The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 343: Misunderstand

Seeing Prince Mihav's question, Janush smiled and looked at the deceased's orphan. He said to Prince Mihavu: "Time flies so fast. I didn't expect Yarimae's son to be this old in a blink of an eye. The last time I saw you was five years ago. At that time you were still a doll."

As Janush spoke, a feeling of nostalgia for his old friend grew spontaneously. He held the arms of Prince Mihavu with his hands, trying to find out what Yarime looked like back then.

But Prince Mihau’s appearance was obviously that his mother was inherited more than his father, and Prince Mihau's body was also fat. Janush looked and looked, only that the prince’s lips had the shadow of Yarime faintly.

When Janush, who was a stranger to him, held his arms so affectionately, Prince Mihav was a little embarrassed, so he had to formulately replied: "It's been a long time since I saw you, Master Janush."

"It's really been a long time since I saw you. I still remember the time when you were born. I came to Lubu, and I hugged you at that time. Have you learned anything now?" Janush continued to look kindly. Looking at the prince in front of him, he asked with a smile.

Since Janush is going to let Natalie and Prince Mihav join together, of course, the more you understand, the better. If the prince disagrees with his own mind, he might find out earlier and refuse earlier. Although Janush is selfish in this matter, he still regards Natalie's happiness more than anything else.

Mihau turned his head to look at his mother with some embarrassment. He didn't know whether he should return to Janush's words. Princess Galisadai showed her son a "cheerful" smile, and motioned to Prince Mihavu to answer Janush's question.

"I am now studying fine arts, French, literature, and painting, and I already have a very good standard." Prince Mihavu said proudly.

Janusz nodded slightly disappointed. It is indeed not easy for a nobleman to be so versatile in art. But these, in his opinion, are more entertainment than practical skills.

"What about the others?" Janush asked again.

"Other?" Prince Mihav asked questioningly.

"Such as swordsmanship, marksmanship, horsemanship and military science, are you learning it?" Janush asked bluntly. In his opinion, these are the skills that a Polish lord should master most.

Princess Galisadie looked at her son anxiously and winked at him. She knew very well that Janush was undoubtedly looking at his son-in-law now. If his son's answer is not in accordance with Janusz's wishes, the marriage between the two families may be ruined.

Prince Mihav was stunned for a moment. Immediately, he noticed the wink from his mother.

"I'm learning all of these, and my teacher taught me engineering and logistics. Our housekeeper, Nikolai, also supervises me to shoot a hundred arrows every day." Prince Mihav said nonsense. He has never shot an arrow in a day, and for military science and other knowledge, although Princess Galisadai has also hired a teacher for him, Prince Mihavu is sleeping in every class.

In fact, Prince Mihav’s lie is easy to expose. As long as Yanush carefully observes Prince Mihav’s delicate skin and tender hands, he will understand that it is impossible for such a hand to shoot a hundred arrows every day. But the old man subconsciously wanted to marry the Vichynevitsky family, so he didn't discern it so carefully.

Seeing that the prince Mihavu was both civil and military, Janush was overjoyed.

At this time, the princess Galisadai, who was good at observing words, saw that Janush was satisfied with her son, and hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot: "Yanush, my friend. So that's what happened?"

Princess Galisadie was talking about the marriage between her son and Natalie, but Prince Mihavu didn't know it. Seeing his mother said that the matter was settled, he hurriedly asked what was the matter.

"Stupid boy, it's the only daughter of you and Mrs. Janusz, Miss Natalie's marriage. You are the right age, and I and Janusz have this meaning." Princess Galisadai smiled. Prince Mihavu said.

Hearing his mother said that he was going to marry Natalie, Prince Mihavu was ecstatic. But he immediately remembered the man in Natalie's room upstairs.

Prince Mihavu certainly wouldn't mention Natalie upstairs with a man in the public. And, in fact, it is very common for aristocrats to have their own lover before marriage. It's just that Mihau thinks that his fiancée has other men before him, and he is always uncomfortable.

Princess Galisadai certainly didn't know what her son was thinking. She turned to Janush again, hoping that Janush would also agree to the marriage of the next two children first.

"Right? Janush."

Janusz was very satisfied with Prince Mihavu, and he immediately wanted to explicitly agree to it.

Janush was about to speak, but at this moment, he saw his daughter walking down with Cheechen on the stairs on the second This sudden situation stunned Janush. . The first thing he thought of was whether his daughter had done anything with Cheor Chen on it.

Seeing Janush staring upstairs in a daze with her mouth open, Princess Galisadai followed Janush's eyes in surprise and looked up.

Cheerchen took Natalie's hand and walked down half of the stairs. At this time, Janush finally reacted.

The old man ran up the stairs furiously, blocking Cheerchen and Natalie.

"Father?" Natalie called to Janush.

Janush's complexion was sullen, he ignored Natalie, just stared straight at Cheerchen.

"You, what good did you do on it!" Janush asked with gritted teeth.


Natalie immediately understood what his father meant: she was suspecting that she and Cheor Chen were upstairs...

Natalie was extremely ashamed. Although she likes Chechen, she is a devout Christian after all. Before accepting the priest's blessing, how could she do such nasty things.

"Master Janush, Natalie and I are just...not what you think..." Cheerchen tried to explain.

But how would Janush believe it at this time.

The movement on the stairs quickly attracted the attention of everyone downstairs, and everyone's eyes focused on the three of them.

At this time, Princess Galisadai also went up the stairs. The princess Yomo is also a little aware of Natalie’s relationship with Cheerchen, but she doesn’t pay much attention to Natalie’s personal affairs. Her main fancy is the Kishka family and Natalie is the only daughter of Janusz. identity.

"Is Natalie? I'm Galisaide, the wife of Yarime Vishnevitsky. Your father and I are talking about your marriage to Mihav." Princess Galisaide laughed Said Yingyingly.

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