The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic-Chapter 1006

The more Hammer thought about it, the more he felt that this matter could be a big fuss. How to start?

He immediately thought of the story of the western gold digger and the jeans owner, or the barrel I should prepare for wine!

The timber business is promising!

Once the prohibition is released!

Hamer stroked his chin and thought.

Back in New York, the first news he heard was that the Hawke family's steel plant and shipyard were acquired, so he went to visit Situ Nan.

"...So, the Russians think their chance is finally here?" Situ Nan smiled and nodded to Hamer, "Yes, steel's will and ambitions are not inferior to the best Tsar, his chance is coming!"

"Sir, you know their desire for American technology and equipment." Hammer smiled, without denying it at all. Now Britain and France may have to change their attitudes towards Soviet Union.

This is also an opportunity for Hamer himself, he is eager to fly into the sky and build his own business empire.

Hammer still hopes to cooperate with Situ Nan. As a discerning broker, Situ Nan has huge resources behind him, and there is room for cooperation between the two parties. There is no reason not to continue the cooperative relationship in the past.

Knowing that Hammer was buying American technology and equipment for the Soviet Union, Situ Nan did not resist this kind of cooperation, so Bethlehem Steel and China Northern Steel Corporation soon reached a deal and sold a large amount of technology and equipment to the Soviet Union.

Chinese (Southern China) and Russians brandishing banknotes and making big purchases in the United States have become unique memories in the 1930s.

After several games, the William Consortium still failed to annex Citibank, but with nearly 30% of the shares, it could compete with the alliance formed by the Rockefeller family and the Stillman family. The two parties held equal shares, forming the William Consortium and the Rockefeller Consortium. Jointly control the situation of Citibank.

Situ Nan regrets this, but he can accept the result of half of Citibank.

During the Citibank battle, the William Consortium spent a lot of money and had to slow down the pace of expansion.

Coincidentally, Citibank is not the only fat company coveted by large consortia. The Bank of America, which emerged in the west and is slightly worse than Wells Fargo, was suddenly attacked by the Morgan Consortium and supported by the Rockefeller Consortium.

"This time we have taken care of it. JPMorgan has acquired a considerable portion of the shares. It is certain that we will enter the board of directors."

Robles said annoyed that he did the first year of junior high school and was done the fifteenth, and it really felt uncomfortable.

Bank of America is a member of the William Consortium, but it is not completely controlled by the William Consortium. Situ Nan abided by his commitment to the founder, Amadi Janini, and did not interfere with the bank's business strategy, resulting in a diversification of the bank's equity.

With the exception of William Financial Holdings, which holds more than ten percent of the shares, the remaining shares are dispersed among millions of small shareholders, with very few shareholders holding more than one percent.

There was no problem in the economic boom, but the expansion of the William Consortium in the banking and financial industry seriously threatened Morgan's interests. Morgan needed to strengthen its control over the US banking industry, so it targeted Bank of America.

"Fortunately, I found it, otherwise Morgan's conspiracy would succeed."

Robes had lingering fears.

Situ Nan frowned, shook his head and analyzed: "Morgan's influence is still very large. It is definitely not a sudden intention to buy stocks from those small shareholders without telling us, but a premeditated plan."

"I know your appreciation for that Italian, but this time he can't be left alone. The one-yuan shareholder model is no longer suitable."

Robes warned.

In order to compete for the shares of Bank of America, Robles Securities paid a considerable price, and now that Bank of America stockholders see the stock price rise against the market, they are beginning to hold back.

It can be seen that the William Consortium and the Morgan Consortium are indeed battling with gold and silver.

In this regard, Robles was naturally dissatisfied and advocated that the William Consortium directly controls the Bank of America, even if it is divided by the Morgan Consortium, it is better to leave the William Consortium in the hands of the Italian.

Situ Nan defaulted.

He was recalling history, and after thinking for a long time, he finally remembered that Bank of America was indeed infiltrated by the Morgan Consortium in the parallel position, and Amadi Janini had to leave at last.

It is meaningless to continue fighting with Morgan. The William consortium wants to reap the small and medium-sized companies, and this is what all large consortia should do.

Situ Nan took the initiative to call Little Morgan, implying that if the other party doesn't give up, he will take another shot against General Electric.

At the same time, the Robles Securities Co. started on the small and medium-sized banks on Wall Street. Those were all forces belonging to Morgan's Wall Street Alliance.

"You won half of Citibank, and I only got a third of Bank of America, this time you win!"

Little Morgan called.

"You still made a profit, haven't you?" Situ Nan was not too happy about Little Morgan's weakness, but calm.

As part of the compromise, the William Consortium and the Morgan Consortium later exchanged some shares in General Motors, General Electric and Bank of America to strengthen their control of their respective companies.

On the Hudson River, the wind was bleak, and the cruise ship William sailed out to the warm Caribbean Sea.

In 1930, the stock market crashed for three months. The stock market is like the weather in New York. It is getting colder and colder. It is desperately cold. On the sea, you can faintly see the ice in the sea. The cruise ship has a party and a warm tropical revelry.

The loser had to struggle in the cold water, helpless and desperate, raising his head only to see the dark night sky.

Situ Nan stood on the bow deck and looked back at the brightly lit Manhattan. The main body of the Chrysler Building that has been built can still see the lights. It was construction workers rushing to work.

Wall Street newspapers described this as a car company with a comfortable life, and its abundant funds made it impossible for other consortiums to take it.

What is even more absurd is that during the Great Depression, did General Motors have the courage to continue to build high-rise buildings?

Although GM’s investment ratio in the construction of the Empire State Building has shrunk significantly compared to the original plan, the capital for the building is mainly raised by the infatuated Rascob, which also shows that the life of the giant company is still happy.

No matter in New York or Los Angeles, no matter how many Hoover Villages there are, the upper class is still feasting, and the golden lustre still exists in the twenties.

For a few people, the dream of prosperity continues.

When winter passed and spring came, the waves had gone, and Jiangnan was green again, Situ Nan left New York.

"How come I feel like running away? Or am I guilty?"

Situ Nan said to himself, Robes, Livermore and others in the warm cabin are reveling at this moment.

Yes, they make too much!

Now they are all billionaires!

William Financial Holdings holds a large number of shares in Wells Fargo, Citibank, Bank of America Robles Securities and American China Bank, and directly controls assets of more than 10 billion U.S. dollars, and the scale of assets has surpassed Morgan Bank.

The total assets of the big banks and large enterprises controlled by the William Consortium account for more than 35% of the eight major consortia in the United States!

There are good people claiming that Wall Street has entered the William era.

In fact, the Morgan Consortium has not declined. The scale is about 70% to 80% of the William Consortium, and it is still the top power of Wall Street and the United States.

"I can smell "everyone is drunk and I am alone" from afar. Your friends are so happy that I don't need to use music to tease them!"

Amidst the sound of the Deng Ying waves, a quiet man walked up to Situ Nan in a shabby windbreaker with his hands in his pockets, looking unexplainably casual.

"It seems that Mr. 1900 is unwilling to serve the big figures on Wall Street." Situ Nan smiled slightly, music is magical, and it is easy to form a conditioned reflex after listening to it. For example, an apple has the magic of MLM.

The musician who was unwilling to land on the ship was demolished and had to be transferred to the William, but he did not like this private cruise ship.

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