The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 1038

Situ Nan shook his head. The movies that people amazed at him seemed to him to be very ordinary, giving Laura a comforting look. Situ Nan started his son. If the heir of the William family likes the hobby of extreme flying, it can't be reassuring.

The Great Depression was the golden age of Hollywood. A movie ticket of 50 cents can numb people and escape the reality of unemployment and debt.

"Hell's Angels" is very successful, Hollywood is boiling, and a blockbuster movie is shown in cinemas across the United States, which is estimated to bring millions of dollars in revenue to Howard Hughes.

He became a movie tycoon, and there were more actresses around him.

However, the movie tycoon's interest has shifted to flying, he turned to develop a world's fastest aircraft.

The aircraft laboratory is located in Long Beach, and several engineers from Lincoln-Cummins Airlines were dug.

Situ Nan didn't stop it after learning about it.

After the producer David Selznick bought the copyright of the famous "Gone with the Wind" film, he was stimulated by "Hell Angels" and prepared to put "Gone with the Wind" on the screen.

This is a multi-million dollar investment, and General Manager Fox did not dare to call the shots, so he came to William Manor.

"Movies are psychoanaesthetics and can soothe people's hearts. The situation in the United States today is similar to the United States after the Civil War, with turbulent unemployment and wandering. I believe this movie can move the hearts of the audience. Go!"

Situ Nan replied.

"Gone with the Wind" certainly burns money. Millions of dollars are more or less, which can be regarded as a small number in Situ Nan’s eyes. Moreover, he has been investing in Hollywood's film industry in recent years, almost watching Hollywood develop step by step. The vigorous development of the film industry has also brought substantial benefits to Cummins Electric and Kodak under the William Consortium.

"Why did you pass easily?" David Selznick couldn't believe it when he got out of William Manor, and he asked Fox who was in the same car.

"This is the first step and the most important step." Fox nodded. Although Situ Nan readily agreed to a one-million-dollar investment, as the company's general manager, he should not be rash. From the film project to the release, he has to choose the role and venue. It will take two to three years at the earliest to complete the process of building a studio and post-production.

He warned again: "David, remember, as long as you don't insinuate and discredit the Chinese, our boss is the most tolerant film company boss."

He is also the most profitable performer of the record company.

Fox added another sentence in his heart.Occasionally, Situ Nan would hand over his records to him. Fox knew Situ Nan’s personality and sold very well. The ten or so records sold over a million copies, and Situ Nan’s identity was completely covered up. Very few people know vaguely that popular American records come from William Manor.

When the summer vacation arrived, Situ Nan suddenly became interested and took Laura and two children on a caravan-style wandering trip.Of course, there are hard-working bodyguards.

I visited the naval port of San Diego, and also passed the Santa Clara Valley, where the fruit is fragrant, and later Silicon Valley is located. There is no HP yet, but ib has already established a branch near the San Francisco Bay.

"The Santa Clara Valley is mainly composed of Italian and Chinese ethnic groups, and they are also keen to grow fruits. How to distinguish between them?

In general, Italians grow grapes, while Chinese grow vegetables and oranges.

Others are wanderers from the east."

Situ Nan drove through Silicon Valley to the vineyard to be visited. He explained to Laura and the children.

"Poor wanderers, we made a lot of money singing in town, should we give them a little?" Alice asked.

Andy next to him also nodded and agreed.

"Of course. But I think if you go pick grapes and give them to them, they will be happier." Situ Nan smiled.

The days out of William’s Manor were joyous and exciting. There were many wonderful things outside, and occasionally seeing some wanderers would make them a little sad.

Situ Nan implemented a "poverty education" for the children. He didn't intend to make them suffer. He just let them know that there are poor people in the world, and ordinary people have to go through hard work to buy cheap food.

Of course there is something for nothing, but it cannot be proud of.

The owner of the vineyard is financially poor, and the Situ Nans naturally become the new owners, and the original owners become the vineyard managers.

Entering the vineyard villa, the breeze is breezy and the eyes are green, Laura exclaimed: "The environment here is not worse than Beverly!"

Talking, suddenly nauseated and vomiting.

Situ Nan first panicked, then surprised, because the third child of the William family is coming!

Chapter 11 Interweaving 1937

The third child of the William family is a boy. One month before his birth, his maternal grandfather Andrew Mellon rushed back from abroad and took the right to name the child and named him Leo.The full name is Leo Mellon William.

Since then, he has been living in Los Angeles and his grandchildren. Los Angeles has his favorite strawberries, apples and other fruits, and the antique cultural relics in the William Manor collection make him nostalgic.

"The Spanish Civil War has been fought for almost a year, and there is still no winner or loser. Which side do you prefer?"

Mellon took a walk, Situ Nan walked beside, carefully assisted Mellon, the eighty old man was as thin as a firewood, with sunken eye sockets, not in good spirits, and his clothes were loose. When the wind blew, his clothes would rise, like a gust of wind. Can blow him down at any time.

Is this what old people look like?If there is no accident, maybe I will also help my elderly parents walk down the streets of Guangzhou, right?

Situ Nan sighed inwardly.Unconsciously, in this life, he has also entered the age of no confusion, and his mentality is quite old.

Hearing Mellon asked him, Situ Nan replied: "Since there is no difference between the victory and the defeat, it is natural to fight, so the blood will be broken, and the victory will always be divided. Except for the Spanish, no one is a loser, and neither is the Kremlin. At least the Kremlin got Spanish gold."

The Russians suddenly became prosperous. Not long ago, they purchased equipment internationally, which attracted the attention of Situ Nan.

"It is not Franco that decides the outcome, but Hitler and Mussolini. Britain and France are indifferent and stand by. I believe they will not miss such a good training opportunity."

Situ Nan said again.

Not long ago, the Germans marched into the Rhine nervously.Hitler ordered to withdraw as soon as the enemy resisted.

As a result, the French and Belgian troops gave up the Rhine.Hitler risked success.Seeing clearly the nature of Britain and France being strong in foreign countries, he became more and more courageous and began to interfere in the Spanish Civil War.

"Europe is going to be chaotic again." After a while, Mellon said.

Maybe it's because he is getting older and his heart is a little soft, Situ Nan heard a little helpless from his emotion.

Back at the door, four-year-old Leo gave Mellon the strawberries he had just picked: "Eat strawberries!"

It was the most naughty age, in the blink of an eye.I don't know where I went.

"It's so sweet, eat one too!" Mellon tasted a strawberry, smiled kindly, touched his grandson's head, and stuffed a strawberry into his grandson's mouth.

"What about me?"

Situ Nan was about to reprimand his son, but he only cared about his grandfather and forgot about his father, when she saw Laura hurriedly approaching.

"Old Rockefeller is dead." Laura said solemnly.

Mellon's face changed, shocked, and the strawberry in his hand fell to the ground.I haven't spoken for a long time...

Old Rockefeller's funeral was solemn and simple, buried in the Rockefeller family cemetery.A cemetery of a few square meters, a cross-marble tombstone, there are no numerous and flashy burials, and no large mausoleum to satisfy one's vanity after death. In short, this is a great Puritan life.

The time was May 1937.

After attending the Rockefeller funeral, the old Mellon was in a low mood. After returning to Pittsburgh, he fell ill again.

When Situ Nan saw him again, the old man was running out of time. He called Laura and Paul to the bed and arranged the will under the witness of the lawyer.

The pre-death arrangement of this businessman who is famous for tax reduction shows his shrewdness, leaving future generations with stocks worth hundreds of millions of dollars, avoiding high inheritance taxes, and stocks cannot be levied on inheritance taxes!

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