The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 259

"East Indies. We have discovered a lot of oil fields there, and the reserves should not be worse than Mexico, but we are limited in capacity and now we lack a strong partner. Mobil Oil has agreed to our action, I don’t know if Mr. Morgan wants to try. What?"

Situ Nan looked at Morgan with a smile.I thought, "Since you want to enter the oil industry, now I'll give you a chance to see if you can grasp it. As for the investment in Occidental Petroleum, it is free.

Although the petroleum industry is not the main business of the Morgan Consortium, it does have a large-scale oil and gas company under the Morgan Consortium. Unfortunately, it does not receive strong support from the Morgan Consortium and there is no golden finger like Situ Nan, so it has always been supported by Mobil Oil in the east. The suppression failed to develop into an oligarch like Occidental Petroleum.

"Okay!" Morgan replied quickly.

After Morgan left, Situ Nan recalled today’s conversation and found that cooperating with Morgan to develop Nanyang oil would not have any bad effect on Occidental Petroleum and the William Consortium. It was also a cost to draw one more powerful ally to deal with the British and Dutch oil groups. worth it.…

Dutch Indonesia, Riau Province in central Sumatra has a small fishing port called Dumai, across the sea from Singapore across the strait, but only 170 nautical miles away.

There is a long marshland near Dumai, which stretches along the Strait of Malacca. It is located in a remote area and seldom visited by people. Except for the hard-to-developed marshland, it is surrounded by a dense virgin forest that covers the sky and the sun. Often cannot return.This is a dangerous place, but it did not stop the enthusiastic Chinese workers. As early as the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese had settled here. They plowed and fished for a living, and used their sweat and blood to create a small home.

In the vast Nanyang, here is just an unremarkable epitome of Chinese immigrants developing Nanyang.But from a year ago, Dumai Port suddenly became lively. There were often large ships docking, each time they unloaded large quantities of supplies, and hundreds of confused Chinese farmers.They were told that the land here had been bought, and that they would open up wasteland here to grow various crops such as pepper and flax.

At the same time, they were also told that in three years, the land would be distributed to them in the future, and each person would have 10 mu.The thirst for land made these stalwart farmers burst out with great enthusiasm. They manipulated various machines to cut down trees and turn virgin forests into farms and logging factories.More and more people were living in groups, the farms began to become villages, and even the towns, Dumai began to lively.

That day, a ferry slowly approached Singapore from across the Strait of Malacca, and a man with a serious face walked off the boat.He was wearing a suit and a gentleman's hat, and he was followed by several powerful guards. These guards were not only yellow-skinned Asians, but also whites.

He is Yao Hongmin, the person in charge of the Nanyang distribution of the Nanyang Foundation, and the person in charge of the Nanyang branch of Meihua Company. This time he came here specially from Singapore to inspect the construction project of Dumai.

Meihua Company has obtained the ownership of this piece of land, which will be an independent kingdom.

Seeing that Dumai, which was still reckless last year, has now become a lively town, Yao Hongmin feels a little bit emotional.: "After a year, I finally see the hope of success."

Yes.Yao Hongmin received a telegram from the United States that American Petroleum Corporation will formally enter the Minas area in the near future to develop local oil.According to the prediction of the Nanyang Foundation, in the next few years, more than 20,000 Chinese workers will participate in the construction of oil fields and become workers of oil companies.In addition, more than 56,000 Chinese workers will participate in the construction of the port and city of Dumai.

Standing on the bow of the ship, he said to himself: "This is the homeland opened by the Chinese. When we come, we won't leave."

Several cars that are rare in Southeast Asia swiftly shuttled through the dense forest. This is a forest road leading to the Minas Marsh, which was just opened by Chinese workers on the farm.

Yao Hongmin looked out from time to time, looking excitedly at the highway opened up from the dense forest with manpower. Although there were some bumps, he was excited.

"Haoran, are you ready to talk about the specific situation?" Yao Hongmin looked back and asked a young man next to him.

I saw a scar on the young man's face, which looked a bit fierce, and his stern eyes were like a wolf walking in the forest.

This young man is called Zhang Haoran. He Wenxiu is one of the elites of internal defense brought by He Wenxiu from the United States. He is also a member of the Nanyang Foundation.

Zhang Haoran was trained by the iron-blooded leader Zhang Dongliang, bloodthirsty and combative. The scar on his face was left from the battlefield on the Mexican border.

Zhang Haoran is deeply influenced by Nanyang Foundation's nationalism and is a fanatical nationalist.Less than a year after he came to Dumai, he has cleared a large farm in Dumai, expanded the fishing port, and controlled thousands of Chinese migrant workers and hundreds of militants who have been strictly trained.

Dumai is remote, so no one noticed the wolves hidden in those dense forests, not to mention that these wolves had cleaned up all the natives around the Minas Marsh that were not friendly to Chinese immigrants.

Except in Dumai, Sumatra and Borneo where the Dutch and Indian governments cannot manage, the Nanyang Foundation has already controlled many places by building a large number of local farms and emigrating Chinese farmers.

What happened in Dumai was just a small microcosm of the vast East Indies.

Coming back to the subject, Zhang Haoran said with excitement: "Mr. Yao, we have repaired the road to the Minas area, and we have also built our camp in the nearby woodland. Now there are 100 people in secret training. 300 people will be stationed every month.

This will be our territory, and no workers from outside will be able to enter, so outsiders don’t know that we have set up a base here.We have quietly cleaned up this area of ​​indigenous people, so now we control it no matter legally or in fact.Just waiting for the immigration ship of the United States and China."

After Zhang Haoran finished speaking, he licked his mouth, because the more immigrants, he could select more people to join his army.

