The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 1051

Song Meiling frowned.

If Britain declares war on China, then the flames of war will be ignited immediately in the Strait of Malacca. Wuhan has notified Nanhua of this, the two sides have reached a consensus, and Nanhua is also ready.

"Yeah, this question is very difficult. Look, if the war doesn't go well, we will retract." Song Ziwen smiled.

On the Soviet-German battlefield, the Soviet army was defeated. This gave Song Ziwen a lot of confidence. The Germans could do it. The Chinese had no reason to fail. Song Ziwen didn't think that the Chinese military was too weaker than the Germans. Now it is the Soviet Union and not China that should be worried. .

In August 1941, the Atlantic Joint Declaration was still reverberating in their ears. Before people had time to marvel, the Sino-Soviet war broke out. The Chinese Defense Forces were divided into three routes, attacking the Soviet Union from Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang.

The first tragedy was Outer Mongolia. In the face of Chinese armored torrents and aircraft cannons, the major generals of the Soviet garrison were quickly wiped out. Clowns such as Qiao Bashan were subsequently convicted of treason and hung their street lights. China regained Mongolia.

"Finally, we have waited for this opportunity for too long!"

On the West Road Army, Wu Peifu was sitting in an armored command vehicle produced in Wuhan. He shook his head and looked at the mighty army passing by. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, "West to Yangguan to reclaim the old land, and one hundred thousand Yan Luo revenge army." His courage returned his qi, and a hundred thousand army rushed into Central Asia, breaking Yecheng, which is said to be the hometown of Li Bai.

Air force fighters in the sky flew by, and they would go to bomb the enemy's airfield, and if necessary, they would fly farther, bombing the Soviet Union's transportation routes and rear supply points.

The Eastern Front was also unwilling to show weakness. Soldiers crossed Heilongjiang and pointed directly at Vladivostok.

German Wolfsburg, Hitler was ecstatic when he learned that China had attacked the Soviet Union, "Damn, the Russians finally tasted of being attacked by two lines!" He immediately instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss an alliance with China.

However, he was a little annoyed by the feedback from Wuhan. The Chinese refused to accept the olive branch of the German Empire and were unwilling to form an alliance with Germany, but said they would continue to attack the Soviet Union and retake the territories looted by Tsarist Russia.However, as the war progressed, the Soviet Union had no time to look around. With its superior force, the Chinese Defense Forces eliminated the main force of the Soviet Far East Army in less than two months and "liberated" the Soviet Union Komsomolsk, Boli and other cities, and then captured Vladivostok in less than a month. After the liberation of the Far East, the war began to spread to the Ural Mountains.

The Soviet Union established a defense line in the Ural Mountains, and the two sides launched a new round of battle.Bloody and cruel, even the snow and wind in Siberia could not conceal the blood flowing on the earth, and gunpowder was everywhere.

The Soviet Union lost its division and ground and was defeated thousands of miles away. To the west of Ukraine and to the east of the Ural Mountains, it was thought that China was occupying it, and the Soviet Union was in danger of subjugation and extinction.

The Chinese seem to have a great appetite. They want to drive the Russians out of Asia and send a large number of planes to bomb Yekaterinaburg. The Soviets built a large number of military industries in Yekaterinaburg in order to protect the Ural industrial base. The bombing, the Soviet Air Force fought back.

With the advent of winter, the Chinese were unable to attack, the Soviet Union was given a chance to breathe, and the two sides were deadlocked on the Ural line of defense.For the time being, the Soviet Union does not need to worry about threats from the East, but has to face even more fierce Germans.

And China wiped out 700,000 to 800,000 Soviet troops at the cost of losing more than 200,000 officers and soldiers, regained millions of square kilometers of territory, and drove the Russians back to their European hometowns.Blessed are the peasants from the mainland, such as the Central Plains Province, who has more people and less land. The state mobilizes them to immigrate to the Far East and Siberia, promising to allocate large tracts of land.

Whether they want to or not, since 1942, China has implemented a policy of large-scale immigration to the new northern territories, and it did not stop until the end of the war.

The fly in the ointment is that Japan took the opportunity to rob Sakhalin.

Not only that, taking advantage of the main force of the Chinese National Defense Forces to be trapped in the Soviet Union, Japan moved southward in close contact.

Berlin and Wuhan frequently contacted, and Hitler proposed that the two sides meet in the Middle East and cut off British and American supplies from Turkey to aid Russia.This important task fell on Wu Peifu of the West Route Army.

Under the city of Moscow, the imposing Germans finally suffered, even if compared with history, at least half a million Far Eastern troops (they were wiped out by the Chinese army) were missing. The Soviets resolutely eliminated Germany at a heavy price. The group army, hundreds of thousands of German troops surrendered in the ice and snow.

The cold became the help of the Russians. They took advantage of the winter to launch a counterattack. The Chinese army on the Ural front also suffered a lot from the Russian counterattack.

1941 was a turning point in history. There were too many earth-shattering events, and the huge Soviet Union was almost destroyed.

Although the Germans lost the [first] Sixth Army Group, they have more of China, who is not an ally but is more powerful than an ally—let’s call it a friend. The Soviet Union suffered far more severe damage than in history, just like history. It might be difficult to get a counterattack.

Under the mediation of the Americans, China and the Soviet Union again engaged in peace talks. In order to gain time, Stalin did not mind returning the Far East to China, but he absolutely could not accept that Siberia also fell into China's hands, and Russia could not become a purely European country.

