The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 867: The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger

King Jan Kazimierz was tough for a while, and the effect was immediate-after the group of demonstrators were dispersed and arrested in prison, no one dared to come to Kazimierz Palace to demonstrate again.

King Jan Kazimierz was very proud of this. He said to Ugowski without self-satisfaction: "I should have ruled with an iron fist a long time ago. I was so benevolent before."

After going to the church and returning to the Kazimierz Palace, Queen Ludwig was worried about what happened in the morning. The queen believes that the king's reckless behavior is undoubtedly a very bad signal that will make those great nobles who oppose reform, especially Lvbao Macki, think that the reformists are already going to do something against them.

And precisely, one's own side is not ready to do it at all.

"Your Majesty, you really shouldn't be so impulsive." Queen Ludvika sighed. "The nobles do not form an alliance once or twice, nor do they demonstrate to their king ten times or twenty times. This is almost a tradition in the Republic. It’s the right of everyone’s acquiescence. And you blatantly undermined the nobles today, even among our own people, there are many doubts."

Ludwig's words are not aimless. On the way to the church, there was more than a small servant from a reformist noble family who threw a note on her carriage, vaguely hoping that the queen would persuade the king.

King Jan Kazimierz has always been in awe of his wife and political collaborator. Now that Queen Ludvika blamed herself, the king's arrogance was immediately reduced by three points, and he began to shirk responsibility.

"I...I was so angry at the time...Why am I so angry, oh, yes. It's because of Cheerchen, since Cheerchen has questioned me in front of me and blamed Lubao Marz Is there any evidence that Ji is the master behind the demonstration. I am the king and he is a courtier. How dare he question me. So I became angry and did irrational things."

The king's voice became smaller and smaller, his head lowered and lowered.

Queen Ludvika gave King Jan Kazimierz angrily. She and Jan Kazimierz have been married for so many years, how can they not know the temper of her husband. In the words just now, it must be three-point truth, seven-point false, false and true, and shirk responsibility.

But the queen was not ready to puncture, it had already happened. The most important thing now is how to deal with the aftermath, not who is held accountable.

She asked: "Those arrested nobles, how are you going to deal with them, the king?"

"Huh?" King Jan Kazimierz cried out in surprise. He didn't expect the queen's thinking to jump like this, he was still blaming himself just now, but now he immediately jumped to another topic.

But he immediately came up with his own plan.

King Jan Kazimierz thought to himself that since the queen thought it was improper to do so, she should make up for it now.

"I am going to release those arrested." King Jan Kazimierz said confidently.

He thought that the queen would approve of this treatment plan.

But he was wrong.

"No!" Queen Ludvika said firmly and without compromise: "Exile all those people to Kamenets."

Kamenets is the southern frontier of the Republic, bordering Wallachia and the Ottoman Turkish Empire. There are grasslands, canyons, and virgin forests, but there are extremely few people there, and it can be regarded as a wild and bitter cold land.

"Ah!?" King Jan Kazimierz called out again in surprise.

He didn't understand what his queen was singing.

"Since you have done it, then you must do it to the end." Queen Ludvika cut the railroad firmly.

She was a little tired, because her husband, the king of a country, was not as politically wise as her own, and she often needed her own advice.

"Your Majesty, if you let those nobles go now, will they appreciate you? No. They will only resent you even more, and count the credit for their release on the benefactors and protectors who instigated them. If neither left nor right can please them, then drive these people to the border and let them go to demonstrate to the Sudan and steppe bandits in Turkey."

"Yeah." King Jan Kazimierz nodded repeatedly.

But immediately, he asked without doubt: "What if the old school and Lvbao Macki in the city use this as an excuse to attack us? After all, there is no precedent in the Republic for exiled aristocrats because of this trivial matter."

Ludvika hates: You only realize this problem now, why did you go early.

But for this, Queen Ludvika has already had a countermeasure.

