The Legend of the Condor Heroes

Chapter - 92 Fighting Contest to Find a Suitor (9)

All the spectators shouted in surprise. The girl, thrown into a panic, supported her father: she tore a strip of her tunic to wrap his hands, which bled profusely.

Mu Yi pushed back his daughter:

"Move aside," he said. "Today, it's either him or me!"

The girl, pale, looked at the young aristocrat fixedly, drew a dagger suddenly and wanted to plunge it full into her heart. Surprised, Mu Yi sought to stop her hand, and the girl did not have time to draw aside the blade, which was planted in the hand of her father.

The spectators sighed and deplored to see a beautiful scene finishing in such a bloody way! Even the hooligans seemed indigant at such a outcome. The comments started to focus on the improper attitude of this young aristocrat.

Facing such unrighteousness, Guo Jing could not remain standing by. He gently drew aside the people in front of him and advanced into the open space:

"Ha!" he shouted, "to act like that, that's not good!"

The young aristocrat, disconcerted for a moment, retorted while laughing;

"Ah yes? How is it necessary to act well?"

His servants, seeing that Guo Jing was clad like a peasant and that he spoke with a marked southern accent, made fun of him. Guo Jing did not understand the mockery, and said seriously, "You should marry this young lady!"

"And if I don't marry her?"

"If you don't want to marry her, why did you come down to fight? It was well marked, on the banner, 'Challenge to find a husband'!"

"What are you interfering for, kid?" retorted the young aristocrat, in a threatening voice.

"This young lady is not only very beautiful, but she has excellent gongfu. Why don't you want her? Didn't you see that she felt so offended that she wanted to commit suicide?"

"You're such a moron that it isn't worthwhile to explain it to you…"

The young aristocrat turned on his heel. Guo Jing restained him:

"Huh! How can you leave like that?"

"What do you want?"

"Didn't I tell you to marry this young lady?"

The aristocrat laughed and was about to leave.

Mu Yi, seeing the intervention of Guo Jing, understood that he was generous, but naive and little acquainted with the way of the world. He approached and says to him, "Little brother, don't worry about him. So long as I have a breath of life, I will find to be avenged for this insult."

Then he shouted towards the young aristocrat, "At least leave your name!"

"I told you I couldn't call you 'father-in-law'," he retorted insolently, "why do you want to still know my name?"

Very annoyed by this, Guo Jing leaped forward while shouting, "Then return that embroidered laced boot to the young lady!"

"Is that any of your damn business!" the nobleman said furiously. "You've taken a fancy to this young miss yourself, have you?"

Guo Jing shook his head and said, "No! Look, are you going to return it, or not?"

The young aristocrat tightened the hand suddenly and slapped Guo Jing heavily. He moved sharply, and employed a qinna technique, seizing, by crossing the hands, the wrists of his adversary. He sought to escape, in vain.

"Do you want to die?" he shouted then, surprised and annoyed, giving a kick towards Guo Jing's lower belly.

He flexed his muscles and pushed back the young aristocrat towards the open space. Obviously, this person had a good lightness technique (Qinggong), for, instead of falling on his back, he corrected himself and landed on his feet. He nimbly removed his brocaded coat and exclaimed, "You don't want to continue living, little idiot? If you've got guts, come and test yourself against me!"

"Why would I fight with you?" said Guo Jing shaking the head. "Since you do not want to marry with the young lady, return her laced boot!"

The spectators, seeing the intervention of Guo Jing, wanted to see what he was capable of and didn't think that he would retreat. Some hooligans even hooted, "Talk without action, it's unworthy of a hero!"

For his part, the young aristocrat, having been caught by Guo Jing, had realized that his gongfu wasn't insignificant, and especially that he had powerful internal energy. So he was happy not to fight. But, of course, he couldn't return the laced boot without losing face! He therefore gathered his coat and turned on his heel while laughing. Guo Jing caught him by the side of the coat and repeated, "How can you leave like that?"

The young aristocrat had a sudden idea: he cast his coat over the head of his opponent and struck two fists into his chest. Wrapped up in the coat, Guo Jing could not avoid the impacts. Fortunately, he had practised two years of orthodox neigong with Ma Yu, so that these blows, although extremely painful, could not truly wound him. Pressed by danger, he launched successively, by changing alternate stances, nine fast kicks: it was a skilled technique developed by Han Baoju, which had already enabled him to beat many enemies. Even if the disciple did not have yet the skill of the master, and even if these kicks were made while he was blinded, they disturbed the young aristocrat, who could avoid the first seven, but was caught by the two last fully in his chest.

The two young men simultaneously leapt back. Guo Jing, still amazed, got rid of the coat that hampered him. He could not believe such treachery on behalf of his adversary: "He knew well," he thought, "that he entered a 'Challenge to find a husband', he had won, and yet refused to marry the young lady! Moreover, when I tried to reason with him, not only was it he who struck first, but he used a shameful trick! If I hadn't practiced neigong well, he would have broken my ribs and crushed my internal organs!" Being of a simple and frank nature, he had always lived with decent people, so that he did not know anything about the perfidy of the human nature. Even though, during the last years, his Masters had not failed to warn him against tricks and treacheries which one might meet in the jianghu, he listened to them like one listens to stories, which could not remain engraved in one's consciousness as long as they had not been lived oneself. At that moment, he was at the same time furious and perplexed, unable to believe in the existence of such frauds.

The young aristocrat, angered by the two kicks he had received, advanced, his fist raised, on Guo Jing. He parried, but could not face the rain of blows which fell on him, and fell down. The servants were filled with laughter. Their Master puffed out his chest and said while laughing, "Then, you think you can play a deliverer of justice with your three-legged cat technique? Go back home and tell your Shimu to give you lessons for twenty more years!"

Guo Jing got up, breathed in deeply, and circulated his breath in his whole body, so that the pain diminished.

"My Shifu doesn't have a wife," he retorted.

"Then tell him to marry one quickly!"

Guo Jing was going to answer: "I have six Shifu, whose wife…" but did not have time. He saw that the other was going to leave, then advanced on him, his fist raised, while shouting, "On guard!"

The young aristocrat dodged, Guo Jing struck a left hook right at his face, the other blocked. They stood, their arms supported upon their adversary's, each one trying to use internal energy to overcome the other. Guo Jing was a little stronger, his opponent had a better technique, it was difficult to immediately decide between them.

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