Wuhan has the same tough attitude. They are the winners, so they naturally want the lion to open their mouths, not only to get back the original territory, but also to charge high interest.

Even if Stalin had a willingness to compromise, he would not be able to do it, because his situation was the same as that of President Jiang during the Chongqing War of Resistance. He could not accept the harsh conditions of the enemy at all and had to die.

In tragic words, it is called "waiting for change".

The only thing that can save the fate of the Soviet Union is the other two powers that were not involved in the war-the United States and Japan.

If the United States and the Soviet Union form an alliance to deal with Germany together, or Japan attacks China, the situation may be reversed.

At the White House, Roosevelt said anxiously to cabinet ministers: "Wuhan's ambitions for world hegemony are obvious. If it is not contained, it will seriously threaten U.S. interests in the Western Pacific."

"It is the Japanese navy, not the Chinese, that threatens the interests of the United States in the Western Pacific." Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox said.

"President, our goal is Europe, and it has always been Europe. The top priority is to assist Britain, and then assist the Soviet Union through Britain. As for the Western Pacific, let's see if China and Japan will fight."

War Secretary Stimson reminded.

Vigilance against China is necessary, but not the most important.

Because the Soviet Union is not an ally, even if the White House is willing to assist the Soviet Union, it cannot bypass Congress and provide assistance to the Soviet Union. It can only hand over the supplies to the United Kingdom, and the British kindly distribute some to the Soviet Union.

After the outbreak of the Sino-Soviet War, Situ Nan's attitude changed a lot. On the one hand, he increased business with Europe and supported the White House to assist Britain. On the other hand, he tried his best to prevent the United States from participating in the war and prevent the United States from joining the European battlefield.

Stuart has many friends, many friends in Congress. They are not only from the Republican Party, but also from the Democratic Party. They are all staunch isolationists who oppose the United States entering the war.

(Well, Situ Nan actually doesn't have many friends. The above sentence is mainly used to satirize Trump, the later grandson of the Republican Party.)

Because Situ Nan was behind the scenes, Roosevelt had to carefully consider the relationship with the Chinese League.

Compared to China whose energy is involved in the Asian continent, Japan makes the US Navy feel more threatened.Without China's constraints, if China and Japan reach an agreement, no one will stop Japan from going south.

Perhaps the Chinese saw the Japanese ambitions and sent the Chinese Joint Fleet to South China, blocking the momentum of Japan’s westward expansion, protecting South China, and at the same time making room for the Japanese navy to gain a “temporary” position in the Western Pacific. Freedom of action.

Going south along the Pacific Ocean, Australia may become Japan's best target. As long as the Japanese pull out the Philippines, then they can go south to Australia freely.

The relationship between China and Japan was complicated and wrong. In the end, the two sides signed a secret agreement. Japan promised not to attack South China and the Japanese joint fleet would not assemble the Strait of Malacca, threatening the safety of the Chinese fleet. Then the Chinese Alliance would support Japan’s right to take free action in the Western Pacific. And provide material support.

China has promised that it will not attack the Korean peninsula and will not regain Taiwan Island for the time being. After Japan acquires new territory, the two sides are negotiating peacefully to return Taiwan Island to China.

In other words, the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula, Myanmar, the Dutch Maguru Islands, New Guinea, and even India are Japan’s “acquisitive spheres of influence, provided that Japan is bold enough to take it.

In order to show its sincerity, Anshan Iron and Steel Company provided the first batch of 150,000 tons of steel to Japan, and Daqing Oilfield will also provide crude oil to Japan. In addition, the two sides signed a huge amount of contracts for food, textiles and other materials.

"The Japanese have a wolfish ambition and give them so many things. Will they bite us in turn?"

When Song Ziwen inspected the enrichment plant, he asked about absinthe with some worry, and finally suppressed the opposition from the military and supported Japan with resources.

"You have to try to know the attitude of the Japanese. If the Japanese don't make a move for a day, aren't we more worried?" Absinthe smiled.

In the Sino-Soviet war, the Chinese National Defense Forces suffered little losses. The deployment of more than one million troops in the coastal areas was sufficient to deal with Japan, and they were not afraid of a war against China.

"It annoys us, it is not good for Japan. Our air force flew from Qingdao to Dalian to bomb in Osaka, Japan." Absinthe analyzed.

"That's how it is said, but you know the temperament of Japanese people, they are easily neurotic, so if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of accidents." Song Ziwen shook his head.

At this moment, he was indecisive of his character.

Absinthe secretly commented that, regardless of Song Ziwen's status as an international figure, Song Ziwen's courage and tenacity are still inferior to Situ Nan.

Song Ziwen’s worries are not unreasonable. Looking at the Sino-Soviet war, China uprooted the Soviet power in Asia and threw millions of Soviets in the Far East into concentration camps. This means of revenge and hatred, Japan will not have any grievances. ?

"The Japanese dared to die, so they let him eat bombs." Absinthe joked suddenly.

As China enters the wartime economy, industrial production has largely tilted toward the military industry. In Asia, it is somewhat of a yellow arsenal.

Thinking that China's industrial strength is five or six times that of Japan, its resources are rich, its population is five or six times, and it can arm an army of tens of millions of people, Song Ziwen thought he had no reason to be afraid of the Japanese!

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