Inside the Kazimierz Palace, King Jan Kazimierz’s yelling and yelling were not inferior to the protesting nobles outside.

Originally, King Jan Kazimierz summoned Chechen and Natalie into the palace to praise the hero. Although the purpose of the alliance with Sweden has not been achieved, it is possible to end the war with the Kingdom of Sweden, Cheerchen can be regarded as the number one hero. Moreover, Christina, the regent queen who now controls Sweden’s state affairs, has a very close personal relationship with Cheerchen. In any case, King Jan Kazimierz can't stay with Cheerchen as slowly as before.

But when the inner servant Ugowski came to report that a protesting noble team was marching towards Kazimierz Palace, even though King Jan Kazimierz knew that he should not express his anger in front of outsiders. His emotions, but after sending troops to intercept, he still couldn't help but pour it out.

Because he was so disappointed and discouraged.

When the four-year war with Sweden was finally over and while the war with Tsarist Russia was going on, King Jan Kazimierz felt that he could further reform the country’s backward and inefficient political system. When he tried to bring the phoenix of the Republic to Nirvana, what he got from this nation was not support and assistance, but resistance and resistance. What he encountered was ingratitude everywhere.

The protesting crowds outside are proof. They hold on to the mutilation and hold on to the little bit of privilege in their hands, but forget that the republic on which this privilege is attached is weakening, forgetting that the skin will not exist and the hair will be attached; these small and medium aristocrats who should have a heart with themselves, this Shi became the accomplices of the great nobles and the executioners for them to put pressure on themselves.

"What happened to the peasants who gave credit to the nobility? Are the peasants sleeping while the nobles are fighting **** battles? No, they are also fighting and bleeding, and they are no less than the nobles. So. Since they are fighting and bleeding, the nobles can be rewarded, and the farmers should be rewarded. Besides, this is what I swore to the holiest Virgin in Lviv. Can the king break the oath at will? Or can the oath to the Virgin be changed day and night?"

King Jan Kazimierz screamed and walked up and down, dancing and dancing like a grumpy ape.

Cheerchen looked back and forth at the king who was walking around. On the issue of treating peasants equally, Cheerchen's attitude is the same as that of the king-that is, those who make the same contribution deserve the same reward.

He was about to say a few words of support for the king, but when he heard King Jan Kazimierz's words, he talked about Lvpaomatsky, who was leading the army in Ukraine.

"Of course, of course. I know very well who are the people who instigated and drove these little nobles to pressure me. It was the Vichynevitskys, the Zaslawskys, and the Kalinowskis. We and Konetspolskies are nobles, and their general backstage is the Marshal of the Republic, Lvbao Macki. Although they are in Ukraine, they are still in Warsaw, and they hold a baton."

Hearing that King Jan Kazimierz said that Marshal Lubaumacki was the backstage of the little nobles outside, Chechen was a little unhappy. Because although the number of contacts with Marshal Lubao Macki is very small, the marshal has left a good impression on Cheerchen. And several times, Lvbao Macki has stretched out his hand to help himself.

"Your Majesty, you suspect that those people outside were instigated by the marshal, do you have evidence?" Chechen asked.

King Jan Kazimierz stepped out and stepped **** the ground.

He was flushed with humiliation.

Yes, King Jan Kazimierz took Chechen's words as a humiliation.

Rather than saying that there is no evidence for this kind of thing, even if it can be found, how can Alvar Chechen as a courtier dare to ask for it.

When Natalie saw Cheerchen's words, King Jan Kazimierz was furious, and she quickly grabbed Cheerchen and fell on one knee to ask the king for forgiveness.

Looking at Natalie, who was terrified and fearful, and thinking that she could still use Chechen, King Jan Kazimierz's complexion turned from cloudy to sunny.

"Get up," the king said to the two.

Then, Jan Kazimierz beat Chechen again and said: "Earl Alvar Chechen, you are now a member of the Republic. You must pay attention to your words and do things, and don't use emotions."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Chechen replied unwillingly.

Ignoring Cheerchen’s emotions, King Jan Kazimierz continued: “You have worked hard when you go to Sweden this time. Natalie is also in Warsaw. After you two got married, you got together less and more. This time, it’s time for a good reunion. . Well, let me take you off for three months."

Natalie happily thanked her, and Cheerchen also hurriedly thanked her.

King Jan Kazimierz was waiting to lift the two kneeling men, when suddenly there was a loud shout outside.

"Maintain the freedom of gold!"

"Poland is the noble Poland."

"Down with the scum **** among the nobles."

From far and near, the protesting team continued to approach Kazimierz Palace.


King Jan Kazimierz became angry again, and he called his servant maid loudly.

Ugowski ran in in a panic, he understood why the king called himself.

"Your Majesty," Ugowski fell to his knees in fear, "The Dragoons did not dare to stop them, because the leader held the "Henry Treaty" in his hands and shouted that they have the right to form an alliance."

It's the **** Henry Treaty again.

Although King Jan Kazimierz yearned for the dictatorship of the French monarchy, he hated the French king at this time: Henry III, you will be the King of Poland for a year, look at the mess you left us.

Maybe it’s the anger that has accumulated over the past few days; maybe it’s that Jan Kazimierz’s self-reliance over Sweden has grown; or maybe it’s because Stanislaw Potocki, whom he trusts most, is not by his side; or maybe it’s The king believed that even a tough time would not have any serious consequences; even if the nobleman had taken off the glasses of a Polish bishop in front of him due to religious problems, it was only a verbal reprimand. This Once at last no more concessions.

"Ugowski. Go and deliver my order: order the dragoons to keep their swords out of their sheaths and drive me away from the demonstrators. You can't let them get closer to the Kazimierz Palace!"

Ugowski raised his head in amazement, and then he looked at Cheerchen and Natalie as if for help, hoping that they could help himself to persuade his Majesty.

Queen Ludwig was the most suitable person to persuade the king. Unfortunately, the queen went to church today.

Jan Kazimierz was determined to use force this time. Seeing that Ugowski hadn't moved for a long time, he shouted again.

Ugowski finally had to get up to give orders.

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