The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 670: My little flower

Jedrek might not want her, the beast inside him was different. It was the beast who had a feeling for her. The beast wanted her, lusted for her, and Jedrek couldn't dismiss the beast's desire for his mate. And that was how she understood from what he just said earlier. Thus, Lilac would bet on this.

If I couldn't fight him, or get to his soft side, maybe I could try to win him through his beast?—she thought, calculating the possibility in order to get what she wanted from his beast. Lilac could feel Jedrek's body tensed up because of their closeness, and she knew right away that she was the cause of it. 

"I want to get out of here," Lilac said again. "Can't you let me leave?" this time Lilac stared into Jedrek's blue eyes. Her attempt that she did was showing some effect on him. His cold façade started to crumble, as she could see the surfacing emotion in his face. However, it was just not enough to get him to agree immediately. He was staring at Lilac. Didn't say anything. Didn't move.

He was too immersed in the pleasure that was caused by the sparks between them. Lilac put aside her ego, and the profound resentment that she felt for Jedrek. She tiptoed unhesitatingly to kiss his chin. When doing so, she realized that there was no turn back, now.

"Let me go, okay?" Lilac tilted her head, staring at him innocently. She was almost sure that he would say something, she waited for his reaction expectantly. But, the Alpha king remained silent, leaving the girl crestfallen. She pouted her lips like a child. "I want to go… I've been inside this room for way too long," she muttered under her breath.

Discreetly she was grumbling internally, but she couldn't show it on her face now. She had to continue with her newfound ability. "Please…" said Lilac softly, even her voice was intentionally made to have a slight tremble in it, as to appear vulnerable. 

Once again, Lilac tiptoed on her feet. She planted another kiss, but this time, it was on his lips. Jedrek was surprised, he flinched, and Lilac could feel that too. She immediately pulled away, while biting her lips timidly. She wasn't sure anymore if what she was doing was the right thing to do, contemplating if she just made a mistake.

Is it okay to do that? –she thought, suddenly felt awkward with what she had done. Finally, a response from the Alpha king. But what happened next, was not something that she expected. Jedrek drew the guardian angel closer. He put both of his hands on either side of her hand, and he kissed her back.

His kiss caught Lilac by surprise for sure. She wanted to pull away, but Jedrek's grip on her body was too strong. Her attempt to break loose only made him go on. He pressed his body closer to her, so close that she could feel his beating heart. "My little flower." his voice was so deep, and hoarse. The vibration in his husky voice made Lilac shudder involuntarily.

It was her, who initiated this. But at this point, she couldn't take it anymore.

But then, he stopped. He pulled away. Behind those dark eyes, hidden a deep concern. He brushed his finger against the cheek of his mate. And it was wet. Are these tears? Was she crying?—he thought. For some time, Jedrek stared at the tips of his fingers. It was wet with Lilac's tears. He stepped away from her.

"Why are you crying?" that was the same deep husky voice, but now it sounded cold. He was distancing himself from her.

"You hurt me," Lilac whispered, her warm tears fell on her cheeks. Being imprisoned for too long inside an unknown place, had finally taken a toll on her. She was now having a mental breakdown.

Upon hearing her answer, Jedrek gritted his teeth. The feeling was beyond unpleasant when he heard that. But now, with his toneless voice, he said, "I did cause you some pain. And I will if I have to."

After saying what he said, the Alpha king turned around, and departed. There Lilac was, left alone again. She stared at the door, and walked towards it. Even though she knew that she would never be able to open that door, still, she tried to turn the doorknob, just to find that it was locked, as she had expected.


Jedrek opened his eyes, staring at the white ceiling above his head. He raised his hand, and watched his fingers attentively, no trace of her tears there. After all, what just happened was just an illusion. But, when he looked to his side, there she was, laying down beside him. Her eyes were closed, and her brows knitted tightly. 

He didn't like the sight of her face. Not because he didn't like the beauty of it, it was rather because of the emotion in it. Her face was all tense. He could see her tears stream from her closed eyes. Once again, Jedrek wiped her tears away. But this time, it was real, not an illusion. Lilac whimpered softly when he touched her.

Deep down, he knew what caused it all. But at the same time, he didn't understand what he felt for her. Everything was a mess. He wanted to push her away, but he also desperately wanted to keep her as close as possible.


A voice called his name all of a sudden. Startled by that person, he whipped his head. He was too deeply carried away with his mind that he didn't realize since when Eaton was there.

"Hmm?" Jedrek shifted back his attention to Lilac, and adjusted her blanket before he got out of bed. 

Meanwhile, there Eaton was, leaning his back against the frame door, while watching all of the Alpha king's every movement. "You should stop it." he frowned. "Aren't you afraid? That the moment when she wakes up, she will hate you? If you wait until then, then there will be no chance for you to make it right."

The Alpha king smiled faintly, and said, "She came here because she hates me. If she continues to hate me in the future, then that is not a big news to me."

"But, she is your mate." In all his long life, Eaton just couldn't believe that there was a shifter who treated their own mate this way. As a lycan with Alpha blood, the mate-bond pull would be stronger naturally, than any other shifters. The pull was so strong for Alphas, that it was supposed to be enough to make Jedrek relent. Yet, here he was, torturing himself, and his other half.

"I am, and was aware of that." Jedrek nodded. "And still, I killed her when she was only a few days old."

"Jedrek," he called his name. The tone in his voice filled with warning, and concern. He grimaced, suddenly remembered the day when Jedrek gave that order.

It was still clear in his memory about that day. They were having a fierce argument back then, but Jedrek was too stubborn like he ever was. It was hard to talk to him with his stubbornness. But now, he was given a second chance by the moon goddess, yet, he was about to screw it again. With all the realization coming to his mind, Eaton could only sigh. 

"You should know that you're not walking this path alone." Eaton said, helplessly. He was desperately trying to make the Alpha king see things right. "You are not your father, and it's our nature to be with someone who is destined to be with us."

Jedrek walked towards the door to leave, but he was stopped by Eaton who didn't want to move away. "You're right, I'm not my father." The sound of his voice was rigid, and cold. "But, her presence was never in the plan, and it never will be."

"She wouldn't be here if you didn't have a plan for her." Eaton knew that he just said the right thing when all Jedrek wanted was to shove him away to avoid this conversation. "The castle is under attack."

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