nod, blaming all to the girl. He knew better how to save himself from Jedrek's wrath. He realized that the girl would absolutely fight back to Jedrek, if ever the lycan king decided to explode over an insubordinate action as he was about to now. Eaton just couldn't take Jedrek's anger all by himself now, for he was too exhausted to argue with him.

"Jedrek, trust me, I have told her to go. But she just wouldn't listen." said Eaton truthfully, trying to sound convincing. But, Lilac frowned when she heard that. Well, what he just said was the truth. The guardian just felt wronged for being put on the blame all alone.

Jedrek glanced at Lilac with an unreadable expression like he always did. He didn't say anything to her. Shifting his gaze back at Eaton, Jedrek said, "Can you stand up?"

"I guess," Eaton groaned when he tried to stand up. Jedrek remained on his feet, and didn't seem to want to do anything for him. He was annoyed beyond words for the situation. It was a dumb luck for Eaton to witness such rare moment where the Alpha king didn't explode as badly as usual, let alone expecting him to offer a helping hand for him after what had happened.

On the other hand, Lilac was looking at poor Eaton who was in pain. She couldn't stand the sight of him struggling in pain just to stand up. She decided to help him, and moved forward. But when she was about to offer her help at the injured lycan, Jedrek shoved her away to the side, and finally did what he had to do, helping him.

"Airin is over there," Lilac said, walking to the other rumbles where she laid Airin on the ground before. After helping Eaton to stand up, it was more than enough generosity for Jedrek to offer him. He let Eaton walk by himself. And then, he approaches his mate with hasty steps. He saw Airin, the special servant, laid there on the ground.

The young girl started to stir awake, and her injuries began to heal. "Are you alright?" said Lilac to the girl, while crouching down on the ground. She thoughtfully helped Airin to sit, "Come on, we have to go."

"You three, get out of here, now." said Jedrek in a deep voice, leaving no room for negotiation. The rigid expression showed in his face. And then, Lilac stood right in front of him. Looking fierce as ever, didn't look intimidated at all even though the tip of her head only reached his shoulder. 

"Your Majesty," she said, didn't miss her usual sarcastic nature in her tone. "In case you have forgotten what I already said earlier, I will remind you again." The guardian angel looked like she was on the verge of losing her patient over him, while trying so hard to stay calm. And for the lycan king himself, there was nothing more amusing than to see the look on the face of his mate like this.

"We came here to get you out from this place, so please, at the very least that you could do is to be nice, and cooperate." Lilac glowered, no longer trying to hold back her overwhelming anger. The lycan king in front of her didn't seem to heed to her words, because suddenly, there were sounds of monsters, and creatures erupting throughout the entire place, and shook the ground beneath them. 

"What is that?" This time, it was Eaton who was flabbergasted with the imminent danger that seemed to be lurking from the dark.

"The creatures from hell," said Jedrek sharply with his toneless voice, he didn't slow down his steps to approach the door once again.

"The creatures from hell!?" Eaton repeated in disbelief. "Is that what the consequences are all about? So you mean, breaking the deal will lead us to open the gates to Tartarus?"

"As much as you do, I couldn't believe it too. But, the reality is just really hard to deny," said Jedrek grimly. "Now you should get out of here."

Eaton grabbed Jedrek's arm to stop him. "So, what are you going to do about it? Fight all the creatures that come out from the ground!? Is that your plan?" Anger rose up from his throat. "Well, that's not a plan."

"There never was a plan for this." Jedrek looked at Eaton hard. Both of the lycans knew very well, that no one expected this outcome. Who would've thought that the previous lycan king, Janus, would go this far to save his unwell mate, Diana? Like one would say, opening the gates to Tartarus would lead to the end of the world. Just like what the prophecy foretold. Thus, they had to fight the devils once again.

Once more of a war…

How could the devils predict these all to happen? If this was indeed the devil's plan, they must've had engineered this since the first war. But, how could that be possible?—Lilac thought.

"We need to get them out of here." Jedrek shook his arm from Eaton's grip. But then, he heard the sweet tone of his mate, speaking her mind unhesitatingly. There was no fear in the way she talked, like she ever was, and forever will be.

"Too late," said the guardian angel. She was putting her palms on the ground. "The other end of the passage is already covered in rubbles."

Jedrek squinted his eyes on Lilac. "But you can easily move them away, could you?" 

"This tunnel is not steady. It only need one more clatter, and maybe, the entire tunnel will collapse. I don't want to go there." Lilac shrugged her shoulder, leaving Jedrek with no other choice. "If you don't believe me, you can go with us, and see it for yourself." 

The lycan king closed his eyes, trying his best to contain his anger. He didn't know whether his mate was saying the truth, or was she just telling lies intentionally. Whichever it was, he couldn't tell. She was hard to read, especially when she talked so calm. And that beaming smirk on her lips was like another silent way of her saying; I will do what I want, and what I please. You will do as I say, as you are bound to.

Jedrek turned on his heel, took another long strides, and grabbed Lilac by her arm. The, he said so grimly, "Stay close."

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