The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 664: You will not die so easily

Jedrek was talking with Lyrus about the issues regarding the devils. They were in the middle of talking, and then suddenly, Jedrek was extremely jumpy. He knew what the cause of it was. The mate-bond between him and Lilac snapped. It was like there was this invisible string that connected him and Lilac. He could feel that the string was being pulled away from him, and it disarranged him terribly.

Feeling that there was something that bothered the Alpha king, Lyrus asked, "What is it? What happened?" He was only concerned because what he felt was the anxiousness, exuded from the Alpha king.

Jedrek didn't answer him for a moment, trying hard to control what he felt within. He closed his eyes, in attempt to get a peace of mind, and calm down. When he was done getting a grip out of it, he said grimly, "Where did you say Tordoff, and Warlock now?"

The Beta seemed to be confused right now. Then he tilted his head, wondering the reason why Jedrek asked that question so suddenly. He kept on reminding himself, to never cause a trigger that would lead to the Alpha king's wrath. He snapped back to reality, and answered anyway, "They will leave to the southern region in an hour. I think they were already at the west gates."

Jedrek gritted his teeth in order to fight the urge to lash out. His senses would never fail him. Now that he could feel it to his bone that Tordoff was nowhere near the west gates, something was not right.

"Find them!" Jedrek stood up. "And bring them to me before they go."

Lyrus couldn't stand being kept in the dark. He really wanted to ask about Jedrek's sudden change. But, seeing now the Alpha king's mood was gloomy as ever when he was close to explosion, he swallowed his question hard. This was not a good time for him to interfere with the thing that was inside the Alpha king's mind.

"Will do, Your Majesty, Sir." Lyrus nodded his head, and excused himself out of the room along with the unspoken question in his mind. 

However, Jedrek wouldn't just sit tight. He dashed out of the room immediately once Lyrus was dismissed. Regardless of the order that he just gave to Lyrus, he just couldn't stay and wait. He had to do something about Tordoff. He could tell that Tordoff was definitely not there. He was somewhere else with his mate.

Jedrek could feel it in his bones, something was wrong. The mate-bond was getting weaker and weaker ever since that day he hurt Lilac. The beast in him had been on edge because of it. It got worse, with the invisible mate-bond string that was being pulled to the extent where it was now more of a torture to him.

The moment Jedrek got to the hallway, the beast inside couldn't endure it any longer. He shifted into his white beast self.


As his mind was getting clearer and clearer, Tordoff shook his head to pull himself together. He now realized that he was in the middle of committing a serious crime. But then, he saw the sight of Lilac, all vulnerable. She was helplessly dying. Death could take her life any moment on. With the sight of her, he regained his determination back, no matter what, he must bring her out of this place.

But where must he bring her to? He didn't even think about it before. Now that the big question came to his mind, he's thinking about it now. He was fully aware that nowhere was safe if it was near his king. Anywhere outside of the king's roof, perhaps? No, he knew that the king would absolutely chase after them. Despite all that, still, he was being stubborn and determined to make sure Lilac's definite safety.

There was something about the girl moving his heart, in the same way as that time, when he watched his mate die in front of his eyes. He couldn't do anything to save his mate, she was already dead then. Now, in his hand Lilac was dying just like his mate in the past. But now, he still had the chance to save her life. This time, he could, and he would save her no matter what.

Could she be his second chance? Tordoff didn't know. All he wanted to do now was to protect her from any harm.

With Lilac in his hand, Tordoff rushed towards the western gate. He couldn't head to the southern gate, because there would be too many guards. They would pack the area upon their departure to the northern region. He ran as fast as he could, faster than before. Because now, Lilac's breathing was getting shallow.

"Tordoff?" Lilac stirred awake. She snuggled closer to his chest when the sunlight hit her face, forcing her to shut her eyes tightly.

"Don't worry Lilac, I'll bring you out from here. You're going to be safe." said Tordoff, trying to assure the guardian angel. He held her closer to him, despite the turmoil that he felt now. The terror and the agony in his numb mind, was the price that he had to pay for going against the Alpha king's order. He could feel the beast in him purred.

On the other hand, Lilac could only give him a small nod before she let him bring her away.

Right at the time, Tordoff was too focused on his main destination. He centralized his mind onto how to get to the gate as fast as possible. Thus, he was running. What he did wrong was neglecting his senses. There was a familiar scent around. He was used to the scent, because the owner of that scent had never been a threat to him. But then, he realized what was coming after him, and why it came.

Everything happened so fast that in a split second, Tordoff was thrown to the side in full force. Lilac slipped from his arms, her body dropped to the ground. He could hear the girl let out a loud gasp the moment her body hit the ground.

Tordoff's body flew, and knocked down three trees on its way to a painful landing. A big rock was his landing, causing the pain that almost took his breath away. His blood started to drip down all over from his open wounds. However, he didn't get the chance to wait until his wounds were closed, because the next thing he knew was when a set of sharp claws that belonged to the Alpha king clawed him, and tore his chest.

An ugly gash was apparent as he choked in his own blood, gasping desperately for air to his lungs. Tordoff laid flat on his back, watched in horror when the Alpha king shifted back into his man skin. A pair of dreadful looking eyes remained on their spot, warning him that the beast was in control of the Alpha king.

Jedrek prowled towards the general. He bared his frightful canines, and stomped on Tordoff's chest, trying to torment him through the fresh wound in his chest. The Alpha king was beyond raging now, he didn't even give the criminal some time to recover.

"Traitor!" Jedrek spat the malicious word in Tordoff's face. And Tordoff knew what would come next once he was marked as a traitor. He was done for. Ignoring the shattering pain all over his body, Tordoff hit the Alpha's leg away from his stomach, and rolled onto his back. He knew that Jedrek went easy on him. The beast enjoyed watching the suffering of his opponent, it was in their nature.

Tordoff crawled back so that he could create some distances between them. Although it wouldn't help that much. At least, he could talk to Jedrek that way. And it was also a way to bring some time to regain the Alpha king's bearing.

"Your Majesty," Tordoff coughed some blood, but he wiped it away harshly before he continued to speak. "The guardian angel would die if you keep her that way… she is sick."

Jedrek didn't give any response to that.

"She needs treatment for her arm. You broke her arm," said Tordoff, reminding him of the unspeakable thing that he did. Black dots started to appear before his eyes because of the blood loss that he suffered.

Yet, Jedrek didn't seem to show some mercy at all, he didn't listen to any of Tordoff's excuses. He stretched out his hand, and then struck another attack at Tordoff. His claws tore the skin on Tordoff's left cheek. His eyes didn't move from the lycan who was writhing in pain before him.

In that brief gruesome moment, Tordoff knew better than anybody, there would be nothing that he could do now. Not even begging for mercy, and forgiveness would be sufficient to save his sorry life. He braced himself for the worst. He earnestly prayed to the moon goddess to save Lilac from Jedrek's inevitable wrath.

The claws that dug into his skin deepened as Jedrek trailed cuts on his neck, creating another gashes. But, when Tordoff had given up, Jedrek stopped and viciously said, "You will not die that easy."

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