The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 1056

"One year, a precious year!"

Putting down the phone, Roosevelt had just thanked Situ Nan for his support. After talking with Situ Nan, he had something in his heart. He knew that the warships that sank in Pearl Harbor could still be used, as long as the difficult moments of a year and a half were passed. , Then the United States...

The American people were immersed in grief, anger, and worry. The William Manor also exploded. Laura and several children showed high patriotism. Situ Nan was not too excited. After all, he knew the result in advance. I was already excited when I was excited.

Sometimes it is boring to live like this.

The eldest son Andy even threatened to join the army. Situ Nan and Laura opposed him. Situ Nan persuaded his nephew Tom to convince Andy: "You sell more war bonds and urge the family factory to produce more weapons and shells. Contribute much more to the battlefield than you alone.

After all, our family is a sword and shield manufacturer in the United States, and has been tied to the American National Movement. It is the first obligation to produce weapons to defend democracy and freedom."

"Well, I'm going to work in Bethlehem." Andy agreed.

Situ Nan nodded and thought: "After working for Bethlehem for a year, let Andy go to Wells Fargo Bank."

After the war broke out, Bethlehem's stock price rose all the way. The largest steel and shipbuilding company in the United States was at its most glorious time, and it was also when Stuart began to transfer investment.

So considering the end of the war three or four years later and the decline of the American steel industry, the historical Bethlehem Company was one of the representatives. Situ Nan began to sell Bethlehem shares. As the war progressed, he sold more Bethlehem shares. Drop and buy war bonds.

This task gradually fell on Andy. This passionate young man saw his father buy a large amount of war bonds, which totaled up to 500 million US dollars, and was extremely moved by his father's patriotic feelings.

Situ Nan didn't explain much, so as not to destroy the image in his son's heart.

Needless to say, at the White House emergency meeting, to defend the continental United States, strengthen the defense force on the west coast, and dispatch the Atlantic Fleet to Hawaii.

The Admiralty also put out a large-scale shipbuilding plan, proposing to build at least 30 large major aircraft carriers, which I believe will be approved by Congress.Even Congress will demand more.

"How to handle the relationship with China has become very important." Roosevelt said with a grim expression.

No matter how expensive it is, we must stabilize the Chinese, let them contain Japan and buy time for us.

"Japan will go south to attack the Philippines. MacArthur can't stand the Japanese for long. The Japanese will attack Singapore, India, or Australia, and war with the United Kingdom.

Although Japan and Germany have no alliance, we can form an alliance with the United Kingdom and join the war against Germany and openly assist Europe."

Army Chief of Staff Marshall said.

Although the Pacific War was serious in form, what did it matter to the army?He didn't want the government to spend its energy on dealing with the Japanese. German talents are the enemy. As long as they defeat Germany, the Japanese will also fail.

But the Chinese are very troublesome.

Marshall had a very bad attitude towards China. He believed that without the acquiescence of the Chinese, the Japanese would not dare to attack Pearl Harbor.

Although it was the Roosevelt administration's strategy to force Japan to go to war, the consequences were just so serious.

"The relationship between Germany and China is indeed very troublesome, but they did not form an alliance after all. Even if they fight against Germany in the future, it is better not to add another powerful enemy before defeating the Japanese."

Roosevelt said helplessly.

"Yes. We must obtain Wuhan's understanding, otherwise no one can stop Japan."

The White House Chief of Staff Stimson echoed the President’s statement, reminding, “Europe is of course important, but if the homeland cannot be guaranteed to be safe, even if we win Europe, the people will overthrow us... The Chinese may be our enemy in the long run. But now only they can help us. As for the UK, apart from asking for things, not even a penny can help."


Marshall snorted, not speaking, angry.

Regardless of what role Wuhan played in this attack, everyone in the White House thought after careful consideration that even if China cannot be an ally, it is best not to become an enemy.

"Oh, Washington is anxious, the Japanese are so cruel!

Since the Americans want to talk, let's talk about it!"

Wuhan, the prime minister’s residence, Song Ziwen and others are also evaluating the tremendous changes the Pearl Harbor incident has brought to Asia and the world.

"Mountains and rain are coming and the wind is full of buildings, the world is full of beacon smoke, China wants to fight for world hegemony, and there are more trump cards! It seems that the progress of the project will be accelerated!"

Absinthe secretly conspired.

Under his leadership, China is developing super-large bombers as a means of launching some kind of bombs.

The Battle of Pearl Harbor also stimulated the navies of China and South China.

Wuhan, the Ministry of the Navy, Chen Shaokan asked Lin Yurong: "If we change to the Chinese joint fleet, can we achieve this level?"

Lin Yurong did not speak, thought for a while, nodded, and shook his head again.

“That’s how the aircraft carrier fleet is decisive. It’s the first to strike first. If it’s not good, it’s a one-shot deal.” Chen Shaokuan shook his head, feeling a little heavy. In terms of hardware, the Chinese Joint Fleet is not much worse than the Japanese Joint Fleet, but the quality of officers and soldiers is far behind. There are still some, "It seems that Bao can't be put on the fleet, and more countermeasures are needed.

Such as submarines!The German submarine force took the British..."

Not long after, Chen Shaokuan ran to the Prime Minister's Office again, begging the Prime Minister's Office to approve the Navy's plan to expand the size of the submarine force.

For this reason, the navy and the army have another quarrel, and the army advocates using more materials on the western and northern battlefields...

United States.

The Americans gradually calmed down and learned from their mistakes. Congress passed a bill to grant the President huge powers. The government began to dominate all aspects of American society. The United States was awakened like a giant, with its huge industrial power transformed into a huge military production.

The three major automobile companies, aircraft manufacturers on the West Coast, and giants in the steel and chemical industries across the United States soon received military orders from the government. The survival plans for various tanks, aircraft, warships, guns and ammunition were distributed almost infinitely. In factories large and small.

Giant stockings sold so hot that they had to stop production and instead produce parachutes and other military materials, such as explosives.

Tokyo was full of joy, and Yamamoto Fifty-Six became a national hero.

The Japanese fell into mad joy. They swept away the pain and frustration of losing "Manchuria" ten years ago, and were extremely proud of the powerful combined fleet. After defeating the powerful United States, Japan could expand at will and be invincible.

Well, this is a bit exaggerated, but the newspapers are propagating this way, and the people naturally believe it.

The people are fanatical, the army is arrogant, and even the cabinet, the emperor and other important officials are triumphant. Only a few sober factions such as Yamamoto 56 and Ishihara Kanji remain calm and worried.

A few hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese launched an attack on the Philippines, known as the Battle of Bataan.Fighters taking off from Taiwan Island bombed the US military airfield in the Philippines. Soon after, the navy fleet covered the army's operations and successfully landed in Manila.

The U.S. Philippine Governor MacArthur fled hastily, taking his family, tutor, and his beloved dog on the submarine.

"I will be back, I swear!"

MacArthur bid farewell to his deputy, Lieutenant General Jonathan Wainlet. After he left, Lieutenant General Jonathan Wainlet was ordered to command the US troops in the Philippines.

The United States cannot afford the result of an admiral being captured. Who makes itself just a lieutenant general?

Lieutenant General Jonathan Wainlet thought humorously.

He embraced MacArthur excitedly and said emotionally: "I believe you will, and you will come back."

MacArthur's submarine soon disappeared from the sea, and the US troops in the Philippines led by Lieutenant General Jonathan Wainlet lost to the Japanese after resistance and had to surrender.

"We are going to Australia and passing through South China along the way?" MacArthur asked the captain in the submarine.

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