The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 258

Situ Nan has known them for several years, knowing that these people are closely related to the Morgan Consortium, this time he wanted to attack Europe, to be precise, to overthrow the British pound and establish the US dollar's status in global trade.Now that Europe owes a lot of debt to the United States, this is undoubtedly a rare opportunity.

Situ Nan knows that the foundation of the William Consortium is not solid. It is based in the United States and its main business is in industry, so he does not intend to participate too much in similar international speculation.

"In general, we have devised a plan. First of all, it is clear that Britain and France are not allowed to use German indemnities to offset their debts to us.

Secondly, Germany is now unable to come up with such large indemnities, we can lend them to control Germany's finance and industry.In the end, the Germans repaid our loans to Britain and France, and then Britain and France repaid us. This formed a triangular circle.

We have a dominant position in this cycle, and control European finance through the US dollar and the carrier of this cycle.When Britain, France and Germany are inseparable from us, it has also established the dominant position of the US dollar in international trade.The world's finance should be dominated by Wall Street."

Paul Vogber said triumphantly.

The group of Jewish capitalists behind him have already planned how to divide Germany.The status of the defeated Germans is not as good as that of a junior, and there is nothing to do except listen to the Americans.

The defeat of Germany does not mean the failure of the Jewish bankers in Germany. They have a deep connection with Wall Street in the United States and can control Germany, the world's top market, through cooperation with the United States.

"Morgan and the others are really wild. When Robes Securities and Wells Fargo were still planning to eat in the United States, they were already going to attack Europe." Situ Nan sighed.

"In addition to Germany, you also missed Canada." Morgan reminded.

"British people won't give in so easily, we can't take it lightly..." reminded Laimonde, the president of Morgan Firm.

Situ Nan looked on coldly, watching the triumphant expressions of these capital predators.It is not the first time that he has participated in a similar meeting. In essence, Situ Nan is no different from others. The scene in France is just a magnified version of Venezuela, in another, more concealed way.

Morgan called Situ Nan, the meaning is obvious, is to let Situ Nan join the game, Situ Nan is naturally happy to follow, he later discussed with Robles, planning to invest 20 million US dollars in the German financial industry.

This amount of money seems to be a lot, but it is far short of billions of dollars in investment by several consortia such as Morgan, but Situ Nan doesn't feel a pity either.On the one hand, the ability is limited, and on the other hand, knowing that Germans are not so easy to mess with. If foreign bankers squeeze out Germans, won't the Germans backfire?

In addition to admiring German technology, Situ Nan is wary of everything in Germany and even Europe!I always feel that this cradle of modern human civilization is gestating countless conspiracies.

Chapter 14 The aftermath of European travel in the Minas Oilfield in South China Sea

Morgan came home the next day.A big man like him says he’s busy and he’s busy, and he’s not busy or busy. Many times it’s him, and someone will do it. As a financial representative of the U.S. mission, he is still quite “free”.

"Oh, little Andy is so likable." Morgan hugged Andy and smiled.One-year-old Andy opened his hand to pull Morgan's beard, and was amused and waved wildly.

Situ Nan watched this scene happily, his son's pink smiley face and dark and smart eyes made him full of love.

"Father's responsibilities are always heavy. In this regard, I have to admire Rockefeller and the others. Little Rockefeller was strictly controlled by his father when he was a child." Morgan said.

Although Morgan is still the emperor of Wall Street, it is no longer time for his old son Mao Morgan to cover the sky.In addition to the increasingly powerful alliance of the William Consortium and Mellon Consortium, the rapid development of the Rockefeller Consortium in the financial industry poses a threat to the Morgan Consortium.

"I think they still envy you. Now the Morgan firm has become a creditor of the world. I think if the old Mr. Morgan is still there, he will be proud of you. The old Mr. Morgan is a very respectable person!"

Situ Nan said sincerely.

Although the emperor of Wall Street died, he still left a dynasty, which is not something ordinary people can inherit, but Morgan did it, and it did a good job.

Compared with the more talented and more authoritarian old Morgan, the little Morgan is more tolerant and treats partners such as Paul Vogber equally, so the Morgan Consortium has become more inclusive in his hands and more able to win over Wall Street. A group of followers, Robles Securities has often kept pace with Morgan Stanley in recent years.

"Thank you."

Morgan smiled confidently, swung hard, knocked the ball away, and landed on the grass in the distance.

After playing golf, Situ Nan took out the Russian easter eggs he had just obtained for Morgan to admire.

"This Faberge egg is said to have been shed by the Romanov royal family. I spent 50,000 dollars and took it from a Russian nobleman. Take a look!" Situ Nan said triumphantly.

"Baby of the Romanov royal family? It's really good! How about transferring it to me? I'll pay 100,000 dollars!" Morgan held it in his hand and said in love.

"That won't work!" Situ Nan shook his head and smiled again: "But use your porcelain collection to change it!"

