The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 1037

Chapter 10 Depression

Recently, there have been more people pursuing me, including a powerful Austrian businessman.

My parents like him very much, and I may soon be married to Vienna.


I hope to have the opportunity to go to the United States and meet the cruel and mysterious William who does not reply to me.

-Poor Heidi!"

Situ Nan was lying on a recliner with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice next to him, recalling a girl I met during the Paris Olympics a few years ago. Looking at the letter she sent from Europe, she felt a little funny, and finally couldn't help replying: " Welcome to William Manor in Los Angeles, brave actress. If you kick your old and ugly husband, I will be happier and willing to help."

From the balcony on the second floor, a rose blooming at the entrance of the villa, the sun shining on the petals and dewdrops, emitting a little pearl-like light, the most beautiful and romantic thing is the red, beautiful figure of Laura, she cuts the rose Flower, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

These acres of roses were planted by Situ Nan himself. After returning from China, Situ Nan was very well-behaved. He did not run around, and his life revolved around his wife and children.

Seeing the roses bloom every day, Laura has a romantic feeling, and she will be satisfied in her heart. She can't help but pick the roses and pack them beautifully. They are placed in the quiet William Manor at home and can't accommodate other women.

"You are leisurely, hiding in Los Angeles and enjoying the California sunshine every day."

Andrew Mellon did not return to China, Robes Mellon first appeared in front of Situ Nan, leaning on the railing, a large number of Situ Nan.

"Why? Does anyone trouble you? A big banker from New York." Situ Nan didn't get up, looked up at Robles and laughed.

In the past year or two, Robles Securities has been digesting the results of the stock market.If it weren't for something, Robles would not fly all the way to Los Angeles.

"Don't you think our president is a troublemaker? The bankers in New York complained to me that the supervision is getting stricter." Robes frowned.

The U.S. economy is sluggish and the financial market is not good. The government rectified the market to rescue the market, but bankers such as Robles still instinctively resisted the shackles from Washington.

"What are you going to do? Boycott Fuxing Finance Company?" Situ Nan asked with a smile.

Robles shook his head.He acknowledged that the government bought bank shares through Reconstruction Finance Corporation and provided liquidity to the banks. Hundreds of banks benefited from this and were able to reopen their doors for business. The confidence of the US financial industry was gradually restored.

The White House stretched its hands longer and longer, and laws and regulations were promulgated one after another. The most controversial issue was the National Industrial Renaissance Law. The government was prepared to fully intervene in the industrial production sector, formulate standards for various industries, set product prices, enterprise scale, and market. Scope, etc., Congress has been arguing for this.

Some congressmen criticized that this is not only unconstitutional, but also naked fascism.

"The National Industrial Rejuvenation Law is not so easy to pass, and even the opposition within the Democratic Party is not small. Before that, the White House has to please the mine owners and farmers in the Midwest and pull them into an alliance."

Situ Nan commented.

"I'm not worried about this. Industrial Renaissance is always a good thing for the banking industry. I got news..." Robles stopped, his face solemn, and a little uncertain. "The White House seems to be withdrawing from the gold standard system! Well, it has to be established. The silver system."

“It’s a bit silly to establish a silver system, but it can please the electoral states in the west? It’s good. We bought a lot of mining companies in Nevada, Colorado and other places, and we also bought a lot of silver. At the time, the price was only 25 cents per ounce. Many mining companies have gone bankrupt. Haha."

Situ Nan smiled.How could Roosevelt who knew that Roosevelt would start with Silver not prepare early?

"I admit that this business is doing well. Silver will go up and gold will go up, then..." Robles also smiled and communicated with Situ Nan. He was even more convinced that the dollar will depreciate next, which is likely to be a substantial depreciation. Otherwise, where does the government get the money to carry out economic reforms?

"The dollar is going to depreciate!" the two said in unison.

Wells Fargo President William Fargo also held the same judgment on this. Wells Fargo has close relations with several Western Silver Groups. Without the support of these states, Roosevelt’s New Deal may not even be passed within the Democratic Party. So he wants Silver Group, the best way. It is to increase the price of silver and use the country's money to buy the silver in the hands of the Silver Group.

How to deploy, don’t worry about Situ Nan. Wells Fargo Bank of Robles is ready. Two closely related banks, Citibank, Bank of America, also joined a new speculation when they got the news.

