The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 256: What have you done to torak!?

The moment Raine's skin came into contact with Calleb's, she saw the same image like what she had seen when she touched Sunny this afternoon.

The blurry image of something… or someone?

At first, Raine couldn't determine the outline of the image and had a hard time trying to figure out what it was, but since this had happened before, this time, Raine didn't panic.

She waited until the images gradually materialized into a shape and the color became clearer until it was apparent to see.

Raine thought it was a shape of a bear… white bear… however, once that image fell into her sight vividly, she knew in an instant what it was…

At the same time, Raine heard an ear-piercing scream. The sound was so painful that Raine had to cover both of her ears so she couldn't hear it, because for some reason, she felt her heart was being tugged at ruthlessly when she heard it.

Only when she felt someone shaking her body did Raine realize that it was she who was screaming until her throat went dry.

"Raine, what happened!?" Calleb's panicked voice gradually registered in her mind as she hyperventilated.

Many people who were at the lobby were alarmed at Raine's sudden outburst. They turned their attention to her and didn't understand why suddenly, their future lady boss was screaming.

"Raine, let's get away from here." Calleb glanced at the staff around them and felt that it wouldn't be a good idea if they stayed on.

Calleb helped Raine to walk to the nearest room. She stumbled a couple of times but Calleb couldn't casually carry her away. It was fine if there was only their kind for they knew Raine and his position but in human's eyes, it would only start another stupid rumor.

[Raph, come down here.] Calleb mind linked the Beta. [Bring Serefina with you.]

[What happened? I am talking to the police now.] Raphael replied almost immediately, but his voice was laced with worry, as if he had expected that Raine would do something about meeting Torak.

[Let the other person handle that. Raine suddenly just had an outburst and I don't know how to handle her. She has a panic attack at the moment.] Calleb tried to explain their condition.

As Calleb was about to enter the nearest empty room, he said to one of the female staff, "Bring me a glass of warm water and don't let anyone enter this room."

"Yes, Mr. Watson." She nodded and went to get a glass of water from the pantry.

[Serefina is on her way there. I will go after I'm done talking to the police.] Raphael said and cut the mind link.

Calleb pushed the door open and helped Raine sit down on one of the chairs inside the room. They were on a small meeting room, in the middle of which was a round table with six chairs. The dominant color in this room was grey which exuded coldness.

Raine had stopped whimpering, but she hugged her trembling body and her eyes were brimming with tears.

Calleb took a seat in front of her and worriedly looked at her. He was afraid that Raine would have a mental breakdown, but the problem was he didn't know what triggered Raine's sudden outburst.

"Raine… what is going on?" Calleb patted Raine's shoulder. He tried to remember what he had said before Raine let out an ear-piercing scream.

Yet Calleb couldn't remember saying something that could have triggered her. The last thing that he did was reject her demand to know where Torak was.

Rained sniffled and rubbed her tears roughly from her face. She wanted to say something, but her voice choked on her sobs.

Calleb pulled her into his warm embrace and caressed her back to calm her down.

At the same time, the woman he had asked to bring a glass of warm water came inside the room without even knocking on the door.

This, of course, startled not only Calleb but the woman as well.

Calleb could see the look in her eyes, indicating that she had formed a wrong idea about the situation that she had just witnessed.

In the eyes of outsiders, Calleb was nothing but one of Torak's trusted men, but surely he couldn't be compared with Raphael.

However now, he was hugging Torak Donovan's woman who was crying as he tried to soothe her emotions by caressing her back. Wasn't that too intimate for someone with a status like Calleb?

Calleb sighed helplessly. Another drama was on its way.

He knew how these human's curiosity would lead them to jump to wrong conclusions and judge the situation based simply on what they saw.

But Calleb didn't have time for it now. "Put the glass on the table and go."

"Ah, yes…" The woman snapped back from her initial shock and hurriedly put the glass down on the table before she left them both behind closed doors.

She glanced with furrowed brows for the last time at the closed door before she left.

Inside the room.

Raine took the glass of warm water and gulped it down until only half remained. She looked slightly calm after that.

Yet the moment she stared at Calleb, he saw that it wasn't with a pitiful gaze, but one filled with hate. Calleb was caught off guard when he received that kind of look from Raine.

What did he do wrong that made her look at him with hatred?

"Raine…?" Calleb swallowed his saliva.

A moment ago, they were having a fine argument about Torak's whereabouts, but then Raine suddenly screamed on top of her lungs which terrified Calleb. After that, she cried pitifully as if something really bad had happened and now she was glaring at him with hatred.

"Why are you giving me that look?" Calleb asked, puzzled.

Right, he was right when he thought that recently, Raine resembled Torak a lot when she gets angry, but in a 'softer' version of course.

But it still sent fear down Calleb's spine when he looked into those obsidian eyes.

"What have you done to Torak?" Raine asked through her gritted teeth.

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