The Legend of the Condor Heroes

Chapter - 15 Shocking Events In the Blizzard (15)

After talking for a while, Bao Xiruo suddenly noticed that he was staring at her with a trance-like gaze and immediately stopped talking. This snapped Yan Lie out of his trance, he smiled and said, "Sorry. I was just thinking about how we can escape without being caught by the soldiers."

Bao Xiruo started to cry and replied, "My… My husband is gone now, how can I live on? Why don't you just escape by yourself and not worry about me?" Yan Lie replied with a straight face, "Madame, your husband was murdered by those bastard soldiers, his death has not been revenged for. Yet you are not trying to bring the culprits to justice and is only seeking death. Your husband was a hero among men when he was alive, I'm afraid he won't rest in peace when he finds out about this in the netherworld."

Bao Xiruo replied, "I'm only a weak female, how can I possibly avenge his death?" In anger, Yan Lie replied, "Madame's burden, I will gladly take upon my shoulders. Do you know who the culprit is?" Bao Xiruo thought for a bit and answered, "The leader of the soldier's name is Duan TianDe. He has a knife scar on his forehead and a birthmark on his face." Yan Lie replied, "With a name and a way of recognizing him, no matter how far away he runs off to, we have to bring him to justice!" He went outside and came back with a bowl of porridge with some salted eggs. He spoke up, "If you don't take care of your health, how can you get your revenge?" Bao Xiruo thought what he said made some sense, so she took over the bowl and started to slowly eat its contents.

The next morning, Bao Xiruo arranged her cloth and got off of bed. She brushed her hair properly against a mirror, found a piece of white cloth and placed a white flower in her hair to pay respects to her husband. What she saw in the mirror was a beautiful woman in the prime of her life, yet her husband had already left her behind. Overwhelmed by sadness and loneliness, she put her head down and started crying. Yan Lie walked in and saw her. He said softly, "The soldiers are gone now, let's go." Bao Xiruo followed him out. Yan Lie gave a bit of silver to the master of the house and then led the two horses over. The horse that Bao Xiruo had ridden on was hit by an arrow, but Yan Lie had taken care of the wound.

Bao Xiruo asked, "Where do we go to now?" Yan Lie gave her a look, signaling her not to talk so much in front of others. He helped her onto the horse and the two of them rode side by side northward. After riding for over ten kilometers, Bao Xiruo asked again, "Where do we go to now?" Yan Li replied, "Let's find a place where we can settle down for a while and wait out this storm. After the soldiers stop looking for us and let their guards down, then I'll go and find your husband's body so we can give him a proper burial. After that I'm going to find that bastard Duan TianDe and kill him."

Bao Xiruo has a very tender and selfless personality, rarely does she come up with ideas of her own. Besides, right now she's all by herself in the world, seeing that he has it all figured out, she could not help but be touched. She said, "Mr. Yan, how… how will I ever be able to repay you?" Yan Lie confidently replied, "Madame, this life of mine was saved by you. So even if I have to jump into boiling oil or be smashed into dust, I would serve you for the rest of my life." Bao Xiruo replied, "I only hope that we can avenge my husband's death and kill that evil Duan TianDe as soon as possible so I can join him on the other side." When she thought to here, tears started to roll out of her eyes again. The two of them rode for the rest of the day and then stopped at a little hotel in ChangAn for the night. Yan Lie put the two down as a couple and got one room. Bao Xiruo could not help but feel that there is something wrong about this. So she did not utter a word during dinner as she secretly touched that dagger that Qiu Chuji gave her to make sure it's there. She made up her mind, "If he gets the slightest bit of ideas, I would kill myself right there on the spot."

Yan Lie instructed the floor manager to bring him two bundles of straws into the room. He waited until the floor manager left before locking the door up and laying out the straws on the floor. He lied down on the straws and covered himself with a felt blanket. He turned to Bao Xiruo, "Goodnight Madame." And then he closed his eyes.

Bao Xiruo's heart was beating a mile a minute. Remembering her dead husband, she felt all torn up inside. She blankly sat there for over an hour before finally sighing and blowing out the candle. Still clutching the dagger tightly, she climbed into the bed with her cloths on.

When Bao Xiruo woke up the next day, Yan Lie had already packed and readied everything, not to mention instructing the floor manager to get some breakfast ready. Bao Xiruo was very thankful for his gentlemanly actions and let most of her guard down. By the time she ate breakfast, she noticed that it was a dish of chicken fried noodles, a dish of ham, a dish of sausages, a dish of smoked fish, and a small pot of deliciously smelling rice and stalk gruel. She was raised in a moderately well off family, even after marrying into the Yang family, she had always had a life of normal farmer. Usually, breakfast for her is a couple of salted vegetables and half a salted egg. Other than New Years and weddings, she had never eaten such delicacies. So she felt quite uncomfortable during all of breakfast.

Once she finished eating, the floor manager came in with a bundle. By now Yan Lie had left their room. Bao Xiruo asked, "What is this?" The floor manager replied, "Mister went out as soon as the sun rose and bought a change of clothing for Madame. He told me to ask you to change into it." Once he finished he put down the bundle and left. Bao Xiruo opened the bundle and was shocked. It was a completely white mourning dress made out of silver with matching white socks, shoes, inner garments, and jacket, as well as matching scarf, bandanas, and other accessories. She thought, "So hard for a young man like him to think of everything." When she changed into the clothing, the thought that Yan Lie bought these himself made her blush. She had left the house in a hurry in the middle of the night, so her clothing was not very neat to begin with, then after a whole night of misadventures, she was covered in dirt and sweat. Now that she had brushed up somewhat, her spirit picked up somewhat as well. When Yan Lie returned, she noticed he had changed into colorful and expensive attires as well.

The two of them got on the way again. Sometimes one of them rode in front while the other one followed, other times they rode side-by-side. The season of Spring was in its full glory south of the the Yangtze, willows brushed people's shoulder on the road, flower fragrances filling the air and people's hearts, and plants were starting to sprout in the farms.

In order to distract her thoughts and lessen her troubles, Yan Lie kept on talking to her about varies random subjects. Bao Xiruo's father was an unaccomplished scholar in a little village, her husband and his sworn brother were both straightforward and unrefined men. So she had never met someone as refined, gentlemanly, and knowledgeable as him. When they talk she felt that every word, every sentence that he said was greatly intelligent and thought-provoking, she could not help but secretly look at him in wonder. However, they kept on heading north and getting further and further away from Lin'an, not only did he never once mentioned about revenge, he did not even bring up the subject of a proper burial for her husband. Finally, she could not keep it in anymore and asked, "Mr. Yan, what are your plans regarding my husband's body?"

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