What worries Situ Nan a little is China. The United States is a big silver producer. China used to be a big silver consumer and has a large reserve of silver. Although the silver dollar has long been cancelled, Wuhan has also established a sound financial order. It will not be as helpless as history. The Japanese suffered heavy losses and large amounts of silver were sold to the United States, while domestic industrial and agricultural exports shrank and industrial competitiveness declined.

In Song Ziwen Lin Yimin's letter, he wrote: "...The Silver Bill is likely to be passed and the U.S. dollar will further depreciate. This is the general trend..."

The same information also spread to Nanhua.

As for how they faced it, Situ Nan didn't care.All things have pros and cons, and the Silver Bill is not necessarily a bad thing for them.As long as the regime does not fall and maintain a stable monetary policy based on national credit, it is also possible to use China's silver reserves to purchase American machinery and equipment.

The judgment of Situ Nan and others was correct. Under the joint efforts of the Silver Group and the White House, the Silver Act was passed, and the U.S. Treasury Department purchased silver in domestic and foreign markets until the silver price reached $129 per ounce or the value of the silver reserved by the Treasury reached 1/3 of gold reserves.

When Robles came to William Manor again, the price of silver had risen to 50 cents an ounce.

"I feel that the president is a bit capable now, even though I still don't like him." Robles smiled and clinked glasses with Situ Nan to celebrate the success of this silver investment. It is estimated that he can make three or four billion US dollars.

"The effect of the New Deal is not satisfactory, it is better than nothing." Situ Nan said.

In the past, the United States made money all over the world, Europe and Asia followed the US economy, and the United States has long been in a surplus in foreign trade.Now that the economic crisis is spreading around the world, all countries are not living well. They are either engaged in fascism or fascification. Without external stimulus, the best situation of the US economy is always good and bad. We can only wait for the next war to come.

Situ Nan told Robles of this point of view, and Robles reluctantly accepted it, joking that war is coming soon.

The real war is still gestating. A war in the movie world that attracts Americans’ attention is in full swing. It is the most money-burning air combat movie "Hell Angels" in human history. The movie investor is a handsome man and a lot of money. Howard Hughes.

This is a playboy, everyone knows, the newspapers often report scandals between him and the actress.

Despite his bad reputation, many women in Hollywood are willing to climb into his bed.

In the Chinese Theater, the Situ Nan family, Robes, Paul Mellon and others walked into the theater box. The film has not yet started. William Fox, the general manager of the William Film Company, and the company’s producer David Selznick came over to greet them, by the way. Sent on the situation of William Films.

Rose still left the film company, tired of acting, and left with some lucky guy. She should be doing well, right?

Situ Nan thought.

Howard Hughes also appeared at this time, thanking Situ Nan for his help.To shoot air combat movies, he rented hundreds of planes, hired hundreds of pilots, and rented half of Hollywood's cameras. In the process, he got the support of William Films.

"You spent a million dollars to make this movie, what is my million dollar movie like." Robles said bluntly.He is also a playboy in New York, and he has much more money than Howard Hughes. He is not as famous as a playboy in Hollywood, which makes him unconvinced.

"I promise you will be shocked." Howard Hughes believes.

Situ Nan saw a scar on Howard Hughes' face, frowned, and criticized: "Does it take such a desperate effort? It's not so lucky every time a plane collided and fell alive."

Howard Hughes felt warm. To shoot a movie, he was floating in the air with a camera in his hand. He should be the worst director in history.

"Thank you for your advice, I will pay attention." He nodded.

The movie begins, and Howard Hughes leaves.

The attention of the people in the box finally shifted to the screen.

"Where did you go?" In the front row sat Howard Hughes' rumored girlfriend, actress Hepburn.Seeing Hughes back, she asked.

"The boss of your company."

Upon hearing this, Hepburn and Gable, the actor next to her, couldn't help but look back at the box upstairs.

The movie is undoubtedly very exciting. Robles was convinced. After the end, he rushed to the front row to congratulate Howard Hughes and came to Hollywood. This guy did not know whether he was interested in movies or female stars. In short, he was very enthusiastic. , Deliberately want to hold a handful of actress.

Later, Karl Hawke asked him to collaborate on a film, but he didn't like Carl Hawke so much, so he agreed.

"Fortunately, I didn't bring Alice here. The scene inside was too scary."

Laura saw her son Andy look excited after watching the movie, and regretted watching the movie. Then Andy, who is over ten years old, is tired of naive Disney animation movies. Why not get excited when she sees the air combat movie?

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