"Stefan Çarnetsky General Soldier." Queen Ludvik said: "Stefan Çarnetsky, he is a great hero in saving the Republic. The base is comparable. As long as the General Soldier stands up to support your decision to exile, then with his reputation, he can overcome the old school in Warsaw. And as far away as Ukraine’s Lubaomatzky, I miss him I dare not act rashly."

Seeing the queen's consideration so thorough and not leaking, King Jan Kazimierz repeatedly applauded.

Queen Ludwig turned a deaf ear to the king's admiration. Her thoughts at this time have long been put on more important things.

Queen Ludvika was not without worries thinking: only granting peasants who have made military exploits in wars aristocratic rights is so obstructed, then a series of reforms such as tax increase, power restriction, centralization, and army building will be hindered so much. How much resistance will the plan encounter? And when the contradiction between reform and conservativeness reaches a critical point, will civil war break out? Are the king and himself ready to deal with a civil war?

At this time, King Yankachimiri also discovered that Ludvika's attention was not on himself, but was staring at the wall in a daze.

The king knew very well that his wife would act in a daze whenever she made a major decision.

So he stopped talking wisely and didn't interrupt Ludvika's thinking.

After a long while, Queen Ludvika recovered.

"Your Majesty, among the young generals of the Republic, who do you trust the most?"

Who, not who, is more than one option.

King Jan Kazimierz counted his names and said: "Michau Vorodjavsky, Anjay Kmicicz, Jan Skredusky, Jan Sobieski, um, also There is Natalie Kishka, these are all officers I trust."

Cheerchen is not among these people.

This has nothing to do with Cheerchen's always rebellious against King Kazimierz.

Queen Ludvika nodded, these are indeed the young talents of the Republic.

"Your Majesty, the standing army of the Republic is only 40,000, while our neighboring country, Tsarist Russia, has at least 160,000 troops, Cossacks 50,000, Sweden has 40,000, and even Prussia who is elected as the emperor has tens of thousands of elite soldiers. Relatively speaking, , The number of our army is too small. With such a small army, not only can we not suppress civil strife, but also unable to expel foreign enemies, so I propose to establish a king army of 20,000 people on the basis of a standing army of 40,000. General Stefan Çarnetski serves as the presidential belt, and Jan Sobieski, Mikhav Vorodjavsky, Andrzej Kmicicz, and Natalie Kishka serve as officers ."

In the selection of candidates, Queen Ludvika eliminated Jan Skrzedowski. This was not because the queen doubted Jan Skrzedowski’s loyalty, but that Jan Skrzedowski was in his wife’s ordination and the Republic and the Cossacks. After the peace talks drinking and being sluggish all day long, it is no longer suitable for the military.

It has always been the dream of Jan Kazimierz and Ludvika to build an army directly belonging to the king. However, due to the embarrassment of the treasury and opposition from the parliament, the establishment has been delayed.

At this time, seeing Queen Ludvika replaying the old tune, Janka Chimi said: "But money..."

"We can borrow." Queen Ludvika said: "I still have some dowry that can be used for military expenses; we can borrow from France; support some of our reformist nobles, such as Jan Zamois and Al Val Chechen, they have a lot of money, and we can also borrow from them."

Just now, when Queen Ludvik asked who among the young generals of the King’s Republic he trusted the most, Cheerchen did not exist, but when she needed money, the queen offered to ask Cheerchen for loan, which made King Jan Kazimierz feel good. Embarrassed.

He stopped talking for a while, and finally said: "It's better to add another Alvar Chechen to the officer who established the royal army."

Queen Ludwig really admired her husband's changes and indecision. She said: "I believe that not putting Cheechen into the officer corps of the king's army is not to say that you don't trust him, but there are other reasons. Besides, the husband and wife are one body, we added Natalie to the officer corps. It is an expression of trust in Cheerchen."

King Jan Kazimierz thought that what the queen said was true. The little guilt in his heart disappeared.

Later, King Jan Kazimierz mentioned Prince Mihavu.

"Prince Mihav Vishnevitsky has left Lvbao Macki. Princess Galisadai hopes that I can arrange a place for the prince by her side. What do you think of the queen, should I satisfy the princess's wishes?"

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