"It's really cunning! Okay! As you wish!" Morgan laughed.

"But the situation in Russia is worrying. The Bolsheviks are getting stronger and stronger. They have gained a firm foothold. Now even those unions in the United States can't make people feel at ease!"

Morgan frowned, thought for a moment, and said: "So we can't suppress Germany too much, but we have to pay close attention to everything in Germany. If Europe is dyed red, then the United States will not be better off."

"But the French don’t think so much. They just want to get back from Germany what they have lost. The British also have this mindset. Only our President Wilson is still obsessed with his fourteen-point principle, and he doesn’t even know if he is fooled. "Situ Nan said disdainfully.

"They are professors, they are always a bit idealistic. It's normal to want to establish an institution to maintain world peace!" Morgan laughed.

The White House is the White House, Wall Street is Wall Street, and each has its own set of rules.For Wall Street and most members of the American missions, their main task for participating in the Paris Peace Conference is to sign a treaty with Germany, and get the benefits first.But the one in the White House didn't think so. He dreamed of establishing an organization to safeguard world peace, the League of Nations. Such idealism was naturally seen as ridiculous by bankers such as Morgan and politicians in Washington.After all, business people are the most realistic people.

"By the way, what do you think of China's Shandong issue? Don't you think that the White House has made too many concessions, making the Japanese more and more arrogant?" Situ Nan asked suddenly.

"Asia is not our focus. However, the Japanese are indeed a bit arrogant and rob us of our interests in China. I don't like them!"

Morgan said, suddenly turning around, taking a meaningful look at Situ Nan, and then smiling: "You! Like Jacob, there is too much worry in my heart!"

Situ Nan was silent, not annoyed by Morgan Road Center, pretending to be relaxed: "Yes, Jacob? Mr. Schiff is indeed a respectable person."

"It's a pity that I can't be as free and brave as Mr. Schiff, so I can only sneak some small moves." Situ Nan added in his heart.

"By the way, I recently heard that Wells Fargo has taken a lot of action and opened many branches in the west. And Robles Securities has an eye-catching performance in the Chicago futures market!" Morgan suddenly turned the topic to the United States.

This made Situ Nan feel relieved. He smiled and said, "Hehe. The banking industry in the United States is not very good. We also tried to integrate it in a small way to reduce disorderly competition. It is not as strong as the wealth of JPMorgan."

Did the expansion of the William Consortium cause Morgan's dissatisfaction?Probably not. The William Consortium did not take action on Wall Street. The scale of Robles Securities could not threaten Morgan Firm.

Situ Nan Xindao.

"Haha. It's not a small move! But you and your partner performed really well, and those hands played beautifully!" Morgan faintly smiled and looked at Situ Nan appreciatively.

He vaguely saw a little figure of his old son Morgan from Situ Nan: keen sense of smell, quick action, dare to take risks!It was during the American Civil War that the Morgan firm speculated on gold rapidly. This is similar to Situ Nan's crazy speculation in the US stock market in 1914, so Morgan, who has always had a father worship complex, has a good impression of Situ Nan.

"I heard that Occidental Petroleum is developing well in Venezuela. I think we should cooperate with the opportunity." Morgan said with a smile.

"Cooperation? Does Morgan's firm want to invest in the oil industry?" Situ Nan asked in surprise, secretly paying attention to Morgan's expression.

"Morgan's focus is still on the European banking industry, but investing in oil is indeed a good choice. Now the price of oil in the United States has risen to $3 per barrel." Morgan laughed, and suddenly said something that made Situ Nan frightened. I have always been very optimistic about Occidental Petroleum."

"Oh, is it?" Situ Nan said, although his expression was calm, he was a little nervous.

Does Morgan want to take a fancy to Occidental Petroleum and want to buy a stake in Occidental Petroleum?Situ Nan thought.He secretly made up his mind to reject Morgan's "kindness" anyway.

It's a pity that Morgan didn't make that excessive request in the end. He just glanced at Situ Nan and almost thought of Situ Nan's thoughts.

"It's just a pity that it can't be used for it." Morgan sighed and said, "Yes. I have an oil company under my umbrella. If there is any good project, don't forget to cooperate with us! Of course, what's so good? You can also come to Morgan Firm to cooperate with the development plan of the company. We welcome you at any time, Stoneney."

Cooperating with Morgan?

What this guy said seemed to be true, and his eyes didn't seem to be fake.

Situ Nan felt a little resisted in his heart, but kept a warm smile on his face. He felt that the company under his control was too profitable. Morgan wanted to get a share of the pie, but he didn't have any malice for the time being.

Thinking of this, Situ Nan had an idea and enthusiastically said: "Speaking of oil projects, I really have one, but unfortunately the funds are not abundant, so there has been little progress. It would be best if you can join in."

"Oh? Sounds good!" Morgan came in interest, but he didn't expect to get Situ Nan's response.

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