The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 1055

It was a pity that it was too late. With the first ray of sunlight in the morning, the rumbling sound cut through Hawaii in the morning. Japanese fighter planes appeared over Pearl Harbor, dropping one after another carefully prepared bombs, and the fierce explosion sounded like a bolt from the blue.

The Americans who were still asleep suddenly felt deafening. They fell from the bed and opened the window to see that the outside world had become a hell. There were explosions, fires, buildings destroyed, and humans fled in horror.

An indulgent pilot rushed back to the airport last night and saw that the base was plunged into a sea of ​​flames. The enemy wanted to drop bombs in the sky, blow up planes on the ground, and shot ground crews. This made his eyes cracked, and he couldn't care about weak feet, and even kneel and climb. , Got on the plane, took off to meet the enemy plane.

As soon as the plane was pulled up, there was a burst of bullets from the back, and the Japanese Zero fighter coming from behind smashed the American plane into the air!

A Type Zero fighter was shot by an anti-aircraft machine gun. When the Japanese pilot gritted his teeth, the plane dragged a long tail of smoke from the air and crashed into the ground building.

This is one of the few Japanese aircraft that was shot down.

I saw a fierce explosion, the building was razed to the ground, fragments shot everywhere, and everyone around was dead.

In the port, battleships and aircraft carriers, these sea giants, were taken care of by Japanese fighters. The Arizona was blown up and the hull turned over. This majestic sea giant turned into a dead fish.


Another 500 kg aerial bomb fell down and landed exactly on the USS Enterprise. It not only blasted a large hole on the deck, but also blasted through the inner cabin. Sea water poured in. The crew inside flooded the sea before they could escape.

The hull began to tilt, sinking little by little!

"Oh, God! FUCK!

Damn Japan!"

The general lay outside the window, cursing at the sky.

"General, the ship is sinking, abandon it!" An officer reported the damage to Rear Admiral Hardsey.

"Abandoned ship!"

Hundreds of miles away from the Japanese combined fleet, Yamamoto Fifty-Six received the battle report, with a smile on his face, as if the huge pressure was suddenly emptied...

The Japanese combined fleet successfully attacked Pearl Harbor and achieved great success, sending the entire Pacific Fleet to the bottom of the sea, including the Pennsylvania, California, Maryland, Oklahoma, Tennessee, West Virginia, Arizona, and Nevada. Eight battleships were devastated, including 7 cruisers and 28 destroyers were sunk and injured.

The three aircraft carriers Lexington, Enterprise, and Saratoga that had escaped in history were not spared and were sunk in the port.

The loss of the Japanese Navy was minimal, with only more than 30 aircraft lost.

They left happily, but left another country with great pain and shame.

Stomped on the Northern Fleet with one foot and overwhelmed the Tsarist fleet with two punches. Nowadays, they are attacking the US Pacific Fleet for thousands of miles. There has never been a navy in human history that has created such a brilliant record in half a century. The era is coming.

History has not changed. The attack on Pearl Harbor is still so wonderful. History has changed a little. The US Pacific Fleet was wiped out. From Midway Island to Hawaii, to the west coast of the United States, there is almost a thoroughfare. As long as the Japanese are happy, they can do it anytime. Landed on the west coast of the United States.

When Roosevelt learned that he had disappeared, he was stunned, almost smashed, shaking so that he could not speak.

How could this be?

He looked at the portraits of American presidents on the wall of the White House. His expressions were painful and regretful. All kinds of tastes were intertwined. It seemed that ten thousand tons of pressure were all at once on his shoulders. He did not recover for a long time until his staff came in and reminded him. Give a radio speech...

He declared war on Japan on the national radio, and angrily accused "This is a vicious and extremely shameless sneak attack."

The Americans were filled with indignation and excitement. They just received the news that Japan declared war. Many Americans ridiculed the Japanese for being too self-reliant, and even asked "What is a Japanese?". Unexpectedly, they slapped their faces like this, and the Pacific Fleet "none". Up?

"The navy is really useless!"

"White House idiot!"

"Kill the Japanese!"


The Japanese had not been killed yet, the radio was the first to suffer and was smashed to pieces!


Situ Nan turned off the radio, and the voice of the president's war declaration on the radio stopped abruptly. Thomas walked in. Situ Nan immediately asked, "What's the situation?"

Thomas shook his head, his face pale: "The whole army is wiped out."


Situ Nan couldn't help but opened his mouth wide, with a look of surprise!

"Damn, it's a big game this time! A big deal is about to happen!"

Situ Nan received the information and saw that the aircraft carrier of the Pacific Fleet above was also sunk. His heart sank and his fingers couldn't help shaking, finally feeling a little scared.

After so many years, the emotion of fear finally appeared on him.

"How do you say, as long as the Japanese are happy, their fighter planes can fly over the William Manor?"

After a while, Situ Nan said sarcastically.

This kind of humor and irony can only be experienced by him, well, he still has a bit of bitterness in his heart.

"Yes, as long as the Japanese are happy, they can do this! No one in the Pacific can stop them!"

Thomas said, he stopped suddenly, "No, there are still people who can stop them, China! The Chinese also have a combined fleet!"

"This is true, but they have no reason to surround Hawaii!" Situ Nan had calmed down and reminded.

"Do not!"

Thomas affirmed, and then analyzed, "As long as the Chinese fleet exists for one day, the Japanese will not dare to land in the United States. I think the Japanese combined fleet should rush back to China at this time to prevent a sneak attack from China."

"That's right. If the Japanese combined fleet hangs overseas for a long time, the domestic defense will be empty. Once the Chinese navy attacks, they will be in trouble."

Situ Nan nodded.

I thought to myself that I was too worried just now. Even if Pearl Harbor was rounded by the Japanese, the West Coast would still be safe.

We lost three more aircraft carriers. With the powerful shipbuilding industry in the United States, it will be enough to build new aircraft carriers in one year. There is no need to worry that the Japanese fleet will visit San Francisco and Los Angeles. Besides, even if the navy is gone, there will be no army aviation. ?

As long as China does not support Japan, the power balance between Japan and the United States will remain unchanged, and the outcome of the Pacific War will remain unchanged.

However, China will definitely not declare war on Japan. If it is cheaper for the Americans, even if they declare war on Japan, they will wait for Japan to die, and then rush forward to stabbing the Japanese in the back.

Well, yes, that's it.

Everything is under my control.

"Although the Pacific Fleet has suffered a devastating blow, Pearl Harbor is not a deep sea. After the warships sunk in the sea are salvaged and repaired, they can recover their combat effectiveness in less than a year."

Situ Nanyue thought that he didn't need to make a fuss. After exchanging ideas with Thomas, he called Bethlehem and asked the company to send a group of engineers to Hawaii to repair the ship.

After Roosevelt delivered his speech, he received a call from Situ Nan. Situ Nan said that the William Consortium supports the President's war against Japan. As long as the funds are in place, Bethlehem promises to rebuild the Pacific Fleet within two years and become more powerful.

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