The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 257: A white lycan bound in chains

"What?" Calleb blinked his eyes a couple of times, unsure about what Raine had asked him. "What do you mean? What have I done?" He was confused.

Not long after that, before Raine could say anything further, someone opened the door and Serefina appeared.

This time, Raine's vicious eyes shifted towards the witch. "You know it, right?!"

"What?" Serefina looked at Calleb, asking the unspoken question about what was going on and what Raine meant by her question.

"What have you done to Torak?!" Raine screamed furiously because they were still pretending that they knew nothing.

Calleb was still trying to comprehend Raine's unending questions while Serefina had seemingly caught onto something.

"Did you see something?" Serefina narrowed her eyes as she stared right into Raine's fierce one.

"I saw him." Raine's voice was trembling because of the emotions that she was trying hard to suppress.

"Him? Do you mean Torak?" Serefina clenched her jaw tightly, her question slightly sounded strained.

"Yes." The tense atmosphere was hard to ignore at this moment. Raine opened and shut her mouth continuously until she recited to Serefina and Calleb what she had seen the moment she touched the Gamma earlier.

There was a howl. An inhuman howl. The sound was low and ragged and full of pain.

It was a cool, damp room. That place was almost like a prison.

Gazing into the darkness, she could feel someone holding her by her shoulder and when she lifted her head to see who it was, a set of familiar eyes stared back at her. It was Calleb. He whispered something to Raine's ear, "Don't worry."

Though Calleb said that, his hand that was holding her shoulder tightened.

Calleb guided her as they descended the stairs. She moved slower now, more cautious. When they reached the bottom of the staircase, a faint light flickered.

To her horror, Raine found herself staring down a hallway, which was lined with old forgotten jail cells. This place had been a prison once.

The same sound could be heard. The same deep growl emanated from one of the cells, overwhelming her with fear.

The growl was followed by a sorrowful whine. Raine felt the urge to run, but the hand that held her shoulder prevented her from doing so.

As Calleb pushed open the door, Raine saw him.

A white Lycan bound in chains.

His white fur was stained with dirt and blood as he tried hard to free himself from this wretched place.

He stood on his hind legs, his shoulders broad and his sharp, lengthy canines protruding from his gums. Coiled around his body were dozens of metal chains which were bolted to the wall.

The white Lycan wanted to move towards her, but the shackles wouldn't let him.

The white Lycan yelped as if he were a pup in the sight of Raine…

And the sight killed her…

"What have you done to him?" A tear fell on Raine's cheeks at the sight of the white Lycan who was shackled to the wall and at the way he looked at her. "You tortured him."

Was he asking for help?

Did Torak need her now?

Was he in danger?

Unanswered questions clamored around Raine's head, giving her nothing but the feeling of helpless.

If she could, Raine would go straight to him, no matter where he was.

Torak needed her. She could feel it deep in her heart, in every breath that she took. Torak needed his mate and Raine was at a loss where he was.

Nobody wanted to tell her.

Though what Raine experienced only lasted for a few seconds, it felt like eternity to her the moment she saw the excruciating pain on the beast's eyes.

"Is that true?" Calleb was flabbergasted, his eyes fixed on Serefina. "Is that what you did to Torak there!?" He was mad when the witch said nothing, as if she was confirming Raine's accusation.

Or, maybe it was no longer an accusation, but actually it was the truth?

"Raine, I swear, I know nothing about this." Calleb raised his arms, emphasizing that he was innocent.

Raphael just told him that Torak had a bad backlash because of his battle with the devil and he needed to recuperate, that was why they needed to bring him right away back to their territory.

But Calleb was clueless about Torak's real condition. He even had no chance to see him in person when Raphael and Torak went back to the Red River City.

On the other hand, Raine had reached the point where she didn't care anymore whether Calleb knew about this or not. All she wanted was for them to let her know where Torak was.

"Tell me, where is he?" Raine asked in a deep voice. There was no warmth in the way she talked. She even dared to approach Serefina and face her head on.

"I can't tell you." Serefina said impassively.

It was the same answer that Raine didn't want to hear. Something burned inside her as her vision grew darker, yet before she lose herself to the sudden force that tried to take over her consciousness, Serefina added, "But you can follow me."

Serefina squinted when she saw something dark and malevolent in Raine's eyes.

Raine sighed deeply and closed her eyes, trying to get rid of a thousand malicious things inside her mind if she could only have her way.

Calleb was utterly speechless this time. He couldn't disobey his Alpha's order, but it wasn't him who told Raine about Torak's whereabouts, right?

Should he stop her?

That thought disappeared as fast as it appeared the moment he saw how intimidating Raine's look had become.

"Hey, you!" Serefina pointed at Calleb with her chin. "Mind link Raphael to book us a flight to Red River City. We will wait at the parking lot."

Scratching his nose, Calleb asked. "Aren't we allowed to tell Raine?"

The witch frowned when she heard his question. "I didn't tell her." She denied righteously. "I asked her to come with me."

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