The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 160: You look so cute

Raine felt exhausted from her study session of the day. It almost felt like her brain was having a terrible cramp because of studying all day. She didn't want to use her head anymore for any complex action that would require her to think, or use her brain. At this point, she thought that the study session could possibly get her killed of exhaustion, because of how it drained her energy to the fullest.

"I want ice cream…" Raine nuzzled Torak's neck childishly. "My head is burning."

Torak couldn't help it. He was laughing helplessly at the way Raine complained. "Alright, I'll get someone to buy ice cream for you. What flavor would you like?"

"No, I have a better idea. Let's go to the park." she said immediately, raising her head after the sudden inspiration that she got out of nowhere. The randomness in her peculiar wish successfully got Torak's jaw opened. He was surprised, because never had he ever thought that Raine would actually initiate a sudden outing like this. "There's a park near here. I saw it on our way here." she said again.

"Park?" Torak asked. "But there'll be a lot of people at this hour. Will you be fine with that?" He was worried for her.

But to his surprise, Raine shook her head. "I think I will be just fine." said the girl. Her high spirit could be seen in her eyes, and in the way her face beamed with eagerness. "I won't be going there alone after all. You'll be with me." She grinned.

"Alright, if that's what you want." Torak sighed helplessly. How could he turn her wish down now, when she was acting this way? "But, I think I need to change my clothes first."

Torak was wearing his business attire, all suit and tie. It would not be a good idea to go there in such clothing. His second guess was telling him that it would only cause some unnecessary attention, if he went to the park dressing like that.

"Okay." Raine nodded vigorously. He jumped from Torak's lap, and off she rushed to tidy up her book. Torak came back a minute later in his white polo shirt and washed off jeans. He wore a dark blue baseball cap, and brought another one in the same color. 

"Let's go?" Torak put the other cap on Raine's head, and took her hand, holding it in his hand. 

Torak's office was on the nineteenth floor, the highest floor in the building. With the privilege of being the number one of the company, his private elevator that went up and down from his private office, was connected directly to the parking lot. Right to the spot where Torak's car was parked.

When they got to the parking lot, Gregory, the driver was there. Torak took the car key from him, because he decided to drive the car himself this time. 

"Watch your head." Torak mumbled when Raine was getting into the car. He covered her head with his hand, protecting her head from bumping with the car ceiling. He considerately buckled Raine up to safety. And then, after he made sure that she was comfortable, he got on the driver seat and started the engine.

"Ready for ice cream, my angel?" Torak teased her, and Raine giggled as a response. 

It was 15.27 p.m the moment when they drove away from the parking lot. Toraktold his Beta, and Gamma where he was about to go. He let them know that he wasn't going to bring any of the guards with him, because he was trying to keep it low.

But, for the sake of safety, and just in case any unexpected things happened, he had them send two lycans to follow behind him in their beast form. The two lycans were told to keep their distance from the Alpha's car, far enough so that Raine wouldn't notice them.

After a five minutes of drive, Torak stopped. He parked the car near the familiar small man-made lake, and then he turned off the engine. He looked to his side, and there he saw Raine was unbuckling herself. "Let's go!" She said cheerfully. "What flavor would you like?"

Raine looked so bright when she was happy like this. The sight of her was irresistible, she was so adorable. And in that moment when she waited for Torak's answer, he couldn't help it, but leaned over to peck her lips.

"I like this flavor better." Torak whispered to her ears. And just like what he thought, Raine's face turned crimson. Nothing could make Torak happier than to see this response from her. "Let's go."

Torak got out of the car, and walked immediately towards Raine's side. He opened the car door for her, and there he saw her cheeks were still slightly blushing pink, but this time, she smiled widely at him.

"Keep it down." said Torak, while pulling down her cap so that it covered half of her face. He didn't want anyone to see him there with Raine. Not because he didn't want their relationship to be known widely to the public. He just didn't want Raine to feel exposed, because he knew that the public would only make Raine feel uncomfortable. And it was just not the time for that yet.

Raine, and Torak walked in silence while enjoying the view around her. On the other hand, Torak enjoyed the only view that he loved the most. They had been walking for almost fifteen minutes, and finally they could find an ice cream stall. Raine chose vanilla flavor while Torak… well, he chose the same thing because he wasn't a big fan of this kind of dessert. 

Torak accompanied Raine to walk in the park, while explaining many things to her. And then, they stumbled on some supernatural creatures, they resemble to shifters. Raine was still afraid to see them. But since Torak was there, somehow, those creatures tried to avoid him. Probably because they sensed a greater danger than themselves.

This was the first time after such a long time, for Raine to walk under the sunlight in broad daylight. But she felt safe, and protected. If it was like her old days, she would've avoid walking in an open area like this. She was too afraid of those creatures that she had crossed path with. Supernatural creatures. 

"Are you hungry? There's a shopping center there." Torak pointed at the bustling street on the other side of the park. "Do you want to see the food they might have?"

Raine nodded enthusiastically, and together they walked over there. The both of them walked down the street that was filled with many small shops and stalls, before they could reach the entrance of the shopping center. 

It was one of the famous malls in this city. Many people would go there to buy expensive and luxury goods, or just to have a fancy meal in some of the fanciest restaurants there.

"What would you like to eat? Do you have something in mind?" Torak rested his hand on her waist protectively, and once in a while he would play with her hair. 

"Actually, I'm not really hungry…" Raine finished her ice cream, and after that, she wiped her lips with the back of her hand. "But, I think I want to eat some cake…" She contemplated, thinking what she would like to eat. 

Thus, Torak led her to one of the expensive cake stores that served various cakes in cute design. He thought that Raine would like to eat something cute, and adorable like this. It was all thanks to Calleb who told him about this not long ago, now that he knew what might suit Raine's taste.

However, he was wrong if he thought that Calleb's reference would always be accurate. Because when Raine said that she wanted to eat cake, what she meant was a simple chocolate cake. Never had she ever thought that Torak would bring her to this cake store. With these cute, lovely cakes that were around them, and the pink background, Torak's figure was so out of place. 

Even the two ladies in the entrance giggled when they saw Torak entered the store with Raine. He was the only male customer there, and Raine couldn't help but laughed it off as well.

"What are you laughing at?" Torak frowned, he didn't see something funny there.

"Nothing." Raine shook her head, and kissed his cheek. "You just look so cute."

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