The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic-Chapter 1050

This is why Situ Nan dared to say that he would change the world.

In terms of shipbuilding capacity, the United States is stronger than Europe and Asia combined.

"It's really a great breakthrough in history." Tom was a little proud, and with excitement, he informed Henry Kaiser.

He didn't know that the first assembly line shipbuilding might not be an American patent. As early as a few years ago, in South China and China, the Meihua Shipyard under the Meihua Consortium had made similar attempts, but the scale was too small to disclose. That's it.


There was no hope of landing in Britain. After the Luftwaffe broke down over Britain, Hitler switched to the Barbarossa plan. The German secrets on the Western Route sneaked back to Eastern Europe by train. In June 1914, the Soviet-German War broke out and 3.5 million Germans pounced on Eastern Europe. The soldiers attacked the Soviet Union in three directions, and their opponent was nearly 2.6 million Soviet troops.

The Soviets were caught off guard and followed in the footsteps of the French. They were defeated by the German blitzkrieg tactics.

In the Kremlin, Stalin's face was pale, and his pipe smoking hand trembled slightly, showing his inner anxiety and fear.

Originally, his plan was to wait for Hitler and the British and French forces to kill each other. After exhaustion, the Soviets would go out again, exploding Hitler, and flattening Europe. He did not expect Hitler to move so fast, and he would severely wound the Soviet Union with a trick of the dragon.

Before the German offensive, both the military investigation report and the reminder of the German "female officer" Zorger clearly pointed out that Germany was going to attack the Soviet Union, but he did not believe it. As a result, he was fooled. Seeing that the Germans were about to hit the city of Moscow, they often thought of this. , Stalin felt endless regret.

For the current plan, I can only do it.

He knocked on the pipe and issued the order. The Georgian accent was low, slow and firm. After speaking, he turned his eyes to Zhukov's face. Although Zhukov was a bit unruly, he was capable of fighting and was used by Stalin.

The Soviet-German war has started, so will the Sino-Soviet war be far behind?

Molotov, who is in charge of foreign affairs, secretly worried that Wuhan had incited hatred against the Soviet Union and wanted to regain the lost territory. The Soviet Union had previously fought hard and refused to return it.

Molotov approached Stalin and reflected his concerns.

"Our situation is very difficult. We must stabilize the Chinese and not let them join the war." Stalin ordered.

Hold on?What to hold on?

Molotov smiled bitterly in his heart, and suddenly thought of inciting the opposition parties in China, regardless of the Soviet-raised Yellow Russians who had been involved in the last Sino-Soviet Middle East War, and they became famous in China, so let them jump out. "Defending the Soviet Union" is estimated to be beaten to death by a Chinese street aunt.

It is not easy to think that a snake...

Molotov sighed. After thinking about it, it seems that there is only a slow-down strategy. Negotiate first, and let's talk later.

For the Soviet Union, it was more urgent to form an alliance with Britain and jointly deal with Germany.

Damn the red devil, have you finally tasted the taste of failure?

Nothing was happiest than Churchill when Sude went to war, because the Germans would not land in the UK again, and the UK could be regarded as keeping it.

Then I spent time with the Germans, provided that the Soviet Union could not be killed by Germany all at once.

Britain and the Soviet Union quickly formed an alliance. The British gritted their teeth and allocated part of the supplies ordered by the United States to the Soviet Union.

Britain actively drew the United States into the battlefield, Churchill urgently contacted Roosevelt, and the two sides signed the Atlantic Charter in Newfoundland and issued a joint declaration to jointly deal with fascism.

The United States is only one step away from the battlefield, and it is extremely difficult to take this step.

Who is the fascist?

China and Japan did not respond much to this, and privately believed that the Atlantic Charter was not suitable for the Pacific, and that a decadent colonial empire like Britain should not be protected and continued to exploit the people of Asia.

In the secret negotiations between China and the Soviet Union, in the face of the procrastination of the Soviets, Soong Meiling's attitude became more clear and tough. Wuhan has no patience to wrestle with the Russians whose hands are stained with the blood of the Chinese nation.

In public opinion, the old accounts of the Russians have been turned over, "Herampo Massacre", "The shame of the Ahui Treaty", "How many nations did the Russians kill all the way from Europe to Asia?" "Decline from Nerchinsk Begin", "The Russians owe us 1.5 million square kilometers of territory!"

Such provocative topics frequently appear in newspapers and broadcasts in Wuhan, Shanghai and other places, which is shocking!

Chapter 4 How Shameless Churchill didn't declare war?

Soong Meiling was in a bad mood when she returned home after participating in the negotiation. The attitude of the Russians made her unhappy, and she felt even worse when she met her second sister.

The second sister found Ziwen again.

"There are problems between China and the Soviet Union that can be resolved through peaceful negotiations. If force is used, it will be to help fascists." Soong Ching Ling persuaded.The Soviets told her their wish for peace, hoping that she would use her reputation to deal with her, she agreed, so she found Soong Meiling and Soong Ziwen.

Song Ziwen didn't speak, he knew the attitude of the second sister, and he didn't refute her, just silent.

"Second sister, I know that you are a believer of Lenin. Lenin said that he would return the territories occupied by the Tsar to China. Stalin failed to do so. He is a traitor. We must shed blood and fight even to take back the Middle East Railway. That is on our territory. Ah, is there any reason?

I am also a believer of Lenin. Since Stalin can't keep his promise, then I will personally help him fulfill it!"

Song Meiling categorically cut the railway.

"You, this is a strong word!" Soong Ching Ling said angrily.

The two sisters stared at each other, not giving way to each other, and no one could convince anyone.

"Second sister, we know your intentions, so don't interfere with this matter." Song Ziwen raised his head to persuade.

"Ziwen, you too..."

Song Ziwen shook his head, the arrow was on the string, and he had to send it out. Even if he was the prime minister, he couldn't save it.

The Chinese National Defense Forces have deployed millions of troops on the Sino-Soviet border, including more than half of the armored troops and air force, and it is not a problem to deal with the four or five million Soviet Far East troops.

The Soviet Far East Army is the last in the Soviet Red Army.

Wuhan is confident about this, believing that it can not only defeat the Soviet Far East army and regain lost ground, but also defend the Korean army stationed in Japan.

"Okay, I don't care, you watch it!"

Soong Ching Ling waved away with anger.

In the Wuhan government and the Zhigong Party, Soong Ching Ling had little influence, and even the Kuomintang widows did not take her seriously. The respect for her came more from her being a member of the Song family rather than another identity.

"Every time it's like this, it's not worth it to be noisy about this." Song Meiling and Song Ziwen looked at each other, and smiled helplessly.

"How about the progress of the nuclear bomb project?" Song Meiling hesitated and asked again.

"According to absinthe, it is going well, maybe there are still two or three years away."

After Song Ziwen finished speaking, he had no idea. He was a little doubtful whether it was worthwhile to spend so much electricity to make a legendary bomb.

Now, I can only hold on.

According to intelligence, the Germans are also carrying out similar secret projects.

Since the Germans believe that there is such a existence, Song Ziwen can't give up halfway.He muttered again, "After spending so much money, I don't know if it will be achieved?"

"It's okay to be more prepared. A war against the Soviet Union will test our relations with the United States and Britain.

Let’s forget about Britain. It’s good if we don’t trouble them. See if Britain dares to declare war on us?But the United States is hard to say, the attitude of the Americans is difficult to grasp."

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