The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 344: Tools of Retaliation

"His Royal Highness." Natalie politely bowed down to Princess Garisaida, and then politely refused: "What I like is the knight named Alvar Chechen next to me. For you and Mi Prince Hawu, I can only express regret."

Princess Galisadie's complexion froze. No matter how long-sleeved and good at dancing he was, he was so directly rejected by a junior, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Natalie! How did you talk to the princess?"

Janush scolded his daughter angrily.

But this time, Natalie did not show any weakness. After all, his father even talked to Princess Galisadai about his marriage to Prince Mihav without knowing it. This is something Natalie can't forgive.

Natalie said to her father: "My father, I like Cheerchen, you know, why do you have to ask me to be with someone I don't like?"

"I am your father, of course I can decide your marriage."

"I only belong to myself. Who I am with should be decided by myself."

Natalie said this so loudly that almost everyone in the room heard it. Most of them are dignitaries, colleagues of Janusz, which makes Janush's face uncontrollable.


Janush was so excited that he slapped his daughter.


Chechen didn't expect that Yanush would hit his daughter. He hurriedly stepped forward to protect Natalie's body, while Natalie covered her face and looked at her father sadly.

Father hit himself unexpectedly, this is something that has never happened before.

And Janush was also stunned by his move. He looked at Natalie, then at his hand.

At this time, Janusz regretted it in his heart. Of course, he was not regretting that he had negotiated with Princess Garisaide and decided on his daughter's marriage to Prince Mihavu. Janusz believed that this matter was absolutely correct. Prince Mihav's family background is countless times better than Chechen, who was born as a mercenary, and it can't be counted. Natalie will only have real happiness if she marries Prince Mihavu. And He Chechen, it was just a moment of joy for the young man, she would regret it in the future. Janush didn't want his daughter to regret, so he wanted Natalie to follow the right path from the beginning. What Janush regretted was that he was too impulsive. He should persuade his daughter not to use violence.

At this moment, everyone under the stairs was watching the four people standing on the stairs, and even a needle dropped in the entire hall could hear them.

"Father, Cheorchen is a real knight. You also know his merits. Why are you not willing to perfect us? Is it really more important than my happiness?!"

After Natalie finished speaking, she put down her hand covering her blushing cheek. She glanced at her father resentfully, then took Cheerchen and ran upstairs.

"Natalie, Natalie!"

Perhaps it was the last look of his daughter that made Janush feel soft, and Janush yelled and chased after him.

Princess Galisadie hesitated, she glanced at her son who was still at a loss, and chased after her.



Some people wanted to follow up and watch the excitement. But at this time, a loud hiccup sounded in the strangely quiet hall. Some people looked back in the direction of the voice, only to see that the leader of Sapega was holding a long-necked wine bottle with red cheeks.

"Uh, uh."

Two more hiccups. At this time, more people looked at Sapega.

Sapega may have walked up to the stairs, but his drunken steps made his legs tangled together. Then, the Lithuanian leader fell to the ground.

Some nearby nobles hurried over to pick up Sapega, but the weight of the chieftain was the same as his official title, and it was useless for three people together.

The occurrence of this accident happened to divert everyone's attention. Natalie's matter was temporarily ignored.

Prince Mihav was hesitating whether he should go up or help Zapega to lead him. At this moment, a voice sounded behind the prince:

"I'm really worthless for Miss Natalie!"

Prince Mihav looked back, but saw a soldier with only one hand standing behind him.

This person is Coppola. While others only focused on Natalie and her father, Coppola focused on Prince Mihavu. He wanted to see if the prince could become an object he could use. The result was satisfactory, and Coppola saw infatuation and jealousy in the eyes of Prince Mihavu.

Therefore, Coppola deliberately spoke beside the prince to attract the attention of Prince Mihavu. He wanted to turn Prince Mihavu into a tool for revenge against Cheerchen.

"What do you say?" Prince Mihav asked. He really took the bait.

"Prince Mihavu," Coppola put the severed hand behind him, saluted Prince Mihavu, and then continued: "Please forgive me for taking the I just think you and Na Miss Tali should be a natural pair. Your family is similar, and you are both male and female. Your Excellency is the descendant of Yarime, the descendant of the hero of the Republic. Only you are worthy of Miss Natalie. And that is called Ah. Leval Chechen’s guy is not only a humble mercenary, but also a shady villain. The lawsuits he ate in Lithuania are all well-documented, but he did not know how to deceive the king and deceived him. The paper pardoned the book and became a hero. If Miss Natalie marries him, she will regret it for life."

After speaking, Coppola sighed heavily.

Prince Mihavu's fists were clenched tightly. His head is now full of Natalie's desperate expression after Cheerchen reveals his "true face". And the glorious origin of the Visnievitsky family made Prince Mihavu’s heroic heart to save the United States ablaze.

"It's a pity that I am not a relative of Miss Natalie, otherwise I must fight this villain. Save Miss Natalie from the devil." Coppola continued to add fuel to the fire.

The words woke up Prince Mihavu.

"Yes, Natalie is my future wife, which is also agreed by Mr. Janusz. I should protect the virginity of my future wife. Of course, there is no doubt about it. Just now, yes, just now, if my hands If I had a weapon, I would stab the villain to death in the room. Yes, even now, of course I have this power, as long as I throw a white glove at him (representing the requirement of a duel)."

Prince Mihavu couldn't help but imagine in his heart, imagining that he would cut Chechen into pieces.

Coppola looked at the flushed Prince Mihavu, satisfied that his conspiracy had succeeded. He slowly backed away with a smirk. The fuse has been ignited, just watch when the barrel of gunpowder exploded.

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