The Legend of the Condor Heroes

Chapter - 91 Fighting Contest to Find a Suitor (8)

At the side, Guo Jing was increasingly stunned, "These two young people are of my age," he said to himself, "and they possess such a high level of martial arts, it is really extraordinary! They would make a perfect pair: if they marry, they could then, during their leisure hours, replay some 'contest to find a spouse', it would be funny!"

With his mouth agape, he followed the spectacle with participation, when suddenly, the girl clutched the sleeve of her adversary and tore it off with force. She jumped back immediately, holding her trophy up.

"Young Lord," shouted Mu Yi, "We are sorry!" Then he turned to his daughter, "Well, let us go now."

"Not so quickly," the young man shouted with a grim look on his face. "Nothing is really decided yet!"

He caught the two sides of his coat and pulled, causing the jade buttons to pop out. One of his servants helped him to remove his coat, while another collected the buttons. Underneath, the young man wore a water green satin tunic, tightly held to his waist by a delicate green scarf, which gave him an even more captivating air. He raised his left palm and sent a blow, showing his true gongfu this time. An extremely violent gust of air passed very close to the girl.

Guo Jing, Mu Yi and his daughter were dumbfounded:

"How could," they wondered, "a person of such distinction has such a cruel and brutal gongfu?"

The young nobleman did not look for fun anymore, his blows were so powerful that his adversary could not approach him anymore.

"We have a formidable expert here," Guo Jing thought, "the girl is no match for him: apparently, marriage is in sight. And I am quite content for them … My six Shifus always said that exceptional men are legion in the Central Plains. Indeed, this young nobleman has an original palm style with sophisticated variations. Should we fight, I would probably not win against him!"

For his part, Mu Yi could also foretell the outcome of the duel:

"My daughter," he shouted, "it is useless to continue. The young Lord is much stronger than you!"

"This young man has excellent gongfu," he said to himself, "thus he is not one of these idle, gambling and whoring sons of certain families. Presently, I will request information about his family. If he is not related to the Jin government authorities, I will approve of a marriage. Then my daughter's future will be secured …"

He shouted to both to stop their fight. But the battle was full blown and couldn't cease.

"If I wanted to injure you now," the young man thought, "nothing would be easier, but I do not have the heart to do it." Suddenly, his left palm changed into a claw, and he clutched the wrist of the girl. She, surprised, sought to break loose. The young man pushed slightly forward and the girl lost balance. At the time she was going to fall, the right arm of her adversary pulled her gently, and she fell into his arms. The spectators applauded and hollered with enthusiasm causing a great tumult.

Shamefully blushing, the girl begged with a low voice, "Release me, quickly!"

"Say 'my dear' to me," he answered laughing, "and I'll release you!"

Outraged by such an impudence, she struggled, but he held her firmly and she could not break loose. Mu Yi advanced and said, "You've won, please release my daughter!"

The young nobleman burst into laughter but did not do anything.

Losing her patience, the girl gave a kick in the direction of the plexus of her adversary, in order to make him release her. He indeed freed his right arm, parried the blow and caught the foot immediately: his qin-na technique was perfectly timed and he could seize anything he wanted. The girl panicked, sought to release her foot by pulling with force. At last she succeeded, but by doing so she lost her small shoe which was embroidered with red flowers.

She sat down on the ground, head lowered and red with shame, holding her foot covered by a sock of white fabric. The young aristocrat smiled unsteadily, wore the laced boot to his nose and sniffed it. In the situation, the hooligans were obviously not going to let pass this occasion:

"That smells good!" they shouted in chorus.

"What is your name?" asked Mu Yi.

"It's not worth speaking of," answered the young aristocrat while laughing.

He took again his brocaded coat, cast a glance in direction of the girl, and placed the small embroidered laced boot in his pocket. At that moment, the wind redoubled in strength and large snowflakes started to fall.

"We live at the Inn of Prosperity," said Mu Yi, "in the western part of the city. Let us go there thus together, in order to make plans."

"To plan what?" the young aristocrat retorted. "It's snowing now, it is necessary that I hurry home."

Mu Yi turned pale.

"You won this challenge, I made a promise, that I give you my daughter in marriage. It is a serious business, one cannot treat it with lightly!"

The young aristocrat burst out laughing:

"We had a little fun with martial arts," he said, "it was rather interesting… But, as for the marriage, ha, I am obliged to decline this honour!"

Anger choked Mu Yi and prevented him from speaking, "You… You…"

"What do you take our Young Prince for?" shouted a servant while laughing. "Do you believe that he would wed with vulgar travelling performers from the jianghu? In your dreams, old man!"

Mu Yi was so angered that, with a blow, he struck him senseless. The young aristocrat did not seek any explanation: he got his servant to be carried and was on the point of mounting his horse.

"You really make fun of us!" Mu Yi shouted, clutching him by the left arm. "Well, in any event, my daughter cannot marry such an insolent person as you. But return to us the laced boot!"

"It's she who gave it to me!" said the young aristocrat while laughing, "why do you interfere yourself? I won the tournament, I've declined your marriage, but I'll keep the consolation prize!"

He pivoted his arm, exerted some inner force and pulled clear.

"It won't happen like that!" Mu Yi exclaimed, trembling with anger.

He leaps and struck with both fists, in a blow called "Bell and drum sounds together", towards the temples of his adversary. He turned and returned to the arena.

"And if I beat you, old man," he said while laughing, "you won't force me more to become your son-in-law?"

The crowd, indignant at the impudent and arrogant attitude of the young man, remained quiet. Only some hooligans and good-for-nothings burst out laughing roughly.

Without saying a word, Mu Yi tightened his belt, and leapt with a "Sea Swallow Skimming the Flood" on the young aristocrat. He knew that he was extremely angry and did not take the attack lightly. He dodged, replied with a blow to the belly, "The poisonous snake seeks its den". Mu Yi dodged, struck with his left palm at the shoulder, the young man turned, advanced his right palm under the left arm. It was an extremely vicious blow, called "Benefit from the cloud to change the sun", executed without the knowledge of the adversary. However, Mu Yi parried effectively and closed again his two hands on the cheeks of the young aristocrat.

At that moment, whatever move he made, he could not avoid the blow! He wrinkled his eyebrows, bit his lips, and decided to employ another technique: his two hands flew like flashes and his ten fingers were planted in the back of the hands of Mu Yi. When he withdrew them, the ends of his fingers were smeared with red!

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