The Legend of the Condor Heroes

Chapter - 16 Shocking Events In the Blizzard (16)

Yan Lie relied, "It's not that I don't want to search for your husband's body and give him a proper burial but I killed government officials when I rescued Madame, so right now it is very dangerous for me there. As soon as I show myself around LinAh, I would no doubt be killed by soldiers. Besides, right now the soldiers are all over the place looking for Madame. After all, your husband did commit treason by killing officials, this is a huge crime. If his relatives are captured, men are executed and women are made into prostitutes for the soldiers. Dying for me is no big deal, but if nobody was around to protect Madame and the soldiers catch you, I could not bear and think of the consequences. Even in the nether world, I would be saddened beyond my own imagination." Seeing how honest and sincere he looked, Bao Xiruo nodded. Yan Lie continued, "I have thought this over thoroughly, the most important thing right now is to give you husband a proper burial. So we are going to JiaXing, then I can take out some money and get someone to take care of it at Lin'an. If Madame has to do it by herself, then let me settle you down in JiaXing and take the risk by myself." Bao Xiruo felt she was asking a bit too much to ask him to take such a big risk for her and replied, "If Mister can find someone reliable to take care of the whole matter, then that would be for the best." She continued, "My husband had a sworn brother with the surname of Guo, he died with my husband. I am sorry to trouble you by asking you to try to give him a proper burial as well. I… I…." She started crying.

Yan Lie replied, "It's no trouble at all, just leave it all to me. As for revenge, that bastard Duan TianDe is a government official, so killing him is not easy. Besides, he is extra careful right now, all we can do is patiently wait for our chance." Bao Xiruo only wanted to kill him to avenge her husband and then follow him into the nether world. Even though Yan Lie's every word was true, she didn't know how long she would have to wait for this to happen. In a moment of impatience, she started to sob loudly. In between sobs, she replied, "I really don't know about revenge. Even a hero like my husband could not defeat him. I… I'm just a weak woman, what… what can I do? Just let me die and join my husband and that'll be that."

Feeling that the situation was truly difficult, Yan Lie thought for a long while before finally saying, "Madame, do you trust me?" Bao Xiruo nodded. Yan Lie continued, "The only thing we can do now is to head up north to avoid the soldiers. The Song officials can't chase us if we are up north. So as soon as we cross the Yangtze, we should be out of danger. We'll wait until things have cooled down before returning down south and avenge your husband. Madame, please rest assured. I will take care of this whole matter of justice for your husband."

Bao Xiruo hesitated, "I am homeless without any relatives in the world, if I don't follow him, where can a woman like myself settle down in this world? The faces of the soldiers that night were beastly, if I had fallen into their hands, I would definitely suffer a fate worse than death itself. Yet this man is not a friend nor a relative, should a widow like me be traveling together with a young man like him? If I tried to kill myself right now, he would without a doubt stop me." She felt lost, the only thing she was sure of is that the future will be difficult. Thinking forward and looking back like this, she felt as if her intestines were being twisted. For several days straight now she had shed tears and now it seems as if she has ran out of tears to shed.

Yan Lie spoke up, "If Madame feels that any part of my plan is bad, then please tell me. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you." Seeing how accommodating he is, Bao Xiruo actually felt a little bad about hesitating. Other than committing suicide, she really could not find another way out. Having no other choice, she lowered her head and replied, "Why don't you take care of it."

Yan Lie could not be happier, "I will forever be grateful that Madame saved my life. Madame…." Bao Xiruo interrupted him, "You don't have to mention that matter ever again." Yan Lie replied, "Yes, yes of course."

That night, the two of them stopped at an inn in the town of XiaShi, still only getting one room. Ever since Bao Xiruo agreed to go up north with him, Yan Lie's actions have not been as gentlemanly and proper as before, for once in a while, his excitement would get out of hand. Bao Xiruo felt an indistinct notion that something might not be appropriate. But seeing that he had not shown even the slightest trace of getting any ideas, she figured that he must be a little too excited about being able to fully show his gratitude.

The two of them reached JiaXin at noon the next day. JiaXin is a big city in the western parts of ZheJiang. Since this was the place where many trade routes come together, it had always been a very prosperous place. When the Song dynasty moved south, JiaXin had also become much closer to the capital, thus becoming even more prosperous and bustling.

Yan Lie suggested, "Let's find an inn and rest up for a bit." Bao Xiruo was worried about soldiers finding them and said, "It's still early, we can still cover some ground." Yan Lie replied, "The stores here aren't half bad. Madame's clothing is old and worn, have to buy some new ones." This surprised Bao Xiruo as she took a moment to recover and replied, "Didn't you just buy this yesterday? How is it already old and worn?" Yan Lie answered, "There were alot of dust on the way, after wearing the same clothes for a couple of days it is no longer colorful anymore. Besides, as beautiful as Madame is, how can Madame possibly not wear the best clothing in the world?"

Hearing him praising her beauty, Bao Xiruo was secretly happy inside, but she lowered her head and said, "I am in the middle of paying my respects…." Yan Lie immediately cut her off, "Yes, of course. I understand." Bao Xiruo did not say anything more. Her husband had never praised her beauty to her face like this before, she peeked over at Yan Lie and saw only sincerity on his face. At once her heart shook, but she couldn't figure out if it was from happiness or sadness.

Yan Lie asked around and went to the biggest hotel around, "Elegant Waters Hotel". After washing up, the Yan Lie and Bao Xiruo ate some snacks together, sitting across from each other. Bao Xiruo wanted to ask him for a separate room but didn't know how to word it. Her face changed colors several times for this was a heavy burden on her heart. After a bit, Yan Lie spoke up, "Madame, please make yourself at home. I'm going out to buy some things and coming right back afterwards." Bao Xiruo nodded, "Please don't spent too much money." Yan Lie smiled and replied, "Pity that Madame is wearing mourning apparel and can't wear any jewelry. Even if I want to spend too much I can't."

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