The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic-Chapter 1005

During this period of time, Washington’s aid economy was weak, and those “can't afford to lose” guys built Hoover Villages and Hoover bags Hoover carts in the city. These words also became popular.

This is in stark contrast to the promise that the slogan "Each family has a chicken in the pot and two cars in the garage" was shouted before the election!

What's even more amusing is that the government is determined to revitalize the economy and has also introduced related measures, but it firmly opposes the relief of the unemployed. This conforms to the tradition of the Republican government, but it has greatly lost the hearts of the people.

Andrew Mellon became the target of public criticism, and all the good words about him in the newspapers were gone.

He was under a lot of pressure, his spirit was much worse than in the past, he was thinner, his hair was whiter, and his complexion was dull. Situ Nan sighed in his heart.

I knew why today?I reminded you that the rapid retreat is the best choice!

Chapter 227: The Largest Consortium

Originally thought that Old Morgan, Old Rockefeller, and himself, were already peerless geniuses in the United States. This group of smart people who came from the Gilded Age had built a huge business empire. Unexpectedly, in their lifetime, they could see more talented people than themselves. character!

Outsiders might think that Situ Nan was next to the Mellon family, and Andrew Mellon watched Situ Nan coming step by step, not relying on the Mellon family, and the cooperation with the Mellon consortium was more derived from the combination of interests of both parties rather than feelings.

Even if there is no Mellon family, this guy will still rise and emit a dazzling light!

The William Consortium is not what it used to be. It seems to be the largest power in the United States. This is not the case. On the one hand, it is appealing to the Morgan Consortium and the DuPont Consortium, while on the other hand it launches an attack on the Rockefeller Consortium.

Situ Nan's eyes were calm, and the two looked at each other calmly.

Everyone is smart and doesn't need to explain too much.

Andrew Mellon did not heed Situ Nan's advice, and Situ Nan ignored Andrew Mellon's admonitions, and firmly arranged the stock market disaster and took the opportunity to attack other consortia.

It may be that people are getting older and more concerned. Andrew Mellon can't help but care about the actions of the William Consortium: "You have so much confidence? Little Morgan is not easy. Old Rockefeller is not dead yet? Is it too anxious?"

"it's OK."

Situ Nandao, was silent for a while, how could there be no pressure?I just don't want to say it.

Feeling that this answer is too light, and added, "For this, I have been preparing for many years."

Prepared for many years?!

Andrew Mellon stared at Situ Nan. The Mellon family's gray eyes that could find wealth tried to burn their eyes, trying to see through Situ Nan's deep night sky-like eyes what a world was behind!

Thinking of the actions of the William Consortium over the past few years, Andrew Mellon has to believe that the people in front of him can really see through the future!

"Go out with me!"

Andrew Mellon whispered softly, and Situ Nan stepped forward and helped the old man, who was as thin as the wind, to take a walk in the yard.

Both of them tacitly did not continue the heavy topic just now, did not even discuss the economic policy of the Hoover administration, but discussed family trivial matters.

Speaking of his lovely grandson, Andrew Mellon had a smile on his face.

The Mellon family did not lose much in the stock market crash. On the contrary, their strength has increased slightly. It is just that Uncle Andrew’s fame is about to fall in the final years.

What moved Situ Nan was that, despite some concerns, Andrew Mellon continued to support Situ Nan and blocked the political attacks for the William Consortium.

"Some things have to be done speedily, otherwise it won't be so easy when Roosevelt comes to power!"

Situ Nan bid farewell to Andrew Mellon, he determined to think.


After integration, the Hawke family's steel plant and shipyard were merged into Bethlehem Steel.

The Kuhnlob Consortium suffered a severe loss and had to withdraw from Bethlehem Steel.

Stuart regained control of Bethlehem Steel Company by acquiring shares of Bethlehem Steel Company in the market.

After the reorganization, Bethlehem Steel surpassed U.S. Steel Corporation to become the world's largest steel company. However, in the Great Depression, the larger the scale, but the serious lack of social demand, it does not seem to be a good thing.

Under Situ Nan's will, it is natural for Bethlehem Steel to lay off a large number of employees and sell assets.

With the support of the U.S.-China Bank, the Northern Iron and Steel Company from China quickly reached an acquisition agreement with Bethlehem Steel. In order to make a living, tens of thousands of American engineers and workers will soon cross the ocean.

Of course, there are all kinds of equipment.

"Johnson, I have to tell you bad news, you have been fired!"

Johnson, an engineer from the steel plant, walked into the manager's office. Hearing this, no one wanted to live in Hoover Village.

"At the same time, there is good news. There is a new job here. I think you are the right person." The manager's words saved Johnson from the brink of collapse.

"What? Go to China?" Johnson's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't been to Asia. He was a little bit resisted when he heard the news.

Capitalists still have to close factories, sell equipment, and even sell their employees to strangers.

"Okay, my buddy, don't be bitter. By the way, we are going to the place where the President fought. It is said that he deceived the Chinese there. Now as servants, we are going to China. The boss made an atonement!"

The manager joked with a smile.

Seeing Johnson puzzled, I don't mind repeating the black history about Hoover that I heard from my Chinese colleague.

"You mean us?" Johnson discovered the problem. "You too..."

The manager nodded, shrugged and relaxed: "At least you don't have to live in Hoover Village, do you?"

"Yes, damn stock disaster!"

Johnson agreed, and the two looked at each other and smiled, and found the feeling of pity for the same disease.

"Hi, Johnson, welcome you to my home country in advance, I believe you will soon fall in love with my hometown-that famous city with a thousand years of history."

After a while, a Chinese man in his early thirties came in, and Johnson soon knew that his former Chinese colleague had transformed and was about to become the director of a new steel plant.

There are many people in Johnson's situation. Whether they want to or not, they have to travel across the ocean to find a way out in a foreign country.

Carl finally left the sad East Coast and took his family to the warm West Coast, where he opened a film company in Hollywood.

When the economy is down, entertainment will also flourish, and Carl chose a good time.If he can embrace the golden age of Hollywood.

At this time, a millionaire is rushing back to New York.After learning that the U.S. stock market crashed and the economy fell into recession, Hammer immediately stopped investing in the Soviet Union and returned to the United States.

This is all right. American capitalists who originally disapproved of the blockade of the Soviet Union, now faced with the checks made by the Soviets, would definitely be eager to put aside the slightly reserved posture of the British and French reactions and embrace their hated enemies.

Hammer is very confident.

As a keen broker, he has his own set of judgments on the international situation.The performance of the Hoover cabinet in the economic crisis is extremely bad. Everyone knows that in order to expand tax sources, whether the Hoover administration or the next government, will use their brains on Prohibition, right?

Instead of putting hundreds of millions of dollars in the pockets of gangsters and bootleg dealers, and cheapening those tax evasion and tax evasion, who in turn opposes the government in the first place, how about the federal government?


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