"Yeah. Good job!" Yao Hongmin nodded, "There has been news from the United States. Next month, the joint venture between Occidental Petroleum and Gulf Oil will send people over to formally develop the oil here. You can all by then. In the name of the security team of the oil company. Do it well, the era of great development belonging to Dumai and Minas is coming."

Yao Hongmin said excitedly.After a long period of preparation and investment of countless funds, some projects gradually came to fruition.

"However, you must pay attention to the management of the workers, and don't let the unscrupulous among them affect our plan." Yao Hongmin reminded again.

Chapter 15 Aftermath: Meeting the Paris Peace Conference at the Beginning of the European Trip

Shandong issue.Clemenceau.Lloyd George.Wilson.Lansing.

While Situ Nan was secretly happy for the smooth progress of the Nanyang Project, he was also upset about the situation in Paris.The original German, Austrian, and Turkish allies have become meat on the cutting board and are left to be slaughtered, but the victorious nations are struggling for their own interests.

There were more than 1,000 representatives from various countries participating in the Paris Peace Conference, of which 70 were plenipotentiary representatives, representing 27 victorious countries.

In addition to official representatives, each delegation also has a large number of scholars, experts and consultants.(Morgan is one of them.) Because the organization is so large, it is naturally difficult to operate effectively, so in the formal conference, the entire agenda is only held a few times.

In order to study related special issues (such as compensation issues, territorial issues, disarmament issues, etc.), the General Assembly set up more than fifty committees to draft detailed drafts for selection.

The actual power of the General Assembly is in the responsibility of the Supreme Council, and this organization evolved from the Supreme International Joint Operations Council during the war.The Supreme Committee has ten members, composed of two representatives from the five factions of Britain, France, the United States, Italy, and Japan. It is also referred to as the "10-member Committee".

Japan still cannot reach Europe. Italy’s ambitions in the Mediterranean were unanimously suppressed by Britain, the United States and France. Their prime minister Orlando had an argument with Wilson because of the Fiume dispute and left the meeting in anger. The original committee of ten was transformed into Britain and France. In the United States, a situation dominated by the three giants, a fierce debate is taking place in the US consulate. The two parties in the dispute are US President Wilson and Secretary of State Robert Lansing.

"President, I received a telegram from Paul Reensch, the ambassador to Beijing. He mentioned that your fourteen principles have been praised by all walks of life in China. Now the Chinese people have a lot of expectations for the United States.

If we fail to make fair measures, they will be very disappointed, and it will affect our American influence in China.Do you think about it carefully?"

Robert Lansing said, looking at Wilson with a serious face.

"Robert, I know." Wilson paused, then slowly said: "Japan's expansion in China has already affected the United States, how did I not know? But China is too weak, and they cannot withstand the pressure of the Japanese first. We cannot offend the Japanese because of China. Two years ago, did you not advocate anti-China?"

"One time and another time. At the beginning we had to concentrate on dealing with German talents to stabilize the Japanese. Now that the war is over, we can no longer compromise. I think Shandong cannot be handed over to Japan, it should be managed by the international community, and then returned to it. China. We should stick to this point of view and cannot let the Japanese anymore."

Lansing said strongly.In 1917, he and Japanese Foreign Minister Kikujiro Ishii signed the "Ishii-Lansing Agreement" and compromised with Japan on the China issue and exchanged Chinese interests with Japan.However, two years later, the situation has changed. Lansing believes that the US attitude towards Japan should also change and it should show America's strength.

"No! Robert, you don't understand. The Japanese have threatened to launch the League of Nations if their conditions are not met. Now Italy has launched it. If Japan also withdraws, the League of Nations to maintain world peace will not be established. Moreover, the United Kingdom and France It seems to be on the side of the Japanese. They have secret diplomacy. It is not worth it for us to fall out with them for China."

Wilson explained patiently.In his view, it is worth sacrificing China for Japan to join the League of Nations. A League of Nations that maintains world peace is more important than anything else.

"But President, our main task is to sign a contract to safeguard the interests of the United States. As for the establishment of the League of Nations, it is not too late!" Lansing persuaded painfully.In his opinion, the bullshit League of Nations is nothing compared to the interests of the United States.

Lansing's stubbornness made Wilson unhappy. He suddenly felt that Lansing's face was particularly annoying. Why didn't this guy realize his own good intentions?

"Please pay attention to your attitude, Mr. Lansing! As the President of the United States, don't I defend American interests?" Wilson said harshly.

After a while, he felt that his attitude was too stiff, and then said: "Let's do it! With the Chinese, you will perfuse them first!"

"Okay!" Lansing said helplessly.

He walked out of the president’s office in frustration, and couldn’t help sighing: “Wilson is determined to establish the League of Nations, at the expense of China’s interests. This will lead to a major failure in American diplomacy. It also violates the 14-point principle he put forward. Own feet.

The conference is held at the Palace of Versailles, and every day it is filled with journalists from all over the world, as well as people from all countries who are concerned about the progress of the conference.Every time the meeting was adjourned, the reporters would flock to it and surround the representatives of various countries in an attempt to get a sensational news.

Situ Nan sat in the car and looked at the crowds outside the window. Among them were many Chinese with yellow skin and black eyes. They were all Chinese workers who had not returned to China for the time being.

There are tens of thousands of Chinese laborers in Paris. They are proof of China as a victorious country. They are eagerly waiting for the victory that they have won with their blood and lives.

But the news from the Palace of Versailles is worrying, because Japan has proposed to inherit German interests in Shandong.

"My compatriots, Shandong is our territory and must not fall into the hands of the Japanese!"

"Down with Japanese imperialism! Give me back Shandong!"...

Suddenly, slogans like these erupted like thunder. Many organized Chinese workers waved flags and marched outside the Palace of Versailles.

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